06-13-2002, 10:26 AM
OK well, on my way home yesterday, I was looking at how fast I was going, and all of a sudden the needle just drops. So as I was still heading towards my house, I was in 3rd, at about 3000, and just decided to get on it, took it to about 4500, and it had like a fuel cut-off, does the same thing in fourth gear, once it hits that I can shift to a different gear, and I can give it gas just fine, but if I stay in the same gear, the throttle is useless until I drop back down to 3000 RPM, and I also found out that it likes to throw that governor in at about 5500 in second. Any Ideas? BTW, the odometer, and trip meter also arent working, is it maybe a speed sensor, or something of the sort? That is located on my tranny right? Thanks everyone