View Full Version : offset comparison calculation

05-19-2006, 08:09 AM
I remember reading it and could have swore that I saved the thread and even wrote it down but I can't find anything...

I want to compare a couple wheel sizes and offsets(17x8.5 +25, 17x9.5 +30, a few others) to see how I could get the same or very similar look out of 17x9 wheels... anyone remeber the calculation for doing that? something like for every 1/2 in width you add/subtract a certain amount of mm from the offset being used as a comparison.....

sorry if this sounds confusing, hopefully someone will remember or know what the hell i'm talking about....

05-19-2006, 09:50 AM

05-19-2006, 10:21 AM
wasn't exactly what I was looking for but that made it much easier... thank you...

05-20-2006, 04:24 PM
One inch is 25.4mm. Divide it by two (for inner and outer half) and you get 12.7mm. For every inch wider, subtract 12.7mm from the effective offset. For example: 17x8 +30 --> 17x9 +30 would be the equivalent of 17x8 +17.

Thus, 17x9.5 +30 would be roughly equivalent to 17x8.5 +17.

This all depends on wheel design.