View Full Version : Speedometer stopped working

06-13-2002, 10:26 AM
OK well, on my way home yesterday, I was looking at how fast I was going, and all of a sudden the needle just drops. So as I was still heading towards my house, I was in 3rd, at about 3000, and just decided to get on it, took it to about 4500, and it had like a fuel cut-off, does the same thing in fourth gear, once it hits that I can shift to a different gear, and I can give it gas just fine, but if I stay in the same gear, the throttle is useless until I drop back down to 3000 RPM, and I also found out that it likes to throw that governor in at about 5500 in second. Any Ideas? BTW, the odometer, and trip meter also arent working, is it maybe a speed sensor, or something of the sort? That is located on my tranny right? Thanks everyone

06-13-2002, 03:35 PM
Topics only been viewed 6 times, so....Bump.

06-14-2002, 05:26 PM
I do not own a 240 yet, but I am pending a buy on an s13. I had a similar problem with my jeep though. It is an '88, so it doesn't have a whole lot of electronics. My speedo and odometer stopped working, and so I took the dash apart. Turns out there was a metal casing with a flexible cable in it that the wheels spin to tell the speedo how fast you are going, and this had fallen off. If you havent loked at the back of your gauge panel, I would do that.