View Full Version : New Pentagon flight 77 video of plane impact is pathetic!

05-16-2006, 11:41 PM
With your average Wal Mart having over 30 close circuit cameras in its store, this is the best footage the Pentagon can produce? And they held this shit because of the Mawsawi trial? If you have not seen the yahoo movie (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5137581991288263801&q=loose+change) by loose change productions, you might take the time now to see it. It is worth the watch. The main thing that stuck with me was the lack of a plane and the almost perfect hole on the Pentagon wall. Then to see the new Pentagon video, go to CNN.com or judicialwatch.com

05-17-2006, 01:45 AM
The funny thing is how the govt. "released" the video today, yet it has been all over the internet for years. So basically they released a "classified" video that everyone has already seen. haha

05-17-2006, 02:19 AM
Yea the new version has what appears to be the nose section of an aircraft this second time around, but there are just WAY too many questions popping up in the details surrounding this. You watch this video all the way thru, and you will look at it in a different light. Oh, and btw.... we could find Saddam in a damn hole in the ground and even kill his two Sons, but cannot for the life of us find Osama?
I used to laugh at that Michael Moore movie (farenheight 911) which i still have not seen. But i really am not laughing that much now. You can just get that feeling that something is really wrong with the big picture in this country.

Nan Desu Ka?!
05-17-2006, 04:59 AM
I saw the first addition of this video almost a year ago.

I agree with almost every point that is brought up. I just want answers... Im not as resolute as the writer/narrator is in his beliefs but the gov't NEEDS to respond to this kind of stuff.

There are a hell of a lot of inconsistancies all throughout post 9/11 intelligence and the investigation.

Really makes ya think...

05-17-2006, 07:52 AM
Its the same thing from 2yr ago, a bunch of shit from the govt.

05-17-2006, 09:39 AM
Land of the free my ass, home of the brave...well maybe. Fact is that Bush has ruined the USA financially and is the most dishonest politician alive...how did this guy get re-elected I'll never understand.

05-17-2006, 09:40 AM
Shut it ya Canuck.

05-17-2006, 09:44 AM
its a shame the govt isn't what we were taught to think it is. But then again, people are people. We're killing each other.

05-17-2006, 10:26 AM
so if most of the things that the video said were true. such as the pentagon issue, why would they send a missile into the pentagon while having ppl still in there? 160 something people died....i don't get it.

05-17-2006, 11:43 AM
Well, i know what you are saying. But immediately the things that my own eyes do not understand is the perfect 16 foot diameter hole entering the the strongest point of the structure. The aircraft was 25 feet tall at its highest point. And for it to travel the way it did at almost ground height, into the structure without destroying those lamp posts or the lawn... it would have to have been travelling at that height for at LEAST 1 mile due to its sheer size and speed. It should have taken out or grazed buildings before hitting the pentagon i would think.
The narrator said that all Pentagon employees were ID'd by DNA and sent to a separate morgue than the apparent victims in the alleged airliner.

What i do know as fact is that the Pentagon has a battery of SAM's surrounding it.
But why is this the best footage that the Pentagon has? It looks like what a missle would do. How can even a slow frame security camera miss capturing ALL THAT FUSELAGE? I think this just made it worse for the administration. They said this new footage was held back because of that Zakarius Mausawi trial. Just how useful a piece of video evidence was it really? What a sham perpetrated on the people of this great country.
Then the fact that there was more gold bars stored under the Towers than probably anyplace on earth. And the drama with that. It's like one of those
movies we have all seen, where a hoax is created by the military elite so they can continue their secret war against terror or an alien race or something. And they needed the gold to fund their secret ops. There was gold reserves under there being stored for other nations!

so if most of the things that the video said were true. such as the pentagon issue, why would they send a missile into the pentagon while having ppl still in there? 160 something people died....i don't get it.

05-17-2006, 12:01 PM
Enough....we're not going through crap this again.

Over 3000 people died on that day and many more are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan to allow people like you all to make assinine comments.
