View Full Version : S14 Kouki Driver Side Fender

06-18-2006, 02:20 PM
Yeah, as stated, I'm looking for a S14 Kouki Driver Side Fender. I've been trying to find one for quite a while, and still no luck. Any color.. it doesn't matter (I'll be ending up trading it to someone that has a GREEN ONE.. which I NEED, but he's painting his car, so he doesn't really care.)

So yeah, if it's the "COBALT GREEN" color, GREAT. I'll take it. If not, let me know. Please I need a STRAIGHT fender though.. with no signs of dents blahblahbahl. Local pickup is prefered, but if the price is decent, I'll pay for shipping.

06-18-2006, 02:42 PM
im looking for the same...only in Norcal....

06-19-2006, 02:02 AM
same here... in socal though. COBALT GREEN!

btw how are your kts holdin up from that group buy... lemme see some pics.

06-19-2006, 02:34 AM
Uh yeah I'm in socal. AND I NEED IT WAY MORE THAN THEY DO! I'VE MADE LIKE 5 of these posts in the last 8 months like this already! haha. But let me know first people. I really need this.