View Full Version : X-Men III (spoilers inside)

05-26-2006, 03:35 AM
Seen it at the midnight showing, i'm no critic or anything, but I'd give it a C, it was entertaining, but at certain times the scenes were dragging. I was fighting to stay awake (well it WAS midnight). If i could sum it up in one word, it would be "disappointing".

The trailers gave nothing away. I was expecting A LOT MORE.

I don't wanna say out loud what happened but I'll say what I thought.


The way they killed Cyclops and Xavier ruined the movie. I was expecting an action film, not a melodrama.
The "Brotherhood" was basically a bunch of weak mutants served up for a massacre. Multiple Man had a small role with 2 huge lines! Same with Juggernaut. Although the "Juggernaut Bitch" line somehow made it's way to the film and THAT was hilarious!

I wanted more, MORE! If this was the last film then you go all out! But the director is different than the first 2 films, which I really liked. I expected a war against mutants, with Sentinels and everything, not a raid on Alcatraz.

I wanted to see cities destroyed! I wanted a bigger war, and some real supervillains!

To give a summary of the film well, look how long this post is. Pretty much Jean came back, Cyclops and Xavier died, Jean dies again, and something about a cure around the middle.

Good news (maybe) there's an X-Men 4, so this isn't the last stand after all. Let's see Apocalypse on this one!

05-26-2006, 04:10 AM
+1 for Apocalypse:

Nan Desu Ka?!
05-26-2006, 05:37 AM
I was sad when sentinal was only a training program and basically looked like 2 moving street lamps... *sigh*

The Juggernaut made the movie for me. Yay for Bullet-tooth Tony :D

05-26-2006, 06:34 AM
Juggernaut was most def the only good part.. haha emo boy cutting his wings was funny.

Do you not know who I am?! too bad they didn't do the whole... "Are you a fucken aayyyssssss... do you not know who the fuck i ammmm"

05-26-2006, 09:02 AM
It was really disappointing.

A shit load of mutants died, and the "war" scene was far from amazing.

Bonus ending sucked, but damn will it open up for a couple more movies.


05-26-2006, 10:43 AM
lol +1 for superman..... juggernaut diffenatly made the movie for me, but if you really open your mind and think about the movie, it was trippy as fuck. The real live version of jean (or phoenix) is pretty fuckin scary, she looked like the she-devil!! >.<

05-26-2006, 11:48 AM
You guys didnt stay pass the credit. Professor X is still alive, so there will be another X men movie.

05-26-2006, 12:14 PM
You guys didnt stay pass the credit. Professor X is still alive, so there will be another X men movie.
oh shit? what'd i miss? what happened after the credits? it was way too hot in the theater to stay in it.

05-26-2006, 01:03 PM
Crossing my fingers for FUCKIN
Thats fucking right.

The movie could have been better.

Shoulda shown Psylocke alot more. Like in a shower scene or something.

I was rolling the whole time Beast was fucking foos up. He's got BlueBalls!

05-26-2006, 01:03 PM
yea i missed it. From reading i got this:

"After the credits, they show Muir Island, and Dr. MacTaggert. Suddenly she hears Xavier's voice and she turns to a patient whose brain dead. Apparently Xavier transfers his consciousnes to an unconscious body, supposedly his twin brother."

Onslaught is supposedly a combination of Magneto and Xavier. But after seeing the 3 movies it could go another direction. Like Xavier also has a split personality like Jean to where he has a dark side (Onslaught) and his "death" just opened the gates. It's a big possibility.

And since Magneto is gone a villain role needs to be filled. I'm still hoping for an army of Sentinels and a war against mutants not from the government, but from a private organization (like X2). Wolverine's role is done, the 3 movies finalized his part so it's doubtful he'll be back, and if he does where does he fall in? Maybe an Omega Red storyline.

05-26-2006, 01:07 PM
Huh, funny about there being another movie. I read an interview with Hugh Jackman from last week and he said there would not be another X-Men movie.

Maybe he meant, HE wouldn't be doing another X-Men movie.

The Wolverine movie should be fresh though!

05-26-2006, 01:28 PM
Biggest highlight of my night was GHOST RIDER

Damn that looked sick, that 2 minute trailer was better than the 2 hour movie!

05-26-2006, 01:39 PM
Biggest highlight of my night was GHOST RIDER

Damn that looked sick, that 2 minute trailer was better than the 2 hour movie!

I'm REALLLY looking forward to that movie. Nicholas Gage kicks ass.:rawk:

05-26-2006, 02:47 PM
Ghost Rider did look sick:rawk: if only Cage we driving an S13 and kickin ass (instead of reppin that ghey bike) *sigh

anyway i liked X-Men. it was something different and was entertaining. i just wish there were more battles and bigger fight scenes (the one with wolverine in the forest rocked my socks off):D

05-26-2006, 03:05 PM
aww man so this is a shitty movie? seems like they tried to compress too much into the movie and every scene suffered.. kind of like the intial d movie.. where they tried to compress 50hrs of anime into a 2 hr real life movie

05-26-2006, 03:11 PM
They didn't show the Ghostrider preview, just the superman one at the theater i went to. :(

My overall thoughts are that the movie was completely disappointing.

In fact, this movie has ruined the entire x-men trilogy.

And since Magneto is gone a villain role needs to be filled.

Magneto moves the metallic chess piece at the end of the movie. I don't think he lost all of his powers.

I have a few things to rant about so i'll just put them all here.

To my understanding, Magneto is the master of magnetism. NOT just metal.
That is why he is one of the most powerful mutants alive. He can manipulate magnetic fields and currents. He can even generate electromagnetic fields and waves. The way they wrote his character in the movie makes him seem as weak as pyro and iceman, both of which on are a tier directly below him in power classification.

The Phoenix is NOT some stupid second personality of Jean Grey's. It is supposed to be a cosmic entity which inhabits her conciousness. The whole phoenix saga is one of the best story arcs in x-men canon. How could they diminish it by reducing it to some psychically blocked untamed aspect of her personality? What about the Shi'ar empire tracking The Phoenix entity and rest of the story arc?

Also, what about The Juggernaut? His power comes from the Gem of Cyttorak. It's a magical crystal. Which means he's not a mutant, which in turn means that kid with "the cure" should not have been able to affect him. Juggernaut's powers are also not based on momentum. Wtf, he needs to get moving to become unstoppable? Hell no, he's just a bigass unstoppable force of nature.

All the other inconsistentcies in the previous movies were acceptable and at times were even necessities to create a believable enjoyable movie experience. This movie just crossed the line for me and kinda destroyed all the hard work that went into the other two movies. [/rant]

Mr. Camshaft
05-26-2006, 03:12 PM
aww man so this is a shitty movie? seems like they tried to compress too much into the movie and every scene suffered.. kind of like the intial d movie.. where they tried to compress 50hrs of anime into a 2 hr real life movie

that's pretty much what happened. A whole gangload of characters was introduced, but not many of them got much screen time.

05-26-2006, 03:14 PM
duuuuude, dont even hate on Initial D: the movie. i thouroughly enjoyed it and thought it was cool they had real actors and cars. and i dont think it was supposed to along the lines of the anime. it was based on the initial D manga. but im not sure since i havent read the manga

*runs off to starts an Initial D movie thread

p.s. Xmen III = initial D: the movie :hahano:

05-26-2006, 03:22 PM
agreed with most of what's been said, but i seriously wanted to see more of psylocke <333

and even though hugh jackman said there's not gonna be an x4, why does it seem like they left a bunch of loose ends lying around? plus, i'd be down for watching an x4 if they made it and i'm sure a lot of other ppl would too.

05-26-2006, 04:19 PM
Also, what about The Juggernaut? His power comes from the Gem of Cyttorak. It's a magical crystal. Which means he's not a mutant, which in turn means that kid with "the cure" should not have been able to affect him. Juggernaut's powers are also not based on momentum. Wtf, he needs to get moving to become unstoppable? Hell no, he's just a bigass unstoppable force of nature.

are you an aaaayysssssss???? do u not know whooo he isssss!?

05-26-2006, 05:26 PM
i saw no trailer as i saw the sneak preview of x3 on thursday, I could have went tuesday but had no time. I can wait till superman comes out, I get to see it like a few days before the release. My cousin works for a promo agency which is pretty tight and I get to see all the new releases a few days before anyone else, well just any dreamworks, disney, and some other company movies. But Superman is next on mylist.

05-26-2006, 08:56 PM
The way they wrote his character in the movie makes him seem as weak as pyro and iceman, both of which on are a tier directly below him in power classification....

isn't iceman an omega mutant, meaning he is as powerful, if not more powerful, than the phoenix?

anyway, this movie was very disappointing coming from a fanboy perspective. a good typical summer movie, but this movie should definitely end the x-men series. it could've been done so much better, but it ended up being about showing all kinds of crazy special effects with some cheesy dialogue. wasteless useage of countless amounts of cool characters. :duh:

it was best put in MSN's review of the movie, if Bryan Singer left X-Men to make Superman, then he better have made it one badass movie.

05-27-2006, 01:17 AM
if Bryan Singer left X-Men to make Superman, then he better have made it one badass movie.

Exactly, I'm looking forward to Superman just for this reason.

There's actually plans for X4, 5 and 6, pretty much like Star Wars. The first 3 is a trilogy in which it introduced, further implemented, and closed an era, so as to say. The next movies will most likely be another set of films, hopefully bigger and better than the previous. I highly doubt that they'll be prequels tho.

Reason I'm hoping for this is that the new X-men lineup consists of the young Iceman, Colossus, Shadowcat, and Angel. I really liked how Iceman FINALLY turned into, well, Iceman, but i'd like to see some ice surfing! Colossus can turn metal for what seems like a limited time, maybe underdeveloped as well.

And I agree Magneto was weak, this guy is supposed to radiate electromagnectic force! Magnetism is everywhere, its gravity! I'm hoping he would be back, and somehow find some stronger powers. And same with Rogue, she's supposed to be able to fly! This "cure" can be written as a temporary hold and then amplification of powers, forcing the mutant gene in those injected to evolve.

There are so many possibilities, but I don't wanna get my hopes up again and get let down again.

05-27-2006, 01:26 AM
isn't iceman an omega mutant, meaning he is as powerful, if not more powerful, than the phoenix?

You're right, iceman is an omega level mutant.

Traditionally he's been portrayed as a mutant that is held back by his insecurities. Read this on wikipedia >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceman_%28comics%29

Then read this on Magento


And this on The Juggernaut


And finally this on Jean Grey


05-27-2006, 01:38 AM
is it worth the $10?
i already read the spoilers haha

05-27-2006, 01:48 AM
Onslaught = manifestation of all the pent-up rage of Xavier, and Magneto and pwns.

Awesome times 5.

IronMan will ROCK the world!

05-27-2006, 07:38 AM
They need gambit up in this, daymit. 10bucks? i payed 3 dollars to watch it. I guess india is good for something besides food poisoning and curry.

05-27-2006, 08:03 AM
Omega Red and Gambit. That's what the next movie needs.

Man a battle between Wolverine and Omega Red would be fresh!

05-27-2006, 11:57 AM
I cant believe they didnt put gambit in the movie....

The series SUCKS compared to the cartoon storyline

that was my favorite cartoon too

05-27-2006, 01:59 PM
And I agree Magneto was weak, this guy is supposed to radiate electromagnectic force! Magnetism is everywhere, its gravity!

I questioned this statement last night, and it kept bothering me so I Wikied it using the search term, "gravity."

As I thought, gravity is NOT electromagnetic force. Gravity, like electromagnetism, is one of the four fundamental forces of nature.

Just wanted to clear that up.

Nan Desu Ka?!
05-27-2006, 02:30 PM
Turdz is right, gravity is a seperate force from electromagnatism. It behaves with seperate rules/laws.

Good 'ol Wikie FTW

05-27-2006, 02:34 PM
Yeah, electromagnetism is not quite gravity, however two objects that are electromagnetically charged can be manipulated in such a way by magneto that he can simulate a large gravitational field.

05-27-2006, 11:20 PM
i do believe that gambit will be introduced in x4, due to that fact that wolverines character is done with. x3 was a big dissapointment imo, but hopefully x4 will redeem x3, with gambit, sinister, and apocalypse. i dont remember the cartoon series too well, but dont all good and evil team up together, and fight out of space??

05-28-2006, 12:15 AM
u guys are taking the movie to literally. its just a movie based loosely on the comics is all. just take it for wat it is....entertainment

05-28-2006, 01:07 AM
u guys are taking the movie to literally. its just a movie based loosely on the comics is all. just take it for wat it is....entertainment

it sucks as entertainment

05-28-2006, 04:17 AM
hollywood ruined what i thought xmen was. at least far as all the story lines i knew about....like rogue did she lose her powers? shes ugly in the film...anyway

then um cyclops does he die? and jean grey doesnt have split personality does she? does professor X ever die in the better story lines? does magneto lose his power? wtf is that not that i know the exact factual shit from the comics but i was a kid once and watched the cartoon and listened to everyone about the comics and read a few...so wtf.

05-28-2006, 10:45 AM
it sucks as entertainment

yea but u're making it seem like it HAS to follow the comic book. this isnt the first comic book movie. few comic book movies stay true to the comic itself. u have to understand that movies have to be catered to the masses, not just comic book loving fans. if they were they would make the billions of dollars that they do. so just take it as a movie. just imagine if they did the phoenix storyline. it would take hours. also they would need flashbacks and stuff to explain xaviers and juggernaut's background...sorry but im not sitting in for that movie:hyper:

05-28-2006, 12:51 PM
yeah pretty dissappointed with the film too. singer shoulda stayed and did x3, probably woulda came out WAY better too. jean did look pretty scary with her eyes going all black and her skin getting darker. i thought the last scene with her and wolverine was pretty tight with him constantly decinigrating/self-healing, and you can see his adamantium. that was cool.

05-28-2006, 01:17 PM
Best X-men reference site I've ever seen...


Its a group of fans who, collectively, have read every x-men related issue to date and have written about it. Check the character glossary... its definitely good reading. Not to mention the summarize story plotlines - Age of Apocalypse, Executioner's Song, Onslaught, End of Summers Days, etc...

A few tidbits that I read and wanted to clarify:

- The guy who played Angel originally auditioned for the part of Gambit (Maxim interview), said that they didn't even include the character in the movie... why they removed Gambit, I don't know, but it would be have been great to see him. Though, he's clearly Rogue's love-interest and I figure they'll introduce him when she's older (24-25?) in a later movie.

- There was a "Gambit" reference in previous movies. I don't remember if it was the first or second movie, but they're looking up "registered mutants" in Cerebro or some computer system and go by alphabetic order -- they changed Magneto's name to "Eric Lyncher" (thought his last name was "Magnus"?) and right above his name in the computer is "Remy LeBeau" -- aka Gambit. So it looks like they wanted to put him in all along, just didn't fit into the storylines.

- Rogue gets her powers from Ms. Marvel (including memories). She doesn't know how to fly until then. Her original powers involved just inheriting it from those she touches, temporarily --- for some reason she permanent gets those.

Anyways, I haven't seen it yet but I definitely want to --- any one know if this movie (along w/ all the other licensed marvel franchies) have been able to pull the company out of bankruptcy? Its so sad that the company wasn't financially smart with their creations... and anyone care to spoil where I can find Stan Lee making his usual cameo appearance in this film?

'91 240sx coupe

05-28-2006, 02:15 PM
K since you brought up Ms. Marvel from whom Rogue got her power from. I was always in the impression that Ms Marvel and Jean Grey were the same person?!?!

05-28-2006, 02:43 PM
it sucks as entertainment

+2 for that.......... i went i seen it friday night.... the movie was boring and the fights were all pretty weak.... i was really let down at the end how Magneto went out.......... spider man 3 FTW!!!!!

Big Daddy
05-28-2006, 02:44 PM
Most likely an Xmen 4, i liked it could of used more though. There is talks of a Project X movie. Now that i'm looking forward to.

05-28-2006, 03:16 PM
agent_s13 good find and everything i wanted to say and more.
I believe jean was also known as marvel girl not ms. marvel. Correct me if i'm wrong.
I liked the movie. Its based off the comic so i didn't mind that it wasn't 100% accurate. There should of been more action though. If there is going to be a x4 i really hope its apocolypse. Curious to see if he'll be all CG or who will play him. if it does happen though they could combine onslaught and apocolypse into one character. Bring professor X back and have Apocolypse as the main villain. There are talks about a wolverine and a magneto prequel movie but i guess only time will tell at this point.

05-28-2006, 04:16 PM
Mag ripping out Logan's adamantium = FTW!

Takes him a few months to recoup, then BAM, fire off on the new villian attacking the mansion, ei. The BrotherHood/Onslaught. Apocalypse = ghey.

05-28-2006, 04:31 PM
im definately not seeing it now

Big Daddy
05-28-2006, 04:56 PM
Best X-men reference site I've ever seen...


Its a group of fans who, collectively, have read every x-men related issue to date and have written about it. Check the character glossary... its definitely good reading. Not to mention the summarize story plotlines - Age of Apocalypse, Executioner's Song, Onslaught, End of Summers Days, etc...

A few tidbits that I read and wanted to clarify:

- The guy who played Angel originally auditioned for the part of Gambit (Maxim interview), said that they didn't even include the character in the movie... why they removed Gambit, I don't know, but it would be have been great to see him. Though, he's clearly Rogue's love-interest and I figure they'll introduce him when she's older (24-25?) in a later movie.

- There was a "Gambit" reference in previous movies. I don't remember if it was the first or second movie, but they're looking up "registered mutants" in Cerebro or some computer system and go by alphabetic order -- they changed Magneto's name to "Eric Lyncher" (thought his last name was "Magnus"?) and right above his name in the computer is "Remy LeBeau" -- aka Gambit. So it looks like they wanted to put him in all along, just didn't fit into the storylines.

- Rogue gets her powers from Ms. Marvel (including memories). She doesn't know how to fly until then. Her original powers involved just inheriting it from those she touches, temporarily --- for some reason she permanent gets those.

Anyways, I haven't seen it yet but I definitely want to --- any one know if this movie (along w/ all the other licensed marvel franchies) have been able to pull the company out of bankruptcy? Its so sad that the company wasn't financially smart with their creations... and anyone care to spoil where I can find Stan Lee making his usual cameo appearance in this film?

'91 240sx coupe
it's in the very begining when Professor X and Magneto go visit Jean Grey for the first time when she was little. Jean displays some of her powers by levatating(sp?) everything outside the house including the water coming out of the water house that Stan Lee is holding.

05-28-2006, 06:37 PM
hahaha nice, I didn't even notice that but I did remember that guy looked familiar. good eye!

yea sorry about the gravity=magnetism i got carried away, but Magneto creating an electromagnetic force field is how he levitates.

Big Daddy
05-28-2006, 08:16 PM
werd, i always catch the small things in movies. like Logans white wif beater. when hs lands on the guy and gets stabbed in the stomach. well the next scene when he's about to talk to Jean his shirt is fine, no blood or holes.

05-28-2006, 08:23 PM
im definately not seeing it now

Same here.

The previews to the Superman movie really didn't look that interesting...but I hope you guys are right about this director being good.

05-29-2006, 01:36 AM
From my understanding there are not going to be anymore Xmen movies any time soon, at least not with the same cast. There are going to be 2 Wolverine movies though. If they do continue the Xmen movies it will be under different names like xfactor, new mutants, or something with a comic tie in. Rouge did get her powers from Ms Marvel, Jean Grey was know as Marel Girl. Rouge and nightcrawler are step siblings, With Mystique being the parent. Dark phoenix is a clone of Jean Grey with most of her memories and soul. The Juggernaut's only power that deals with momentum is that he can't be stopped once he is moving, he has only been stopped by Onslaught and maybe the Hulk. Gamit's name was on the computer in X2 along with others, The fat trucker guy that brought Rouge to Alaska in the the first Xmen was the guy how voice beast in the Xmen cartoons. Iceman is and omega mutant but is afraid to test the full extent of his powers, even though he was starting to and new writer didn't add anymore to it. I didn't see the movie was Psylock asian or white? Also If you guys have any more questions fell free to ask. I believe I helped back some answers as well as give out useless Xmen info.

05-29-2006, 01:42 AM
- Rogue gets her powers from Ms. Marvel (including memories). She doesn't know how to fly until then. Her original powers involved just inheriting it from those she touches, temporarily --- for some reason she permanent gets those.

i think she got it permanently because she actually held on until Ms. Marvel (or whoever it was) died. also IIRC shes not supposed to get her white hair until after the ms marvel incident.

i just got back from watchin it, dam it was a disappointment. it was choppy and so many big characters died! WTH! even if X4 comes out, it wont seem right without jean and cyclops, assuming prof. X comes back

05-29-2006, 02:13 AM
I was curious about psylocke too... which one was she?

05-29-2006, 02:36 AM
In 2006, Jones plays Juggernaut in X-Men 3. In an interview since filming wrapped he has stated that he is signed for more movies: "I've signed for X-Men 3, 4 and 5...that's my contract...yes." There is also a possibility that he may revive his Juggernaut role in the X-Men spin-off film Wolverine [2].

05-29-2006, 02:54 AM
i don't think they ever called her by name but there was a asian girl with purple streaks in her hair in the room where magneto was trying to recruit mutants. thats my best guess if she is infact in the movie.

I was curious about psylocke too... which one was she?

05-29-2006, 01:19 PM
Arclight, Callisto and Psylocke


05-29-2006, 02:11 PM
Psylockes the one on the right??? She was pathetic then...

Oh yah whos the porcupine dood supposed to be?

05-29-2006, 02:50 PM
Psylockes the one on the right??? She was pathetic then...

Oh yah whos the porcupine dood supposed to be?

he's supposed to be juntao! hehe, jk. he was credited as kid omega, who is supposed to be another omega level mutant. he more than resembles quill, who could shoot out his quills.

psylocke was a complete waste. such a hottie and awesome character was reduced to be background scenery.

btw, arclight's a dude. i don't care if u tell me she's a girl. she's a dude.

05-29-2006, 03:50 PM
^^^ more like guy, man, dude....

05-29-2006, 04:36 PM

He's supposed to be an omega level telepath. *shrug*

05-29-2006, 05:22 PM
as a rabid comic fan i found the fan service horrible but as a movie it was great... not as exciting and fast paced as 2 but still pretty good.. the last scene w/ logan and jean was great...

and really dissapointed w/ psylocke .. there are so many hot asian bitches who could have played her.. and they pick a kid... sux

05-29-2006, 07:46 PM
and really dissapointed w/ psylocke .. there are so many hot asian bitches who could have played her.. and they pick a kid... sux

An ugly kid.

05-29-2006, 08:24 PM
Psylocke is really a white girl stuck in an asian body.

05-30-2006, 12:58 AM
it was a ok movie, honestly it could of been better...... jean as the phoenix was bad ass... "im the juggernaut bitch" best line ever... LOL

as for a better x-men movie.. id have to say they should do the origin of wolverine.... that would be intense

apacolypse should be in the next picture for sure...

05-30-2006, 01:22 AM
Has anyone picked up the game yet? Looks pretty good from the tv ads. Like you can surf on ice with Iceman.

I just saw the first 2 movies again.
I'm not trying to tie in the movie to the comics. When I saw X-Men 1 I threw everything out the window and pretended I never even heard of the x-men, but at the same time I was referencing the comic series. What I liked about 1 and 2 was the flow of the movie was just so smooth. Like in 1, they hinted on some history between Wolverine and Sabretooth, and I accepted that Sabretooth wasn't in 2 since he's supposed to be Wolverine's past comrade. And in 2 how they introduced Lady Deathstrike (but never called her that) as Yuriko against Wolverine, since she is one of the mutants that can match well against him, yet they didn't even try to hint they have a past together as well, it was a smooth transition to a different universe.

And even though I liked Beast, in 2 he was on tv (Hank McCoy) as a scientist (as he's supposed to), not a politician, and without the blue fur. But in 3 they don't explain how he got the fur, they just pretented nobody saw that scene.

I didn't mind that Dark Phoenix was a split personality, or that Juggernaut is a mutant and not a "modified human". But I did mind that Multiple Man was just used for bait! Or that I don't even remember Magneto levitating, or even having a magnetic force around him. Things like that, inconsistencies.

And X3 is actually SHORTER than 1 and 2! WHY? We can only imagine what would've happened if Singer did direct X3. I'm not saying that Ratner's a bad director (Rush Hour movies were pretty good) or that this movie is THAT bad. The movie WAS entertaining, but TOO MUCH entertaining that it didn't grab my attention as much as the first 2.

End of Rants.

05-30-2006, 01:28 AM
An ugly kid.

wait they showed her?? lol when? I missed it

05-30-2006, 01:59 AM
reminds me of the matrix. first one was sick as hell. 2nd one decent, a lil weird though, and 3rd one they just want to *hurry the hell up and get this shit done with*

i liked the action simply cuz im a stunt guy and i appreciate a lot more of that junk, but the final battle scene was a bit dissapointing.

not an X men fan really so i wouldnt know about the story line but it could have been a bit more exciting.

FF3 FTW?? ..........i think not =P haha

05-30-2006, 02:03 AM
wait they showed her?? lol when? I missed it

Arclight, Callisto and Psylocke


bottom of page 2

msg length...

05-30-2006, 02:43 AM
anyone notice Prince in the movie?

05-30-2006, 11:30 AM
juntao,.. hhahaa, kept on saying that after the movie to my friends...

overall it's not bad of a movie, entertaining if you don't expect much out of it, wish they could've done alot more, but then again, you'd have a 10 hour movie if you want to have screen time on all the characters, there is just waaay too many characters...

Omarius Maximus
05-30-2006, 09:23 PM
Finally saw the movie and I must say it was quite dissapointing. There should be a sequel though... I mean think about it; Cyclops dies in the movie, but does anyone actually SEE him die? Nope. Xavier comes back, thats a given. No mutants were harmed in this film, since the government used those stupid darts instead of guns. And it looks like the "cure" wears off slowly, Thats why everyone who lost their powers will come back again. Everyone needs to remember that in comic books, people don't die, even when they die. I mean how many times have characters been killed off only to be brought back again...

05-30-2006, 10:31 PM
there are lots of people in the comics that are dead and havent come back. wat i think that happened with cyke was that maybe there was a contract dispute or something and he was written out as just being killed off.

05-30-2006, 11:32 PM
duuuuude, dont even hate on Initial D: the movie. i thouroughly enjoyed it and thought it was cool they had real actors and cars. and i dont think it was supposed to along the lines of the anime. it was based on the initial D manga. but im not sure since i havent read the manga

*runs off to starts an Initial D movie thread

p.s. Xmen III = initial D: the movie :hahano:
no, the movie was dissapointing. and no, it didn't do a good job of following the manga.

and that wisecrack about ghostrider giving up his bike... i'll let that one slide. jeez.

05-30-2006, 11:58 PM
Shoulda shown Psylocke alot more. Like in a shower scene or something.

no dude. Deathstrike was where it was AT.
oh wait, that was X2. how sad

05-31-2006, 12:32 AM
callisto was pretty hot!!
The movie was alright not the best but it was aight!
NOw im waiting for 6-6-06
the signs are everywhere!!!

05-31-2006, 12:39 AM
no no, Ironman!

I swear, Ghostface BETTER be warmachine or i'm gonna get mad

05-31-2006, 12:42 AM
Fucking they need Gambit.

I missed Psyloche in this movie i guess. Where did she come in?

Anyone remember the Brood story arc. Sewers of Baton Rouge. Gambit and Psyloche sexin' it up and oh yeah also RIPPING SHIT UP while everyone else was basically incapacitated. FUCK YES.

Or Gambit and Wolverine wreaking havoc on Sentinels in the animated series?

Fuck dude Gambit was suh a huge character to X-Men. He just deserves his own damn movie!

05-31-2006, 12:46 AM
I thought of the movie more as "Lets throw all these good mutants in the background, and have the movie itself be more of a Wheres'Waldo!"

too many rushed mutant cameos, not enuff substance.

IMHO, the cameo appearances come AFTER the movie is done, and is a knockout hit, THEN throw in the mutants. WTF happened to quality?

05-31-2006, 12:46 AM
Oh yeah. They should do the next one in the future. Bishop (Samuel L. Jackson), Cable (um... Clint Eastwood on serious steroids? lol). Gambit (I dunno... Johnny Depp or someone else super cool) and SENTINELS!!!

And Archangel with his sweet chrome mechanical wings!

05-31-2006, 01:13 AM
I heard that gambit is the single most disliked character by the writers.

05-31-2006, 01:23 AM
I missed Psyloche in this movie i guess. Where did she come in?



about 9 posts above you rindsay

Archlight, Callisto and dun dun dun Psylocke! ....


05-31-2006, 01:46 AM
well i finally saw the movie today. it was better then i expected. but like everyone else is saying they really needed to show more about the characters. on a scale of 1-10 i give it like an 8.

Omarius Maximus
05-31-2006, 02:49 AM
No I don't think cyclops had a contract dispute, they just didn't give him a very large role. Remember Johny Cage from MK1, then in the second mortal kombat its an entirely different actor that they kill of in the beginning?
If there was a contract dispute, the cyclops actor guy wouldn't have even showed up to play such a small part. It would have just been some other actor who looks like the previous actor.

Omarius Maximus
05-31-2006, 02:51 AM


about 9 posts above you rindsay

Archlight, Callisto and dun dun dun Psylocke! ....


Someone needs to kick Archlight in the face.

05-31-2006, 03:34 AM
Was it said during the movie that it's Psylocke?

05-31-2006, 03:59 AM
Someone needs to kick Archlight in the Penis.


It wasn't said, but its a dead giveaway that its Psylocke. And they credit her as Psylocke.

"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck..."

05-31-2006, 05:58 AM
halle berry didnt want to make x3 without a bigger role

the director of the 1st two movies, went to film superman returns

the 1st choice director for superman returns, went to film xmen3

cyclops is superman

vinnie jones (juggernaut) has signed for x4 and x5

every forum I go, asks for god damn gambit

and psylocke was born in the philippines, has a japanese-chinese mom and a french-native american dad


05-31-2006, 09:56 AM
Why do people keep thinking this is the last film? JUST cause its called the Last stand? Geesh! There already in the works making Wolverine (co-directed by Hugh Jackman). And dont be surprised if everyone that dies comes back. They always do that in the comic books.

And crap, they didn't show the Superman or Ghost rider trailer at the Muvico I went to. Pirates of the Carribean, Clerks II, FF3TD (which quite a few people booed)...not to mentioned they showed it twice? WTF? And some other crap..

The Phoenix is NOT some stupid second personality of Jean Grey's. It is supposed to be a cosmic entity which inhabits her conciousness. The whole phoenix saga is one of the best story arcs in x-men canon. How could they diminish it by reducing it to some psychically blocked untamed aspect of her personality? What about the Shi'ar empire tracking The Phoenix entity and rest of the story arc? [/rant]

Well, they did leave room to believe that too. Think about it, as far as the professor knows its another part of her personality. He may just not know that its another being in her (in the movie version). So the original Phoenix story can still fit in.

I saw the Midnight showing too. Everyone in the theater loved Juggernaut. And when Beast started kicking ass, everyone cheered. You have to admit, that was perfect casting for Beast. X-Men has had the best casting that stays as close to the comics books looks I've ever seen! Wolverine, Xavier, everyone almost!

I dont see why everyone complains about too many new characters being intorduced. That also happend in X-Men I and II. Hell they did that a lot in the comics without explaining much either untill issues later.

And I want GAMBIT!!!!!! Geesh, its like my f'in s/n on aim and countless boards...And I hope they dont screw him up. Gambit can not only light playing cards, but pretty much anything he touches. I grew up with the 90s animated cartoon, which kicked ass!

05-31-2006, 11:48 AM
That's the weakest Psylocke I have seen. "Give her purple hair and she'll look like Psylocke."

Pshh. What about the Purple body-suit and sweet stripper-esque wraps? Psylocke needs to be played by someone who looks like Jessica Alba or Angelina Jolie (but not as played-out and obvious). Oh, Brad Pit in the Fight Club days would be a good Gambit. Just give him a Lousiana/french Accent.

05-31-2006, 11:55 AM
I still like your Johnny Depp as Gambit idea. that would rock.

05-31-2006, 11:57 AM

Hells yes.

05-31-2006, 12:37 PM
I heard that gambit is the single most disliked character by the writers.

I didn't really notice it before but after this movie it seems he's one of the most favored characters next to Wolverine. Undoubtedly the bad ass aura that those two have. But seriously they need to stop being fan service and just get a focused story. Trying to get all Marvel mutants into a single movie is like trying to pile into a phone booth, its stupid and you'll look like an idiot doing it.

05-31-2006, 02:36 PM
don't follow the comics all that much, but didn't gambit/psylocke/and a host of other characters came later, (I'm referring to the o.g comics, not the cartoon.., o.g xmen characters = cyclops, wolverine, beast, angel, prof, jean grey...)

so if this is the case, all those host of characters could have more of a focus in the next series of xmen, if they do decide to make 'em...

05-31-2006, 02:37 PM
i think maggie q would be a good psylocke.


05-31-2006, 03:27 PM
no rear end no psylocke, sorry.

05-31-2006, 04:05 PM
The actor who plays cyclops didn't get a huge part cause he's in the new superman movie i think.

05-31-2006, 07:54 PM
no rear end no psylocke, sorry.

She is hot but Psylocke has curves that we can drift around.

05-31-2006, 08:20 PM
I heard that X3 was the last film? Is that so?

05-31-2006, 08:33 PM
^^ omgwtfbbq

05-31-2006, 09:30 PM
don't follow the comics all that much, but didn't gambit/psylocke/and a host of other characters came later, (I'm referring to the o.g comics, not the cartoon.., o.g xmen characters = cyclops, wolverine, beast, angel, prof, jean grey...)

so if this is the case, all those host of characters could have more of a focus in the next series of xmen, if they do decide to make 'em...

Yes you're right, but if the comic book order where being followed the first movie would have had Xavier, Jean Gray, Xyclops, Iceman, Archangel, and Beast as the five X-Men. Gambit appeared in Uncanny X-Men #266 on August 1990. So yeah, he's one of the "newer" characters.

Read here, good info: http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/article/showquestion.asp?faq=4&fldAuto=290

06-01-2006, 12:51 AM
i think maggie q would be a good psylocke.


FOOOOK YAH!!! If you dont know who that girl is...yall need to watch MI:3!!! For those whos seen it...remember the lamborghini and the red dress.... :drool:

Revolver Ocelot
06-01-2006, 02:17 AM
Still. Psylocke has alot more junk in the trunk.

06-01-2006, 08:12 AM
^Werd, no ass...

06-01-2006, 10:00 AM
Yes you're right, but if the comic book order where being followed the first movie would have had Xavier, Jean Gray, Xyclops, Iceman, Archangel, and Beast as the five X-Men. Gambit appeared in Uncanny X-Men #266 on August 1990. So yeah, he's one of the "newer" characters.

Read here, good info: http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/article/showquestion.asp?faq=4&fldAuto=290

I have that one. I wonder what the value is on it now. I haven't checked in like 10 years.

06-01-2006, 10:22 AM
im pretty sure it wont be worth as much as before when the demand was much higher. Last i checed on wizard was like 7-8 years ago and all the prices went down.

06-01-2006, 10:37 AM
im pretty sure it wont be worth as much as before when the demand was much higher. Last i checed on wizard was like 7-8 years ago and all the prices went down.

Hmm, crazy. Doesn't really matter. It's not like I'd sell my collection anyway.

It's cool watching my Amazing Spiderman #31 shoot up all the time. It's the first appearance of Harry Osbourne and Gwen Stacey. Gwen is going to be in the next movie too. So that should increase the value even more.

I miss collecting comics.

06-01-2006, 11:44 AM
Don't tell me that fine ass asian chick with the purple bangs was psyloche?

06-01-2006, 08:37 PM

She doesn't look too fine to me there...

And yah.. like I need to say it again... but GAMBIT!?
And Wolverine doesn't kill Pheonix..

Rogue gets her white hair from Magneto (as was shown) and powers from the flying super lady and does kill her, thus permanently keeping her powers.

I enjoyed the movie a lot actually.
Psylocke sucked..
Juggernaut was hilarious..
Magneto isn't done
neither is Rogue. (she needs to be hotter and curvier as well anna paquin sucks for her role)

and emo angel was hilarious haha

06-01-2006, 08:42 PM
i think i blinked when they showed when she got the streak. damnit.

how'd it happen?

06-01-2006, 08:52 PM
She was being molested by Magneto in X2..

Or the first one.. I don't remember... the one with the spinning orb thingy that was gonna turn all humans mutant or something... on top of the statue of liberty..

06-01-2006, 09:00 PM
Johnny Dep as Gambit +1

If he could act badass and his coolness!

06-01-2006, 10:00 PM

And wow I thought the girl that played Psylocke was ok looking when her hair was in front of her face but looking at those pics that Neme linked to....

06-01-2006, 10:33 PM

And wow I thought the girl that played Psylocke was ok looking when her hair was in front of her face but looking at those pics that Neme linked to....

hahahahahah that foo would be a pimp gambit

ryan hagen
06-01-2006, 10:47 PM
yah, i think time machines and stuff come into play somewhere, and clones and split personalitys etc, they leave as many loops holes as possible to get "dead" charactors back into it.

06-01-2006, 11:01 PM

06-01-2006, 11:56 PM
Maggie Q has the look of Psylocke, but she needs like, butt pads, and some fake boobies to play the fox that Psylocke is.

06-02-2006, 12:30 AM
And wow I thought the girl that played Psylocke was ok looking when her hair was in front of her face but looking at those pics that Neme linked to....
actually, those are horrible pictures of her.

she's ok. there's better out there, maybe.. we'll see though. maybe she'll pull it off

06-02-2006, 12:48 AM
3 horrible pictures? Coincidence?

She's ugly.. but has a few good "angles"

06-02-2006, 07:35 AM
Ewwww to that picture too...

06-02-2006, 06:45 PM
I think the chick that played Valentine in RE: II would make a good Psylocke

06-02-2006, 07:06 PM
I heard that X3 was the last film? Is that so?
it was,but since the movie broke so many records and made 124 million over the holiday,they are now definetly going to do solo movies with various x-men.wolverine first,the younger teens next (ice-man,colossos,kitty pryde etc) and a magneto movie. This is all in this weekends USA Today.

06-02-2006, 07:41 PM
I think the chick that played Valentine in RE: II would make a good Psylocke

Now that depends which psylocke they're going to portray.

British Psy? Or Ninja Asian Psy?

Brooke Burke!

06-02-2006, 08:28 PM

Brooke Burke!


06-02-2006, 11:00 PM
Nah, Grace Park for Psylocke


sooooo hot

06-02-2006, 11:20 PM
Exactly, I'm looking forward to Superman just for this reason.

There's actually plans for X4, 5 and 6, pretty much like Star Wars. The first 3 is a trilogy in which it introduced, further implemented, and closed an era, so as to say. The next movies will most likely be another set of films, hopefully bigger and better than the previous. I highly doubt that they'll be prequels tho.

Reason I'm hoping for this is that the new X-men lineup consists of the young Iceman, Colossus, Shadowcat, and Angel. I really liked how Iceman FINALLY turned into, well, Iceman, but i'd like to see some ice surfing! Colossus can turn metal for what seems like a limited time, maybe underdeveloped as well.

And I agree Magneto was weak, this guy is supposed to radiate electromagnectic force! Magnetism is everywhere, its gravity! I'm hoping he would be back, and somehow find some stronger powers. And same with Rogue, she's supposed to be able to fly! This "cure" can be written as a temporary hold and then amplification of powers, forcing the mutant gene in those injected to evolve.

There are so many possibilities, but I don't wanna get my hopes up again and get let down again.
Yeah, Iceman was one of my favorites growing up, so it was cool to see him finally turn into "Iceman"...lol. And the ice surfing would have been nice. I was also glad they showed more of Colossus and used him. I was disappointed in X2 where they only showed him for a brief moment.

They have to make a X4, as showed by Magneto at the end, and Prof. X after the credits. Also, everyone is just assuming Cyclopes is dead.

06-03-2006, 04:18 AM
I think the chick that played Valentine in RE: II would make a good Psylocke

great choice...IMO she would fit...she's definately hot too. She could be the british Psylocke.




06-03-2006, 03:32 PM
I still think she could pull psylocke off.

06-03-2006, 10:28 PM
+1 for Grace Park as Asian Psylocke

06-03-2006, 10:55 PM
DAMMNNN.... why didn't Grace Park pop into my head?!?!?!!?!

06-05-2006, 03:07 AM
'cuz she popped in your pants.. and then you forgot about her