View Full Version : tokyo drift... good or bad?

06-05-2006, 11:22 AM
by now im sure just about everyone has heard that the new " fast and furious. tokyo drift " is just about to come out into theaters. and im sure everyone here has some kind of opinion on the past " fast and furious " movies. im just curious on what everyone else thinks about this new movie.
personally i think that the movie might be cool, BUT!!!!! i would rather ban it from ever coming out because im afraid that after this movie comes out that it will do to drfting what the first " fast and furious " did to street racing. drifting will get a really bad rep. every kid will leave the theater and jump in his moms convt. mustang and go try to drift around the nearest corner and run over 10 kids, 5 dogs, 3 cats, his own brother, and a black bear... all before wrapping the vehicle around a phone poll like a ribbon at xmas:fawkd: im really afraid that drifting is going to become what drag racing became. a sport w/ a bad rep and on the front cover of the newspapers...
...... WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?!:loco:

06-05-2006, 11:27 AM

here you go. A whole thread dedicated to the upcoming movie.

06-05-2006, 11:31 AM
you spent your 3rd post talking about F&F3?

06-05-2006, 11:34 AM
theres like a 4 page thread on this already.

06-05-2006, 11:47 AM
I saw the movie already at the world premier last night at Universal studios in Hollywood.

not going to spoiler it for anyone or anything

just want to say...the movie was OK at best. I thought the First one had more impact to the world than the 2nd or 3rd.

This film is more for the general audiance. The director kept it real, until they started drifting on the streets of tokyo. It will WOW the people who knows nothing, and it wont disappint the true enthusiasts at heart.

However, i think the producers lacked imagination. The story is a peice of shit IMO.

here are some of my final thoughts...
Go see it with an open mind, dont think its going to ruin drifting or anything...cuz they didnt show the "real drift scenes" with S13/S14/fc/86
like how it is in the real world.

Dont expect too much from the movie. Its was a good movie, but like i said, story lacks imagination, and the characters were all fucked up. Every single one of them. Especially bow wow. I liked the first one better, cuz it was hella funny. Had a deeper impact on me. just my 2 cents

I give it a 7/10 for tokyo drift.

06-05-2006, 11:53 AM

here you go. A whole thread dedicated to the upcoming movie.

There's a whole 10 threads about this.

I vote for lockage...

06-05-2006, 01:18 PM
Yeah seriously please lock this. Im tired of all these stupid F&F, or how will F&F affect the price of my car, or F&F sucks itll ruin drifting threads. Yeah please stop making the same posts over and over. Thanks

06-06-2006, 09:33 AM
look..... for all of you who ARENT new to zilvia.net... obviously your better and finding exactly what you want to read. IM NOT! I AM NEW TO THIS! all i wanted was a general opinion about ppls feelings. im sorry if i didnt realize that to post you had to make sure that everyone agrees on your topic. for all of you who are soo mad at me for bringing up a fucking movie.......... :fawkd:
you could have simply said.... theres already a post about this. and given a simple link......... 4get this..... now i understand why alot of newbies wud rather just watch posts and never voice opinion.:mrmeph:

06-06-2006, 09:44 AM
look..... for all of you who ARENT new to zilvia.net... obviously your better and finding exactly what you want to read. IM NOT! I AM NEW TO THIS! all i wanted was a general opinion about ppls feelings. im sorry if i didnt realize that to post you had to make sure that everyone agrees on your topic. for all of you who are soo mad at me for bringing up a fucking movie.......... :fawkd:
you could have simply said.... theres already a post about this. and given a simple link......... 4get this..... now i understand why alot of newbies wud rather just watch posts and never voice opinion.:mrmeph:

Here's a tip. More then likely what you want to post about has been talked about to death on here.

Serioously, when you think you have something worthwhile to make a thread about. Do a search first and see how often it's been brought up. There has been probably a half dozen if not more threads consisting of nothing but people's opinions on this movie.

And your right, as a new member on here, it's much better to site back and read and learn before you go making posts about stuff. There is a lot of useful info on this site and if you use it correctly it is a priceless tool. By correctly i mean don't make the 12th F&F3 thread, don't post a question about installing breaks in the events section, don't post your rims for sale in the General Chat area.

See were i'm going with this. Most of the people that get flamed on here, really come on and do some stupid shit.

So the bottom line is this:


Good Luck...

06-06-2006, 05:03 PM
I saw the movie already at the world premier last night at Universal studios in Hollywood.

not going to spoiler it for anyone or anything

just want to say...the movie was OK at best. I thought the First one had more impact to the world than the 2nd or 3rd.

This film is more for the general audiance. The director kept it real, until they started drifting on the streets of tokyo. It will WOW the people who knows nothing, and it wont disappint the true enthusiasts at heart.

However, i think the producers lacked imagination. The story is a peice of shit IMO.

here are some of my final thoughts...
Go see it with an open mind, dont think its going to ruin drifting or anything...cuz they didnt show the "real drift scenes" with S13/S14/fc/86
like how it is in the real world.

Dont expect too much from the movie. Its was a good movie, but like i said, story lacks imagination, and the characters were all fucked up. Every single one of them. Especially bow wow. I liked the first one better, cuz it was hella funny. Had a deeper impact on me. just my 2 cents

I give it a 7/10 for tokyo drift.

I dont know wether thats true or not unless we see the movie, but that just gave me a sigh of relief :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

06-06-2006, 05:55 PM
Here's a tip. More then likely what you want to post about has been talked about to death on here.

Serioously, when you think you have something worthwhile to make a thread about. Do a search first and see how often it's been brought up. There has been probably a half dozen if not more threads consisting of nothing but people's opinions on this movie.

And your right, as a new member on here, it's much better to site back and read and learn before you go making posts about stuff. There is a lot of useful info on this site and if you use it correctly it is a priceless tool. By correctly i mean don't make the 12th F&F3 thread, don't post a question about installing breaks in the events section, don't post your rims for sale in the General Chat area.

See were i'm going with this. Most of the people that get flamed on here, really come on and do some stupid shit.

So the bottom line is this:


Good Luck...

:bowdown: Well said!!!

06-06-2006, 06:18 PM
You'll be seeing me rolling when the movie comes out.

New car, here i come!


or even


06-06-2006, 07:16 PM
look..... for all of you who ARENT new to zilvia.net... obviously your better and finding exactly what you want to read. IM NOT! I AM NEW TO THIS! all i wanted was a general opinion about ppls feelings. im sorry if i didnt realize that to post you had to make sure that everyone agrees on your topic. for all of you who are soo mad at me for bringing up a fucking movie.......... :fawkd:
you could have simply said.... theres already a post about this. and given a simple link......... 4get this..... now i understand why alot of newbies wud rather just watch posts and never voice opinion.:mrmeph:

ummm... you didnt even need to use the search for this one.

at least one of the 11ty billion F+F3 threads are still on the first page of threads. Take 3 seconds to scan the recent threads so you don't make the most obvious repost of the year.

and a lighter note, this seems kinda trolly to me in the first place.