View Full Version : Linux on your Ipod... Say what?!

05-29-2006, 01:18 AM
So I've been fuckin' around with this for the past week or so w/ this; http://ipodlinux.org/Main_Page and this shit is pretty damn cool. It's got a lot of cool crap, and suprisingly, they've done a pretty damn good job of porting a full OS onto a product with little to no documentation, and limited resources. They've got a lot of crap like, a port of MSPaint, Doom, a Gameboy emulator, a text imput, etc.

The cool thing is you can add Linux to your iPod while keeping the Apple firmware and the ability to boot into either of them. I have a 5g Video and it's great. They even ported a video player for the Nano/Photo. I installed on my sisters Mini, but it's limited to certain programs, and I think having a color one really makes it worth it.

Being open source and in somewhat initial stages it's not without it's bugs and glitches but in my experience it is fairly stable. For those of you giving it a try, definately hit up their forums for tutorials and stuff. For me it was basically one step installation (OSX ftw!) but I think for Windows it requires a bit more work. So here's a few screenshots I took:

My load screen:


M4d 1337 h4x... lawl...


Hella awesome PS... DomOrly? Recognize teh pic Mr.Meph? Hehe..


I hate video games, but full on 3d Doom is sick...


05-29-2006, 01:56 AM
Pretty cool, so how do you play doom on an ipod

05-29-2006, 02:00 AM
Lawl, I have this post on a few different forums and that was the same first reply on all of them. Up/Menu is forward, Right/FF and Left/RW are well, right and left lol, Down/Play is shoot, and the center button is open doors & pick up shit.

05-29-2006, 02:04 AM
I put linux on my old 2g, but holy shit, doom?

and how do you hate video games?!?!

05-29-2006, 02:52 AM
Hella awesome PS... DomOrly? Recognize teh pic Mr.Meph? Hehe..


That's pretty slick!
I guess i need to look at that pic again.. I didn't see Domo or Orly Owl in there! :keke:

05-29-2006, 11:19 AM
I'm happy I have an iPod now. . .

05-29-2006, 02:15 PM
ya no shit lol

05-29-2006, 02:59 PM
and how do you hate video games?!?!

Heheh... Idunno, I just see them as one of the biggest wastes of time. It's not like I have anything better to do, but I don't really enjoy them. As my user title would put it, they're really really washed. I bought my PS2 a few months ago and have only owned/played one game, Gran Turismo 4. Plus my Ipod has replaced my need for DVD's so the PS2 was kind of a waste of money :hahano:

06-04-2006, 06:21 AM
sweet, too bad i got a crappy nano. maybe its time to upgrade to a 60gb vid.

07-04-2006, 10:27 PM
Bit of an update/new stuff post, in addition to iPL and Apple, I'm now running RockBox, which is a standalone firmware replacement more directed to the whole listening to music thing, whereas iPodLinux, is aimed at running a full OS. Rockbox was developed on iRivers and Archos Mp3 players, but since the Linux people backwards engineered the iPod to understand it and release the source code, the iPod port was born. The two are very different, but at thesame time the same, iPL can play music and has all of apps, but Rockbox still has hella apps too... and since RockBox isn't based off of Linux or anything, they have more flexibility in terms of doing what they want...

RockBox does look a ton better though, here's a theme I designed;


Here's a theme I didn't design;


This is Twilight Warrior, a Doom 'mod'...


Most addicting game ever;


Graphic equalizer is one of the many things RockBox does that makes music better...


This is the iPodLinux theme that I designed;


Guitar tab reader in Linux...


The second most addicting game, Chopper!


GameBoy emulator:


07-04-2006, 11:36 PM
oh shit that looks sick, makes me want an ipod now.