View Full Version : Bay Area folk please read

06-12-2006, 09:57 AM
Hello everyone, my name is Alex and like many others I have been upset about the recent events with drifting in nor-cal. Well, I have a solution for all us. Recently I wrote a letter to the editor in a local paper just to see if anyone would actually see it, and well someone did! Steve Hazelton of American Canyon owns Vallejo Speedway, and is a local racing promoter. He read my article and is very interested in getting some new venues for us. I met with him today just to discuss some things and possibilities. Now he wants to get in touch with Todd and Don, and everyone who runs NCDA, because he is new to drifting and will need some help on how some things are done. Now what we need most is to get people together who are SERIOUS about finding new venues for us. I know with the help of NCDA we can get this done. What he is thinking of is at least a monthly race for us to get together, compete, and so on. He knows places in Stockton, Roseville, Lakeport, etc. All local area for the bay, about the same type of drive to altamont. Depending on where you are coming from. Our goals are to make a local venue drifter friendly, to gain publicity from new and different type of people, and most of all spread the word about the new exciting sport of drifting. Hey guys we can finally show them we aren't just punk kids and we can do something!

Action: I need everyone who is interested to email me with their info.
Please have
-your name
-what you drive
-pics of your car might help too

Basically we need to get as many people together so the people who own the track/fairgrounds can see that they will be attracting big crowds, and more $$$ for them. Please everyone lets get together and make something happen. We can't rely on Altamont anymore because it's proven to be an unstable place to race. One minute we're in, and the next we're out. Hopefully we can make a movement and get the drift scene out in the bay a better reputation. Thanks to all, and thank you for reading.

Contacts: Alex Franceschi email: [email protected]
Steve Hazelton " : [email protected]

To keep with up the info jus check out ncda.net/forums cause that's where I'll post most of the info. Thanks everybody!

06-12-2006, 10:59 AM

06-12-2006, 03:29 PM
was this printed in the press democrat? what day was it published?

06-12-2006, 03:29 PM
delete double post

06-12-2006, 05:14 PM
sounds awesome i hope it works out for all of us emailed you the info you asked for

06-12-2006, 06:51 PM
Emailed my info to ya. :rawk:

06-12-2006, 07:15 PM
sounds like a good move im in!!!!!!!

06-12-2006, 08:09 PM
link to the ncda thread pls.

06-12-2006, 11:38 PM
Problem here is that Don has no affiliation with NCDA anymore, and, from what I understand, is no longer interested in dealing with the overly dramatic NorCal drifting crowd.

So you might want to take Don out of the equation.

Good job though, much props for getting the story in print.

Did you try sending it to any other (read: bigger) papers? Even just sending out feelers would generate some interest, I'm sure.

06-13-2006, 02:23 AM
Don I know is no longer invovled except for driving, but Todd still is and I believe Henry too. I haven't tried too many other papers. I just did Vallejo and Napa area that's all. Here is the link on ncda http://www.ncda.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1448
Thanks guys for the emails. I just hope we can find something out here that's within range and affordable. I just can't wait to get out and drive!

06-13-2006, 11:44 AM
What is considered affordable? I'm willing to host more events at Altamont, but I need to know what affordable is. Is $125 not affordable?

And what's the big deal regarding who hosts the event? NCDA or not it's still being able to drive right?

06-13-2006, 01:07 PM
What is considered affordable? I'm willing to host more events at Altamont, but I need to know what affordable is. Is $125 not affordable?

And what's the big deal regarding who hosts the event? NCDA or not it's still being able to drive right?

I think everyone wants altamont to be how it used to be, 50 bucks to drive 5 to watch, i dun mind paying 60 bucks but honestly, NCDA was a great organization. 125 is more than double what we used to pay.

06-13-2006, 01:56 PM
We use to have it nice, 50 bucks twice a month and the 125 at the parking lot event in berkeley once a month. Now none, except for the coming up.

Alex sending you info! Hope all is well!

06-13-2006, 02:11 PM
I think everyone wants altamont to be how it used to be, 50 bucks to drive 5 to watch, i dun mind paying 60 bucks but honestly, NCDA was a great organization. 125 is more than double what we used to pay.

I don't want Altamont how it used to be. I like the new renovationed track. I don't mind paying $125 knowing I pay $200+ for a normal road race/HPDE event with other organizations.

Everyone just has to realize that $50-60 drift events are a thing of the past. Move on and stop complaining about stupid things with other organizations. If they do come back for that price... I'll be the first to sign up!

I'm willing to invest my time and money to make events happen in norcal, but I don't want to have to deal with all of the drama and complaints that are put out there. It just seems that everyone is very unappreciative of the fact that people are taking time out of their regular lives to help you guys have an event because of no obvious reason or foundation for argument.

Why not be adults that will gain respect for themselves and drifting as a motorsport. Rather than how everyone views Norcal drifters right now... Cry baby punk kids that do stupid things on the streets like sideshows etc.

06-13-2006, 02:22 PM
If I were Jay, I'd be tired to death reading about fuckin cheap ass babies that can't afford to pay for track time.

Cars are not like action figures, you gotta pay to play. There's no game of imagination involved. Stop dreaming about what NCDA was GONNA be, and start seeing Altamont for what it is.

Now is not the time to continue to cry and harass Jay or Altamont about NCDA. Let NCDA handle their own shit. If you guys wanna get on track and drive pay up, it's very simple.

Plus, registration is full, I don't know what anyone that slept on registration is still crying about.

06-13-2006, 02:33 PM
I don't think they're getting on me in this thread about things... but thanks for the backing!

What I'm trying to help you guys understand is that it's not easy to host an event. It's actually easier to do it at a track rather than a parking lot. There are a lot of details but it's the truth.

I'm also hoping that all of you guys will learn how to be respected and act in a manner that will command respect from others so that when you're asked about the motorsport that you enjoy... a nose isn't turned up at you because they look at you as Sideshow Bob. It won't only help you succeed in helping drifting grow as a motorsport but it will help you not fail at life.

Just my $.02 and I hope that other orgs can help host events too soon because it's really hard with my busy work schedule. But I'm down to help Norcal drifters out as much as I can!

As long as this first event goes well... plan on one a month from our group and full cooperation from AMP. We don't want to be on probation for our next event because there will be a comp and prizes and we don't need additional obstacles to get it going.

06-13-2006, 04:22 PM
This thread is about keeping drifting alive and possible places where new events can be held.

Stfu with this $50 altamont. That was then and this is now. What Jay and this thread starter are doing is making it that way you don't have to drive to so cal and pay entry.

Gas prices rose as will motorsport events.

06-14-2006, 12:24 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing the price at about $100 to drive. I actually wanted to drive at Drift Battle really badly!! But I am in debt with medical bills and some other things that happened earlier in the year. By the time I had the money reg. was full :(
But yes what I'm trying to do is just open more events for us. Right now there are just the two events for drift battle...that's it. I'd like to see more frequent events like before. I'm a broke college student but am willing to shell out some cash to drive in an appropiate place. I will probly be at drift battle though to at least watch. I haven't been able to drive in awhile. At least I can watch others :)

06-14-2006, 05:10 PM
Right now there are just the two events for drift battle...that's it. I'd like to see more frequent events like before. I'm a broke college student but am willing to shell out some cash to drive in an appropiate place. I will probly be at drift battle though to at least watch. I haven't been able to drive in awhile. At least I can watch others :)

This isn't about hating on driftbattle or choosing sides/organizations. This is about increasing the number of events that drifters can attend. Money is not the only issue, time is also a factor. Not everyone can make a Thursday event and not everyone can make it on a certain date. It is obvious there is a huge demand for drifting b/c the driftbattle reg filled up in 4 days!! We want to drive and we want to do it as often as possible! Alex is working to give us the opportunity to do that.

We all respect Jay for his time and effort and he already has my $125. But a lot of us are still greedy and want more seat time.

06-14-2006, 05:14 PM
Just an FYI... weekend rentals are more expensive than weekdays. I'll try and work something out with AMP for the next event, but what is hard is trying to get a consistent showing of 30 cars at each event if you're doing it bi-weekly. There's no real way to guarantee it especially at $100+ per session. This is why NCDA was so awesome. $50-60 per event you really can't beat it. But if there are too many orgs hosting events nobody will be able to even break even on cost... leading to no more events from that org or many others.

I'll try these first 2 out and if everyone wants them to continue, I will keep working at it.

06-14-2006, 11:25 PM
If you can make it happen man that'd be awesome. I'd drive for sure. I was completely suprised by how full the reg. was for the july event. It just sux though cause right now those are the only two events up here for the year wtf is that!? Well, I'd like to at least bring something that is once a month. I think that will make it so people will get to do their drift thing and we could have a decent outcome. Right now there are no competing organizations. Just your drift battle, nothing else. So, I figure there are still many drivers wanting to drive out here and willing to pay.