View Full Version : Smokes at idle

05-23-2006, 01:31 PM
Quick over view of my current setup
KA24DE turbo
N60 MAF(maxima)

So I install a boost controller and turn my T25 up to 10lbs and start tuning it. Kept popping intercooler piping couplers (already ordered T Bolt clamps) so it wouldnt boost passed 7psi for more than 4 seconds tops. So I put the piping back together and kept it around 5lbs and went to work. Well that day I was sitting at the bank drive through and it started smoking REALLY bad just at idle. Not black (rich gas) smoke, not blue cycled(through the combustion chamber) oil smoke, just a white(not sweet smelling like coolant) thick fresh oil smelling smoke. Well it did it that once and hasent done it in over a week. Yesterday it did it twice. I havent driven it again since yesterday. The turbo makes boost just fine, no noises or anything, also NO smoke under boost. Just once and a while at idle. Oil pressure reads a steady 25-35psi at 900rpm idle. Any ideas?

PS. This started after I installed the boost controller, same day in fact, but the car has not seen 10psi for more than 15 seconds total in 2 second intervals because of the couplers popping off

05-24-2006, 01:10 AM
Check the turbo for shaft play, im suspecting the turbo seals saying bubyee.

05-24-2006, 08:31 AM
yep turbo seals, my t25 on my sr20det does the same thing. I pulled off the intake tube and there is quite a bit of oil in there.

05-24-2006, 08:37 AM
Thank you for the insight guys, are these seals replaceable? Or for the cost, 150 bucks, I could just get another used T25 but whats to say its not going to do the same thing. My turbo had no shaft play prior to install and came from my 72,000 mile clip yet still managed to puke. Any way to rebuild and prevent this again?

05-25-2006, 12:48 AM
Nopes...did you have a BOV and how much boost were you pushing? having a BOV and not over working the turbo pass 14 psi helps. Also down shifting is a bad idea unless your good and used to rev matching...

Also are you running both water line and oil line? Im guessing your not running the water lines? that could have some contributing factor to it but then im just speculating it.

05-25-2006, 01:21 AM
My S13 SR does the same thing. Its its the turbo's seals going out. It took me a while to figure out because the smoke is white but it doesn't smell sweet like coolant. It actually has more of an oil smell to it. The mystery smoke freaked me out, but its just the turbo. Used ones can be had for $100, while a rebuild is like $300.

BTW, i had the wastegate signal line from the boost solenoid fail because it hardened from heat and cracked. Save yourself the trouble and use a silicone line, and then cover it with heat wrap. BTW, theres no "blow-off" on my car.

S13 S I L V I A
05-25-2006, 01:54 PM
Seeing that you got a Turbo KA24DE could you provide pics of your oil return set-up, this could be the problem if you taped the oil pan at to low of a level allowing the return line to back up into the turbo CHRA = Center Housing Rotating Assembly.......and if you aren't running coolants lines to your turbo you should, you'll end up cokeing up your oil feed line quicker and kill the turbo also if you did any type of reclocking of teh turbo make sure the return drain is just about paralell to the floor.