View Full Version : Car sits UNLEVEL.. WTF....HELP!!!!

06-11-2006, 02:47 PM
Ok... My car has Apexi WS Coilovers, and suspension tech swaybars front/rear.

NOW...wherever i park, no matter what, my car sits uneven in the rear. The DRIVERS SIDE REAR is ALWAYS lower(one finger gap) than the Passenger side REAR(two-three finger gap).

At first I thought this was due to ONE coilover spring sagging, or being adjusted higher than the rear.. SO.... I SWAPPED REAR COILOVERS.... Put the left on the right, and the right on the left. I didn't adjust them at all during the swap...

NOW...the car still does the EXACT same thing... WHATS GOING ON? thanks guys.

06-11-2006, 02:56 PM
I know bad stock buhsings can cause this if some of them tore away from the metal sheel alowing it to move more like a ES buhsing or pillow ball type bearing....brand new teh stock bushing aren;t allowed to move around the metal sleeve there basically under tension the whole time which can effective aid if the supension wanting to left teh car or not if they are shot out...

Uneven camber can cause height issues

Sometimes corner balancing is need to get the car to sit even

06-11-2006, 03:11 PM
But why would the car sit uneven on the SAME SIDE, when the shocks were switched side to side?

The car has all good bushings/bearings......

06-11-2006, 03:23 PM
But why would the car sit uneven on the SAME SIDE, when the shocks were switched side to side?

The car has all good bushings/bearings......

Is the camber good all around......front camber can also influence rear height and vise versa....so make sure your camber is good to go the more closer to zero camber your are for a particular wheel the higher the car will be on that corner.

06-11-2006, 03:29 PM
When did you install the Swaybars?
Did you do it with the rear completely in the air?

06-11-2006, 03:33 PM
Maybe that side has been hit and whoever did the body work did a crappy job.

06-11-2006, 03:47 PM
there is NO bondo on the car at all. I didn't install the rear sway...It came on the car.

Should i jack up the rear, and loosen the nuts that hold the bar to the car, and then retighten them? I'm not sure how that could possibly help, but i'm willing to try anything right now..

06-11-2006, 04:21 PM
Worth a shot. Sway might be bent.
Has this been a problem ever since you got the car?

If the coilovers are at the same height and the sway is tightened properly, try taking it to an alignment shop and see if they can look at it.

It'd be a good idea to go to a shop that also does corner weighting because they'll have more experience with that.

06-11-2006, 05:51 PM
thanks neme....

I just raised the rear of the car completly.. Loosened all of the sway bar nuts/bolts, and retightened everything..
STILL the SAME THING!!! GRRR. I guess i'll try an allignment shop....
Is there a way to tell if i have a bent sway bar? They are Suspension techniques, but i cant even find their website... I even searched google!? Anyways, i'm wondering if i could send them to S.T. and see if they would tell me if they are good or bad?

06-11-2006, 06:46 PM
One side of my car always looks higher, but I think it's because I'm crazy.

I have more camber on one side of my car than the other in the front.

06-11-2006, 06:50 PM
haha. yeah, i thought i was just crazy too.

then i busted out the tape measure, and it turns out i was right... one side is 1/2-1 inch higer...ALWAYS...

06-11-2006, 08:27 PM
corner weighing a car probably won't help w/ the gap issue because the result is not to get the ride height the same all around. it' normal for cars to sit uneven, especially old cars with older bushings. just fill up your gas tank, and keep it filled, lol. But, if you really are that concerned with the gaps being the same, just change the height of the coilovers.

07-24-2009, 09:18 AM
I'm having the same problem on my hatch. Just that I dont have Coilovers, I'm running KYB Gr2's with Tein springs. The passenger front sits higher then all other corners following the rear passenger sitting just a tad lower. The driver side sits even more or less. The lowest side is the driver rear making it have a Gangster lean. Its so annoying, i love looking at the driver side but hate looking at the passenger side. i wish i knew what can be done to fix this other then buying coilovers...

S-Nation S13
07-24-2009, 10:28 AM
i have the same problem went to wheelstore did alignment,corner balance,they adjusted my rear coils to make my car sit right but my coils are uneven in order to make my car sit even

07-24-2009, 02:25 PM
i have the same problem went to wheelstore did alignment,corner balance,they adjusted my rear coils to make my car sit right but my coils are uneven in order to make my car sit even

dam that blows.. well as long as its rides good. but anyways maybe your car was hit and never reported?? could be possible. jack your car up and make sure nothings bent, unfortunately i had to learn the hard way...but if it wasen't the sway bar, try an alignment shop. :)

07-24-2009, 03:09 PM
This is like one of my most hated things about a car when its uneven, man it pisses me off. Well i had more camber on one side than the other and my fender was slightly bent so i felt stupid afterwards. Hope you figure it out.

07-24-2009, 03:13 PM
our cars are 15+ years old... what do u expect from the chassis!

07-24-2009, 03:30 PM
i have the same problem, after reading all of this, ill know what to check and try out.

07-24-2009, 03:33 PM
This thread is old, and there have also been other threads on this.

It is normal.
That is how the car was made.
The passenger side rear fender sits higher than the driver side one.

07-24-2009, 08:55 PM
lol 2006. car may even be long gone.