View Full Version : UFC:Hughes vs Gracie

05-27-2006, 11:14 PM
Went over to TR's house tonight and watched it.
Gotta say that Gracie wasnt in his zone and I really didnt know what the outcome of this fight was going to be but :(

05-27-2006, 11:22 PM
who won the fight?

05-27-2006, 11:32 PM
Hughes via referee stoppage. Hughes got on Gracie's back and kept punching away. Ref came in to stop it.

Nan Desu Ka?!
05-28-2006, 12:29 AM
Damn, pretty big upset from what I have heard. I was watching the pre-fight stuff on spike tv.

Ill wait for the clips to be on youtube haha.

05-28-2006, 01:57 AM
^^^^^^^ Word

05-28-2006, 03:27 AM
this was a hella quick UFC. wish this had more stand up.

gracie is a wash up..i dont care if he is a legend. thats was back when you can pull hair in shit. these fighters evolved so much from his last time in the UFC.

05-28-2006, 09:32 AM
fighters now a days are a different breed...i still had a little bit of faith in gracie though...so was it at least a good call? gracie couldnt defend himself anymore? in a way, serves him right for talking all that trash and training like a pussy (compared to hughes)...id like to see more of those ufc tikes make their way into pride and get rocked...i heart wanderlei...

05-28-2006, 10:03 AM
I'd say it was a good call. He was being dominated on the ground the whole time. Hughes had side control and was working a submission (kimura), Gracie got out of it, Hughes took his back and started raining down. But yeah, PRIDE's pretty cool too. I'd love to see Chuck and Wanderlei go at it...

05-28-2006, 10:14 AM
i would give anything to see fedor and wanderlei chop each other apart...thatll be an awesome match...

Mr. Camshaft
05-28-2006, 11:46 AM
fedor would obliterate wanderlei if they ever fought in an open weight class.

05-28-2006, 12:05 PM
MMA is the shit, pride fighting is always better to watch..

05-28-2006, 12:14 PM
Hughes is actually one of my FAV ufc fighters. He comes from a wrestling backround, and has ground and grappling skills...

I like that one match, ( not sure who he fought against) he was getting his ass beat down on the floor, but he came back and body slammed the guy, and the referee stopped the fight... one of the greatest comebacks i have ever seen.

the "Bulldog" is a crazy ass fighter as well. Looks scary as hell with those fangs in his mouth.

05-28-2006, 12:34 PM
Haha that fight was classic, Hughes actually just pumled the shit out of gracie, and the last like 2-3 punches to the head he was fucking trucking gracie. Old man got his ass handed to him.

05-28-2006, 12:46 PM
Hughes is actually one of my FAV ufc fighters. He comes from a wrestling backround, and has ground and grappling skills...

I like that one match, ( not sure who he fought against) he was getting his ass beat down on the floor, but he came back and body slammed the guy, and the referee stopped the fight... one of the greatest comebacks i have ever seen.

the "Bulldog" is a crazy ass fighter as well. Looks scary as hell with those fangs in his mouth.

He is militant
You could see it in Gracies eyes that he wasnt focused on the fight.

05-28-2006, 01:19 PM
I didn't understand this fight. Why would Royce Gracie, the man who once dominated the UFC in the early to mid ‘90s, compete in the UFC of 2006??? Against the most dominate welterweight of our time? Matt Hughes won by TKO over Royce Gracie at 4:39 of the opening round. Gracie shouldn't have come back to embarras himself. The story just reminds me of the new Rocky Movie coming back. Yep, The Italian Stalion is Coming BACK!!!!!

05-28-2006, 01:26 PM
I really have to think he did this to promote the school more. Cause that's why he left competition. You could tell he didn't have the strength he once had and once it got on the ground it turned into a strength match not a fight.

I was really amazed how long that guy lasted with the guy on his back. Excellent defence even though he had no offence and is why he lost.

Mr. Camshaft
05-28-2006, 02:38 PM
An even more awesome match up would be Hughes vs. Shogun. That at least would be entertaining to me. Royce never had a chance. Face stomps ftw.

05-28-2006, 02:52 PM
Did anyone catch that Bob Sapp match where he was up against a guy about half his size? it was on mid last week, i think. Sapp ended up breaking his finger right after the match got called.

i REALLY want to find that and watch it again, Sapp is a fucking human tank

05-28-2006, 03:38 PM
Sapp is a tank with only a forward drive. what he lacks in technique he makes up for in shear size and strength. but in MMA size and strength isnt everything. still love to see his fights though. check out sapp vs minataro(not sure on spelling) good fight. oh does anyone know why sapp vs tyson didn't happen?
Back on topic. Gracie was dominated not to brag but i called it. Gracies getting too old now. He's a legend and a pioneer of the sport, with all due respect the fighters today are on a different level and hes become outdated. Plus gracie - gee = disadvantage.
gracie vs sakuraba(gracie hunter) 2 and a half hour fight.

05-28-2006, 04:09 PM
ufc is owned by las vegas and is now some what rigged like boxing... Tru fights happen in K-1 and pride... The all mighty Hughes got whooped already in Pride a long time ago and Chuck Lidell him to.. If u watch the fighters fight in the pride events and then u watch them fight over in ufc u can tell they arent going balls out like they do in the pride... Oh another xample remember the return of Tito .. Yes Tito has always been one of my favs from when ufc was real... But he came back to fight Forrest... Round one totally handed it to him and held back.. But then the rest of the rounds he just stood there ... At the end of the fight it was said that his acl was fuct up... My ass Ive had reconstructive knee surgery and the injury before hand was some severe pain ...Im not claiming to be a badass but I can take alot of pain and Ive been in more then enough fights to know that it was all BS...

Gracie is a fucking legend that deserves respect...!!!!!!!!

05-28-2006, 06:07 PM
any UFC guys jumping into PRIDE got their ass kicked.

UFC is a joke compared to other MMA's.

05-28-2006, 06:32 PM
My manager @ Jiffy Lube Fight in the UFC. He is Welter weight.
His name is Jalexis Martinez, He is a stand up fighter with Juditzu and tai kwon do skill fighter.

05-28-2006, 07:15 PM
ive been saying it for years and ill say it again, pride > ufc

05-28-2006, 07:55 PM
pride is on a whole nother level compared to ufc. and yes Pride > UFC. but i like them both and watch them both.

05-28-2006, 10:59 PM
^^^Amen to that, but overall, I just like watching MMA period.

05-29-2006, 12:12 AM

nuff said...

+ rep in life for whoever put that bad boy together...

05-29-2006, 01:34 AM
. i knew it was a garbage fight. bring on st. pierre or atleast penn.

05-29-2006, 01:53 AM
Frank Shamrock did pretty good in pride. Tito sucks and would get killed in pride. I remember the pride in which Chuck Liddle(sp?) got rocked by Quintan Jackson. They even gave the mic to Dana white the ufc owner for color commentary. All he could say was "thats not the game plan" once chuck started getting rocked. Also look up bj penn in youtube he beat both matt hughs and gomi he pretty dope and once fought in ufc, but I believe started his own promotion "rumble on the rock" based out of Hawaii.

05-29-2006, 03:09 AM
BJ Penn is a badass mofo. I wish he would've beat GSP though so that he'd get another shot at Hughes.

05-29-2006, 10:13 AM
I don't think this was that big of an upset. I thought the outcome was pretty obvious.

And as far as Pride goes, I've watched it, but it doesn't seen as exciting to me. I dunno why. Though i don't fallow it really. Nor do I faithfully follow UFC.

BTW, The Ultimate Fighter is really good. It's awsome seeing Tito's team, because of Tito's coaching, destroy Shamrock's team.

Best part of the season so far was when Shamrock got all pissed at Tito and he said "I'll kick your little ass!"
Tito replied back with, "Oh yea? Like you did last time?" hahahahaha Anyone that watched the Tito vs Shamrock fight would know why that's funny.

05-29-2006, 10:50 AM
I u have to remember that cage fighting like in the ufc has evolved so much .. They are so dependent on the cage if u take it away there nothing "Matt Hughes" nothing without the cage... But to say Pride isnt exciting ..lol U must have not watch much pride or your a wwf fan...

05-29-2006, 12:48 PM
just FYI,

internationl fight league IFL on fox sports net FSN, team tournement style fights, every sunday.

If you missed yesturdays one.... http://www.mmanews.com/article/150764083.php

last weeks was bas rutten vs pat militch

05-30-2006, 02:07 AM
coming from sum1 who knows grappling a bit the fight was dissapointing its not the way the gracies like to fight too many rules and time limits and rounds.. that big white dude could submit him in that arm bar you can see royces face and its super calm and he got out of it .. if they let the fight continue i think it would have ended differently..

i was stuck in that same position earlier that day and I got out.. so i KNOW he could have.

05-30-2006, 02:40 AM
Best part of the season so far was when Shamrock got all pissed at Tito and he said "I'll kick your little ass!"
Tito replied back with, "Oh yea? Like you did last time?" hahahahaha Anyone that watched the Tito vs Shamrock fight would know why that's funny.

UFC 61 - Shamrock vs. Tito (3rd time)

Vitor Belfort is probably my fav MMA fighter. he fights in UFC/Pride and just recently got his Boxing license.

oh and Sw20.....

and here is his Boxing debut.

i agree, BJ Penn is a great fighter, one of my favs.

05-30-2006, 08:23 AM
UFC 61 - Shamrock vs. Tito (3rd time)

Vitor Belfort is probably my fav MMA fighter. he fights in UFC/Pride and just recently got his Boxing license.

Ha, I can't wait to see Shamrock get pwned again...

Did they announce this at 60?

Mr. Camshaft
05-30-2006, 09:25 AM
coming from sum1 who knows grappling a bit the fight was dissapointing its not the way the gracies like to fight too many rules and time limits and rounds.. that big white dude could submit him in that arm bar you can see royces face and its super calm and he got out of it .. if they let the fight continue i think it would have ended differently..

i was stuck in that same position earlier that day and I got out.. so i KNOW he could have.

first, that wasn't an arm bar. It was a key-lock. second, if the fight went on any longer, hughes would have just knocked royce out. It's not so easy to get out of when you've got a guy sitting on your back wailing away at your head.

05-30-2006, 09:30 AM
not a very good fight at all. Gracie is too old to fight againt against Hughes. Hughes is too mofo tough

05-30-2006, 02:27 PM
Comparing Pride to UFC is like comparing apples to oranges. UFC has been sanctioned and are now allowing fights in other states. (only one so far). UFC has made MMA more popular, thus adding more rules (i.e. kicks to the head on the ground etc.) I think the UFC has only helped MMA being televised and get more recognition then anything. I love UFC and Pride all the same, but I watch UFC more because I can flick to spike and watch it.

FYI: No one will ever take away from what the Gracies accomplished. Fighters would now be what they are with out them. RESPECT!

Arsenal of Glory
05-30-2006, 02:36 PM
i would like to see any UFC guy go up against Mirko Crocop. Crocop > all

05-30-2006, 02:51 PM
I missed the fight and seeing where I can catch the replay. I hope that Shamrock takes Tito down. I know Tito is a good fighter and I like him but I have more respect for Shamrock. I'd also like to see Matt Hughes take down Tito. That would also be a good fight. Yes, the Gracies have added a good portion to MMA. Hey Pride and UFC are all good. Just don't get caught up in the nitpicking of comparing them and just enjoy watching them.

05-30-2006, 03:15 PM
go to youtube.com the fight is uploaded there if you missed out.

05-30-2006, 03:25 PM
I missed the fight and seeing where I can catch the replay. I hope that Shamrock takes Tito down. I know Tito is a good fighter and I like him but I have more respect for Shamrock. I'd also like to see Matt Hughes take down Tito. That would also be a good fight. Yes, the Gracies have added a good portion to MMA. Hey Pride and UFC are all good. Just don't get caught up in the nitpicking of comparing them and just enjoy watching them.

I had respect for Shamrock. But have you watched Ultimate Fighter? Shamrock is a shmuck. All he does it talk shit and doesn't train his fighters. Shit his own team doesn't even like him as a coach. His idea of training is "Watch my old UFC fight". Wow, thanx like they haven't seen them like 1000 times. Tito has gained a lot of my respect after this show. He works the guys hard but still shows them that he actually cares.

Plus Shamrock got owned hardcore by Tito last time around.

05-30-2006, 06:37 PM
oh and Sw20.....

i remember that fight...thats when i actually didnt like WS.and was cheering for vitor..but now i love him...what can i say, happens to the best of them...not every one can be undefeated like my 2nd fav, fedor...

i just watched the hughes vs. gracie on youtube...something didnt look right...it looked super staged...hes aged, old fashioned, and all, but you have to give him more credit than that...even shamrock puts up a greater fight in ufc/pride...im probably wrong, but thats my opinion...

05-30-2006, 06:39 PM
Royce was either on crack to go in there with Matt or he was motivated about 1.4 million dollar offer to fight Matt.

Either way, there was 1/million chance of Royce winning.

05-30-2006, 06:42 PM
Comparing Pride to UFC is like comparing apples to oranges. UFC has been sanctioned and are now allowing fights in other states. (only one so far). UFC has made MMA more popular, thus adding more rules (i.e. kicks to the head on the ground etc.) I think the UFC has only helped MMA being televised and get more recognition then anything. I love UFC and Pride all the same, but I watch UFC more because I can flick to spike and watch it.

FYI: No one will ever take away from what the Gracies accomplished. Fighters would now be what they are with out them. RESPECT!

Actually, more like comparing the best to shit.

UFC is shit. If pride was ever to come in UFC octagon, pride fighters would shit on UFC.

Imagine if Fedor and Sylvia/AA would fight... :haha:

05-30-2006, 06:49 PM
Frank Shamrock did pretty good in pride. Tito sucks and would get killed in pride. I remember the pride in which Chuck Liddle(sp?) got rocked by Quintan Jackson. They even gave the mic to Dana white the ufc owner for color commentary. All he could say was "thats not the game plan" once chuck started getting rocked. Also look up bj penn in youtube he beat both matt hughs and gomi he pretty dope and once fought in ufc, but I believe started his own promotion "rumble on the rock" based out of Hawaii.

That was years ago when Penn beat Matt and Gomi. If there was a rematch, Penn would diffinitely get smash.

I don't think this was that big of an upset. I thought the outcome was pretty obvious.

And as far as Pride goes, I've watched it, but it doesn't seen as exciting to me. I dunno why. Though i don't fallow it really. Nor do I faithfully follow UFC.

BTW, The Ultimate Fighter is really good. It's awsome seeing Tito's team, because of Tito's coaching, destroy Shamrock's team.

Best part of the season so far was when Shamrock got all pissed at Tito and he said "I'll kick your little ass!"
Tito replied back with, "Oh yea? Like you did last time?" hahahahaha Anyone that watched the Tito vs Shamrock fight would know why that's funny.

I can tell that you're a WWF fan. :rofl:
MMA is the shit, pride fighting is always better to watch..

WTF, you're a fucking retard. Do you know what MMA is? :rofl:

On another note, I forgot this was zilvia.net I thought it was sherdog.com for a second.

Bunch of retards.

05-30-2006, 07:16 PM
first, that wasn't an arm bar. It was a key-lock. second, if the fight went on any longer, hughes would have just knocked royce out. It's not so easy to get out of when you've got a guy sitting on your back wailing away at your head.

Actually, it was a straight armbar from the half guard position. It started with a keylock for a second, but Gracie straightened his arm so Hughes transitioned to the armbar. I think Hughes would have won any other way. Hughes indicated that the elbow was popping and right away knew that Royce would rather have his arm broken than tap. I had to give Royce some credit for staying calm through that storm and eventually escaping.

The fight was a clear mismatch. Although Royce Gracie is a legend, introducing the ground game aspect of a fight and winning against multiple oppenents in one night, he never had a chance against Matt Hughes. Matt Hughes is just too strong, too well rounded, and have been consistently fighting top competition for that past 4 years. Royce Gracie on the other hand had been sporadically fighting slouches who anyones mother could mount easily.

Royce won in the old days because he was basically the guy who knew something that his oppenents didn't which is the submission game. This time it was a complete role reversal. Matt Hughes knew that its about the complete fighter, whoever was more well rounded. Plus, Matt Hughes has a huge strength advantage. Matt Hughes walks around normally at almost 200 lbs. which required him to cut some weight to get to 175. Royce Gracie on the other hand, probably had to gain some to get to around 175.

Royce Gracie is primarily a ground fighter and has a great guard, but you should remember that Matt Hughes trains with Jeremy Horn who has one of the best MMA Brazilian jiu jitsu in the game.

Gracie basically took this fight because he was getting frustrating criticism from the MMA community that he cannot hang against the top fighters of today.

05-30-2006, 07:48 PM
Actually, more like comparing the best to shit.

UFC is shit. If pride was ever to come in UFC octagon, pride fighters would shit on UFC.

Imagine if Fedor and Sylvia/AA would fight... :haha:

Actually Pride FC has better heavyweights and UFC has better fighters in the other weight classes. Pride used to have an equally competitive light heavyweight class, but Quinton "Rampage" Jackson and Sakuraba left Pride recently. So Pride only has Wanderlei Silva and Ricardo Arona left as its top light heavyweights. Wanderlei and Fedor are the only ones that Pride can really brag about.

UFC on the other hand has the following top fighters for each of its respective weight classes:

Josh Thompson
Yves Edwards
Sean Sherk

Matt Hughes
Georges St. Pierre
BJ Penn

Rich Franklin
David Loiseau
Evan Tanner
David Terrell
Jeremy Horn

Chuck Liddell
Renato Sobral
Tito Ortiz

Tim Sylvia
Andrei Arlovski
Jeff Monson

I love what Pride FC can do (allow headstomps, 2 fighters from different weight classes, open-weight tourneys), but UFC has more dept in its weight classes. But what I absolutely love about Pride is the way they judge the fights if the fighters cannot finish. UFC has retired boxing refs as its judges so they don't know what the heck they're doing. They give too much credit takedowns, connected punches and the fighter on top. Just as long as you score the takedowns, you're almost guaranteed the decision win. Pride on the other hand, ranks the attempts to try to finish the fight as the highest on its scorecards so submission attempts are given credit.

05-30-2006, 08:01 PM
That was years ago when Penn beat Matt and Gomi. If there was a rematch, Penn would diffinitely get smash.

I can tell that you're a WWF fan. :rofl:

WTF, you're a fucking retard. Do you know what MMA is? :rofl:

On another note, I forgot this was zilvia.net I thought it was sherdog.com for a second.

Bunch of retards.

Unfortunatly this message is coming up...You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

Cause your so uncaring it's awsome. I wanted to give you mad pos rep. Mr pro MMA.

05-30-2006, 10:21 PM
Unfortunatly this message is coming up...You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

Cause your so uncaring it's awsome. I wanted to give you mad pos rep. Mr pro MMA.

Yup. You're a fucking retard.


Well seeing that this is a competition. There was dis filipino, chinese, and one portugi. they was hiking up dis mountain on a very hot and sunny day and they when stop for a rest. the chinese and the potugi when ask the filipino what he brought. h :rofl:

05-30-2006, 10:27 PM
Actually Pride FC has better heavyweights and UFC has better fighters in the other weight classes. Pride used to have an equally competitive light heavyweight class, but Quinton "Rampage" Jackson and Sakuraba left Pride recently. So Pride only has Wanderlei Silva and Ricardo Arona left as its top light heavyweights. Wanderlei and Fedor are the only ones that Pride can really brag about.

UFC on the other hand has the following top fighters for each of its respective weight classes:

Josh Thompson
Yves Edwards
Sean Sherk

Matt Hughes
Georges St. Pierre
BJ Penn

Rich Franklin
David Loiseau
Evan Tanner
David Terrell
Jeremy Horn

Chuck Liddell
Renato Sobral
Tito Ortiz

Tim Sylvia
Andrei Arlovski
Jeff Monson

I love what Pride FC can do (allow headstomps, 2 fighters from different weight classes, open-weight tourneys), but UFC has more dept in its weight classes. But what I absolutely love about Pride is the way they judge the fights if the fighters cannot finish. UFC has retired boxing refs as its judges so they don't know what the heck they're doing. They give too much credit takedowns, connected punches and the fighter on top. Just as long as you score the takedowns, you're almost guaranteed the decision win. Pride on the other hand, ranks the attempts to try to finish the fight as the highest on its scorecards so submission attempts are given credit.

i cant agree more. Pride has a lot of great heavyweights fighters. UFC, they have alot of great fighters in every weight class.