View Full Version : Loss of fuel pressure on highway

05-25-2006, 01:39 AM
Hey guys, i was on the freeway driving in 4th - i had very little fuel but still more than enough to get me home, the gas light was going on and off.
While on the highway, whenever I let go of the gas, my fuel pressure gauge goes from 3.0 - 1.25(sry don't know the units, cm^2/something) and a red warning light starts blinking. Once i gas it a bit more the fuel pressure raises up and will stay steady at around 2.5-3. Later, i'm going uphill on a highway and whenever i shift gears up, the fuel pressure will drop REAL low, lower than normal and the red blinker comes on again.

Prior to today, whenever i let go of the gas, the red light would never blink (it only blinks at 2.0< fuel pressure). So i'm not really sure where to start looking for a problem, if there even is one. I'm gonna go fill up and see if low gas was the problem, but i've driven on very low gas before and this didn't happen intermittently like this. Does running on E all the time put more strain on the fuel pump than normal? Could this wear out my fuel pump faster?

oh also - the first time it happened i smelled a very pungent odor, kinda smelled like the burning of oil or gas.

Any ideas as to what is wrong or what i should do would be great.


05-25-2006, 02:57 AM
Running on low fuel is generally a bad idea, both not good for your fuel pump and for you in case your gas gauge is not accurate. Always count your gas mileage and go by that.

Fuel starvation is normal when you run low. Also may happen when the weather is really hot.

the head
05-25-2006, 11:52 AM
I would guess your gauge is in BAR since 1 bar is 14.5ish psi which puts you about 43 psi which is roughly proper fuel pressure at idle on a 240 SR now I dont know what engine you have (as you did not specify) and I know nothing on KAs because I never had one but on the SR you have a rising rate FPR which will increase pressure as boost increases.

My guess is you sucked up some sediment from the bottom of your tank by running it too low and messed up your fuel pump
due to the damage inside the pump it cannot always put out consistant pressure.

the pressure drop could also be attributed to bad wiring going to the pump but that would make little sense due to what happened before the problem occurred...

may also be the fuel filter change it first see if that fixes the problem if not look into getting a new pump.