View Full Version : idiot cops again

05-21-2006, 06:05 AM

i watched this clip about drag net cops and shit, OMG the guy is a fucking tard he uses the LAMEST reasons for bothering streetracers, not that i agree with streetracing and most of the idiots that do it but i mean cmon...he says your car cant be lowered because usually people who lower cars use cheap parts.....um....usually aftermarket is made better then stock....and he says that people usually say dont you have anything better to do? and his answer is that people have their lives at stakes and people die, because of street racing...i remember reading the statistics for deaths from street racing are lower then deaths from lightning strikes or some shit like that...anywayz he says some other stupid things in there i just didnt like this cop and his reasons for shit thought i would release some energy on the board and see what u guys think...am i wrong?

05-21-2006, 06:18 AM
LOL I've been to the races there by firehouse... Never raced though.. and didn't want to get in trouble, so I stopped going.

Streetracing is retarded, and I'm all for cops busting streetracers.
Spectators and ppl who modify their cars, however, shouldn't be treated with the same contempt as racers.

05-21-2006, 06:25 AM
agreed "Spectators and ppl who modify their cars, however, shouldn't be treated with the same contempt as racers."

but they only prosecute they spectators to discourage streetracing...which will never work cuz people are going to watch someone shoot himself in the head just to see it. or cut off his penis. whatever

and modifying my car...i have no idea what that has to do with streetracing....

05-21-2006, 06:41 AM
So how are the "idiot cops" idiots when they're only doing their job? Streetracing is stupid and wreckless, and is illegal. I'm glad those people got what was coming to them. The guy in the white Integra was a fucktard.

I do agree though about the way they "profile" modified cars, but that's just the way it's always been, and we can't do anything about it. I'm sick and tired of all these stupid cop bashing threads. Don't drive like a fucking idiot on the road and your chances of getting pulled over are slim.


05-21-2006, 12:55 PM
i'm for streetracing and less police traffic enforcement in general, especially in relation to modifications. Sometimes you gotta die, and that's ok.

05-21-2006, 12:58 PM
Firehouse and kearny mesa road!!! Man i miss those days...races till 3-4 oclock in the morning and then hit up albertos for some carne asada burrito. Man i just made myself hungry...

05-21-2006, 01:38 PM
the only reason street racing is a problem is because of the stupid kid drivers out there.

and the area where they busted those guys reminds me of the ontario area.

"hey were 18 inches" MAD TyTe yO!!!!!

05-21-2006, 02:09 PM
That's like 2-3 years old. I remeber watching the segment on mtv. Weak how they are all proud to demonstrate the illegal activities, to try and yield the negativ-ism of the "scene".

Five minutes of fame to gain a long term of discrimination towards modified vehicles like ours.

05-21-2006, 02:26 PM
dam this shows gotta be from mtv. those kids are stupid.. thikn they are above the law.. usually how those actors are in mtv.. the cops are right about ricers though.. some of them do use cheap parts that are unsafe..

05-21-2006, 02:35 PM
OLD vid, it's from the True Life: I'm a street racer or something.

Those guys were being dicks because they knew they were getting busted, they were joking around. They can be on camera and cry or just make jokes about their situation. I would've been making jokes too.

05-21-2006, 03:42 PM
being pulled over for being a ricer is better than :fruit: > getting busted for showing off your "straight line performance"... :ghey:

05-21-2006, 03:51 PM
So how are the "idiot cops" idiots when they're only doing their job? Streetracing is stupid and wreckless, and is illegal. I'm glad those people got what was coming to them. The guy in the white Integra was a fucktard.

I do agree though about the way they "profile" modified cars, but that's just the way it's always been, and we can't do anything about it. I'm sick and tired of all these stupid cop bashing threads. Don't drive like a fucking idiot on the road and your chances of getting pulled over are slim.


I agree completely. People bash cops, but what you are doing is illegal. I've been to street races, nothing really exciting to me anyway.

05-21-2006, 03:53 PM
actually aftermarket parts are made much worse than stock fitting parts, some of the best and brightest engineers are making todays OEM parts, while aftermarket parts can be made by any person who has machinery and measurement devices, Aftermarket=performance stock=LONGEVITY.

Oh, and maybe the reason streetracing causes less deaths than lightning is because in fact police are enforcing it, say they werent, do you know how many joe schmoes 15 year olds would be out there with their parents cars just beating the fuck out of them just to get some street creds, shit, if lighning strikes were enforcable im sure the deaths would be even lower, so there quit whining about cops. you little shitheads.

05-21-2006, 03:55 PM
mtv's im a street racer... greg lol

05-21-2006, 04:04 PM
the only reason street racing is a problem is because of the stupid kid drivers out there.

Street racing and the kids who do it has been a problem sense the 1940s. Now all those cars are collector items and museum displays. The guys who built them are venerated heroes and icons of Americana.

How many swapped Civic hatchbacks are going to end up in museums? NONE.

The problem is older than most of your parents. So is this discussion. The only things that have changed are the focus of the discrimination and its coverage in the media.

05-21-2006, 04:10 PM
Street racing and the kids who do it has been a problem since the 1940s. Now all those cars are collector items and museum displays. The guys who built them are venerated heroes and icons of Americana.

How many swapped Civic hatchbacks are going to end up in museums? NONE.

The problem is older than most of your parents. So is this discussion. The only things that have changed are the focus of the discrimination and its coverage in the media.

That is true.

05-21-2006, 04:38 PM
well. they should discriminate towards bad drivers. not the cars they drive.

05-21-2006, 04:57 PM
zilvia should have a little place next to your name to state your age, so we can see where you asshats are coming from, like when it says 15 next to yoru names, we can just say "ok we see where hes comin from, hes only 15" not referring to anyone inparticular but get over the fact that life isnt fair, ive had run ins, I just went to the courthouse to pay 140 dollar ticket and it wasnt even for speeding it was even sillier. Get over it, take up scrapbooking if you dont like the consiquences of your actions in the streetracing scene.

05-21-2006, 05:03 PM
well. they should discriminate towards bad drivers. not the cars they drive.

you cant beat the geo metro with your v8!! booo you suck!!

05-21-2006, 05:36 PM
Umm yeah that video is pretty old and your stating the old and beaten. This has been around for years and so has the harrasment of cops. Its something that will never stop and that we just have to live with (thats why its the law), the better we obey the law the less we will be harrassed. The ONLY bad part is when you ARE a good citizen and just get profiled for your rims, rollcage, exhaust, zilvia.net stickers etc. thats the only f**ked up part

05-21-2006, 05:36 PM
Sometimes you gotta die, and that's ok.

I'm not dying because some prick wants to beat a Mustang, sorry.

Don't street race. Don't go near street races. /thread.

05-21-2006, 05:40 PM
Spectators and ppl who modify their cars, however, shouldn't be treated with the same contempt as racers.

The problem is, cops don't make a distinction.

05-21-2006, 08:38 PM
then hit up albertos for some carne asada burrito. Man i just made myself hungry...

DAMN YOU!!!!! ASSSHOOOOOLEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!:madfawk:

Mmmm carne asada fries.....

05-21-2006, 10:33 PM
^ hmm never had that before


ill take mines without the green stuff tho... :]

05-21-2006, 10:36 PM
zilvia should have a little place next to your name to state your age, so we can see where you asshats are coming from, like when it says 15 next to yoru names, we can just say "ok we see where hes comin from, hes only 15" not referring to anyone inparticular but get over the fact that life isnt fair, ive had run ins, I just went to the courthouse to pay 140 dollar ticket and it wasnt even for speeding it was even sillier. Get over it, take up scrapbooking if you dont like the consiquences of your actions in the streetracing scene.

this has a lot to do with where you are from.
not many people here in CA are in the "streetracing" scene, but we do want to modify our cars a little without having to worry as much.

05-21-2006, 10:37 PM
Uummm yeah thats about as Mexican as Kung Pow Chicken

05-21-2006, 10:46 PM
The problem is, cops don't make a distinction.
If EVERYBODY didn't fucking run when the cops showed, the cops wouldn't HAVE to make a distinction. In not having to make a distinction in the face of being left with few people to distinguish from, the guilty party is easier to spot.
... I choose to stay away from the street races.

05-21-2006, 11:03 PM
Word.. those were a long time ago for me.. 3-4 years..

05-21-2006, 11:14 PM
^ hmm never had that before


ill take mines without the green stuff tho... :]

thank you for the dinner idea, I have some of those sitting in my lap right now.

05-22-2006, 12:44 AM
So how are the "idiot cops" idiots when they're only doing their job? Streetracing is stupid and wreckless, and is illegal. I'm glad those people got what was coming to them. The guy in the white Integra was a fucktard.

I do agree though about the way they "profile" modified cars, but that's just the way it's always been, and we can't do anything about it. I'm sick and tired of all these stupid cop bashing threads. Don't drive like a fucking idiot on the road and your chances of getting pulled over are slim.

i agree 100%

The Island
05-22-2006, 01:09 AM
Firehouse and kearny mesa road!!! Man i miss those days...races till 3-4 oclock in the morning and then hit up albertos for some carne asada burrito. Man i just made myself hungry...

man me and my friends do the exact same thing now, sorta. we go to van ness and santa fe til 2 then hit up albertitas after for some carne asada burritos. weird....haha.

05-22-2006, 03:15 PM
street racing is pretty gay. ive had a couple civics stop next to me at stop lights and rev there engines. i just drive off like normal. sometimes if im in the right lane ill rev up my engine like im gonna race them and when the light turns green and they floor it ill just take a right. its pretty funny.

05-22-2006, 03:54 PM
^ smooth move!

alberto's > street racing

the reason i dont go to "the street races" or even some car meets, is that alot of times the cops will generalize you (and your car) based on the other people at that same event, mostly ricers. i dont like to hang with FF poseurs anyway!

EDIT: los alanzanes also > street racing

05-22-2006, 08:27 PM
I'm not dying because some prick wants to beat a Mustang, sorry.

Well that's not how any of us want to die, but it's not up to us. We are quickly losing social privelages and driving has become too strict. Everything is so regulated. I think if a few people die racing, it's fine. If they do it in a secluded area they will just kill themselves off. Sometimes they will kill innocent bystanders or other drivers, but most of the time it will be them. Death is overrated. Paralysis on the other hand is fucked up.

I can't even enjoy riding my motorcyle because CHP has infested the roads we populate every Sunday morning because of motorcycle accidents. Almost 100% of motorcycle accidents do no property damage or bodily harm except to the rider and the bike. I dont even see why we get pulled over at all. Sorry to go off on a tangent. I dont advocate street racing, but like marijuana, i dont smoke but i think it should be legalized. The law in this country is overpowering. People dying is not as bad as losing freedom.

"Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least for a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!"

05-22-2006, 08:45 PM
Werd. Like motorcycle helmet laws. The only person in danger of not wearing a helmet is the rider! Doesn't really affect anyone else, so there shouldn't be a law for it!
Maybe its kinda like cleaning up after your dog laws. No one wants to step in that stuff. If some guy on a bike crashed and emptied the contents of his skull onto the sidewalk, I would be kinda irritated if I had to go around the mess.
More likely than not, the CHP are out there for revenue. That and maybe neighbor complaints. I read in the paper that the residents of Palomar mountian in so cal near San Diego wage war on the bike riders. They would do really evil stuff like sprinkle sand and pour desiel fuel in the corners.
But you are right. Especailly in California anything to do with cars is regulated.

05-22-2006, 08:55 PM
Sometimes racers/riders families are the one that wants some law put into the less safe activities that people take part in.

That's why there are laws on racing, motorcycle riding, etc.

Even if the so called rider/racer is so bad ass, they believe the laws should be ignored or gone all together, when that rider dies, the family tries to justify the death by petitioning for a law to be made to keep OTHER racers/riders safe.

05-22-2006, 09:04 PM
Very true. Reactionary law for better or for worse.

05-22-2006, 09:26 PM
well i dont think other people should have say over what you do to yourself. i consider that a freedom. and i know its a debatable topic but in the end if i want to risk my life to enjoy racing my car in any fashion. until it affects other peoples lives...meaning if i put them in danger by street racing then i understand i shouldnt be able to do it legally. but if the only reason behind wearing seatbelts is my safety...then i should be able to choose if i wear it or not. until my insurance company demands it of me :) etc.

05-23-2006, 01:04 AM
i didnt know motorcyles and bikers get pulled over at all.. i thought they were left alone because generally people who ride will ride fast.. isnt that the whole point of a bike? loud and fast and no hassles from cops

05-23-2006, 01:18 AM
My brother got a fix-it ticket for no turn signals! hahaha where out on a twisty road me in my car he on his GSXR and the cop knew we where up to no good. So my brother ( for the second time ) got picked on for what ever the cop could get him for

05-23-2006, 01:20 AM
i got a ticket for NON-DOT approved turn signals. aint that a bitch. i couldn't believe the chip took 10 minutes out of his day to do that.

05-23-2006, 02:50 AM
^ hmm never had that before


ill take mines without the green stuff tho... :]
sorry but that looks disgusting to me....

05-23-2006, 02:27 PM
OMG. You have to try it then, carne asada fries are the shit. I just had some today at Alfredos.

06-01-2006, 12:32 PM
man me and my friends do the exact same thing now, sorta. we go to van ness and santa fe til 2 then hit up albertitas after for some carne asada burritos. weird....haha.

your friends sound awesome.
but i hear you never even go out and chill for that long.

06-01-2006, 02:09 PM
yea cops suck.
me and my friends were driving home friday night/ saturday morning around 2.
At a red light, we slowed to a stopin the right turning lane. At the same time, a Scion tC pulls up next to us, starts yelling and revving, and THEN i see the driver reach under his seat. (in carson, that usually means i have a gun under my seat, im going to shoot you). So i turn right to escape, then i see the Scion pull over the lanes and pull up behind me. So, in fear for my life, i floor it. I was far enough ahead of them in the end. but.... a cop sees.

the Scion has enough time to decelerate and act normal, and i get pulled over.
Guns drawn, the cop cuffs me right away and slams me in the back seat of the cruiser. I try to explain my situation, but all he could say was STFU. they had the cuffs on for about literally 3 hours, which caused some nerve damage to my thumbs and forefingers. my friends walked about 3 miles home, and i spent the better part of the day in jail.

yea it wasnt too fun.

06-01-2006, 02:53 PM
^ hmm never had that before


ill take mines without the green stuff tho... :]

if you haven't had these then you aren't living life!:drool:

06-01-2006, 08:18 PM
sorry but that looks disgusting to me....

Damn how does that not look good... I gotta get me some of those!

06-01-2006, 09:05 PM
Thread title: Idiot cops again.

I click it on,goto teh second page and skim down...what do I see? People talking about fries?


06-02-2006, 06:04 AM
sorry but that looks disgusting to me....

DUDE...they are the BEST things EVAR made...

Dan, btw, you suck for having them in your posession.

06-02-2006, 08:25 AM
yea cops suck.
me and my friends were driving home friday night/ saturday morning around 2.
At a red light, we slowed to a stopin the right turning lane. At the same time, a Scion tC pulls up next to us, starts yelling and revving, and THEN i see the driver reach under his seat. (in carson, that usually means i have a gun under my seat, im going to shoot you). So i turn right to escape, then i see the Scion pull over the lanes and pull up behind me. So, in fear for my life, i floor it. I was far enough ahead of them in the end. but.... a cop sees.

the Scion has enough time to decelerate and act normal, and i get pulled over.
Guns drawn, the cop cuffs me right away and slams me in the back seat of the cruiser. I try to explain my situation, but all he could say was STFU. they had the cuffs on for about literally 3 hours, which caused some nerve damage to my thumbs and forefingers. my friends walked about 3 miles home, and i spent the better part of the day in jail.

yea it wasnt too fun.

^^Damn that sucks...How fast were you going?

06-02-2006, 11:24 AM
Streetracing is retarded, and I'm all for cops busting streetracers. Spectators and ppl who modify their cars, however, shouldn't be treated with the same contempt as racers.

i agree with you on this!!

06-04-2006, 04:04 AM
^^Damn that sucks...How fast were you going?

around 60 by the time they got me.

06-04-2006, 04:48 AM
DUDE...they are the BEST things EVAR made...

Dan, btw, you suck for having them in your posession.

Fuck that..CALIFORNIA CARNE ASADA BURRITO FTW!!! I remember they got the carne asada nachos too...fook its 4 in the morning and i might have to hit up albertos. Wait I got ADALBERTO not albertos out here in Travis.

Lisa, ill take pictures of me scurfing down some, just for you...just something to look forward to till you guys get back to cali. Oh yah...you miss IN n OUT too eh? Burrito, In n Out and Jack in the Crack are the 3 things I missed bout cali when i got stationed in NJ.

Anyways, street races back in the days in SD were koo. Its stupid but it was some what controlled stupid. Only people who were in the area are people who wanted to be there. If something happens, then sorry, you chose to be there. Stupid usually means your dumbass for thinking you can cross the street when people are racing, or your a bigger dumbass by pulling out in front of somebody. Those were before the whole drag net and everything. Think big, if you norcal cats think Montegue was big back in the days...think bout 3x bigger than that!!! I was actually out at kearney the first time they had a real "bust" back in the summer of 99. Darg net came thru from 3 different sides with everything they got. Only thing that saved our ass was that we rolled in my boys Chevy truck so we went off-roading thru a parking lot to get away. Between the fine and getting your shiet impounded, its not even worth it. Flame me for it but wutevers, some of you guys know you've done one form of this stupidity one time or another.

06-04-2006, 08:12 AM
^^^doode you suck! hahaha. Yess....Cali burritos are the shit too! Just hard to share since they are sooo big!

You should get orders to atsugi! hahaha.