View Full Version : power window trouble

05-14-2006, 11:15 PM
my power window stopped working on the drivers side. now i changed the motor but all it does is just click. my window is partially down so what can I do to get it fixed. let me know what to do i just don't wanna getmy car broken into.


05-15-2006, 02:20 AM
could be the power window amplifier.

05-15-2006, 02:23 AM
for now, i would suggest you pull off your driver door panel.
pull out the window assembly. Take it completely out of your car.
put your window all the way up, and then put bolts underneath the sliders, so your window wont roll down.

check your harness? could u have possibly got a bad motor for the pw windows? check the wire line, on the window assembly.

05-15-2006, 02:26 AM
+1 for the amplifier. This happened on my S13 hatch. Replaced the amplifier and all is good.

05-15-2006, 03:32 PM
same with my drivers side on my s14...

it was the amp .

05-15-2006, 04:36 PM
its amp, always replace amp first. I'm on my 3rd one.

05-15-2006, 06:04 PM
Try putting power to the motor directly (w/ amp unplugged) and see if it moves. That should tell you if the motors OK (and allow you to close it for now). You should be able to see if the switch is working w/ a multimeter, but that should be OK if you here some clicking at the motor. If both are good, then probably the amp.

06-20-2006, 02:54 AM
I am having intermittent issues with my drivers side window on my S14. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I have tried a different amp (from my parts car) and its the same thing. Is there any way to test the amp to see if its actually dead?

For example yesterday on my way to work, it rolled up and down fine for a few min. Then I got on the interstate and it wouldn't budge at all. I tried and tried everything I could to get the window up before work, but no go. I get off work my window still down, start the car, and the window went up and down fine. WTF!?!

If anybody can enlighten me more so on this, please send me a msg on Yahoo or Aim. Just say that you are from the forums, and I'll get back to you if I'm around the house. I work midnights.

06-20-2006, 03:12 AM
This thread is such a coincidence for me, cause my s13 drivers side window just quit on me, like two day after I got my JCI inspection done. I think I'm just going to swap out the whole assembly with my parts car, or maybe the whole door. I don't know yet, we'll see once I pull off all the panels. BTW, I know the switch works, I hear what sounds like a relay clicking around in the door when I hit it, but window no budgy. Is there anything in the line that I'm missing that could be wrong?

06-20-2006, 07:51 AM
my driver side window dosnt like to go down sometimes. I have to make it go up all the way and sometimes i have to keep pushing the window up switch before it will go down. Is this forshadowing for a bad amp or window going bad eventually? Its been like this for like 2 years. It seems to only do this in hot weather...

06-20-2006, 08:01 AM
I've also got other weird electrical problems, but I don't think they are related. For example, my right headlight will stop working if it rains, but only when it rains. I can hit puddles all day/night and it will still work, but once the rain sets in, it's done for. I got to get a wiring diagram for a Silvia headlight system, so I can properly and permanantly install it to my 180 front. Sorry for the threadjack, but with all my electrical probs, I'm down to looking for an easy way to get 'er done.

06-20-2006, 10:28 AM
on the drivers side, therhe is this little white box, sometimes you can giggle that and get it to work again, or it might need replacing, on my old s13 that happened, and i "upgraded" to a 300zx one lol, it was the only one the junk yard had and it looked the same, word.
do it.

06-21-2006, 10:29 AM
my passenger side window wouldnt go up and we found out that it was the regulator that was broken.