View Full Version : how much to put one of these in my car?~ hahahah

05-12-2006, 02:39 PM
i searched and nothing came up so im posting


it's hot... i have bad eye sight at night.. idk ... my eyes are good... and i got em checked a few weeks back but i really can't see that good at night after a good 1 hour driving around....

i think it would be hot... how much to put one of these in my s14 hahahaha

05-12-2006, 03:01 PM
that is bad ass. probibly cost about $donate both testicles to science

05-12-2006, 04:32 PM
That costs around 5 grand, at least as an option to get for the car it says +4,900

2iv0 sx
05-12-2006, 05:10 PM
thats oh so sick!

05-12-2006, 05:16 PM
I think I saw the 5th Gear of Top Gear episode where they reviewed the then new M5 and M6. They said the feature was neat but kinda impractical. Something to do with the position of the video distracting from the actual driving.
Still pretty cool technology.

05-12-2006, 07:19 PM
so theoreticaly, you can be like Takumi and drive with your lights off:p

05-12-2006, 08:00 PM
neat application, but damn, i could just see that dulling peoples senses. more driving aids seem to = less skilled drivers.

05-12-2006, 08:59 PM
good for those senile people who shouldnt be on the road

05-12-2006, 10:27 PM
so theoreticaly, you can be like Takumi and drive with your lights off:p
I drove with my lights off one night, but some dumbass almost crashed into me, I was just driving on the opposite lane when this almost happened, but still, he should of payed more fucking attention, almost wrecked, pretty crazy day, man I hate those idiot drivers. :Ownedd:

Nan Desu Ka?!
05-12-2006, 11:32 PM
I think I saw the 5th Gear of Top Gear episode where they reviewed the then new M5 and M6. They said the feature was neat but kinda impractical. Something to do with the position of the video distracting from the actual driving.
Still pretty cool technology.
Got to it before me. They even said it was a usless feature and a waste of money...

05-13-2006, 12:06 AM
Sucks when a bug or rock takes that sensor out.

No one remember the Cadillac with the sensor behind the wreath and a HUD?

05-13-2006, 12:08 AM
I thought some of the caddy's had those? the DTS?

Either way, good application, but I can't imagine starring at that little LCD monitor at night.

More HID for sure :D

05-13-2006, 01:05 AM
I drove with my lights off one night, but some dumbass almost crashed into me, I was just driving on the opposite lane when this almost happened, but still, he should of payed more fucking attention, almost wrecked, pretty crazy day, man I hate those idiot drivers. :Ownedd:

why is the other driver the dumbass?

05-13-2006, 01:11 AM
haha, who goes rollerskating and jogging alone on a pitch black road? i love exaggerated reinactments of real life.

05-13-2006, 01:16 AM
why is the other driver the dumbass?
Hes the one that didn't see me, I saw him, he used the brakes like at the last second and swerved a little bit, down the block a car was standing double parked, so I decided to ride the wrong way, not just go into the opposite lane at where the car was, I always do that, also some suv behind the dumbass who almost crashed into was flashing his lights like nonstop, maybe that kept me from crashing into him, but seriously, who the hell doesn't see a white car heading their way, therefore hes the dumbass.
back on topic: on that road, everyone should be using the high beams, what kind of an idiot would use the normal beam in pitch black.

05-13-2006, 05:13 AM
Hes the one that didn't see me, I saw him, he used the brakes like at the last second and swerved a little bit, down the block a car was standing double parked, so I decided to ride the wrong way, not just go into the opposite lane at where the car was, I always do that, also some suv behind the dumbass who almost crashed into was flashing his lights like nonstop, maybe that kept me from crashing into him, but seriously, who the hell doesn't see a white car heading their way, therefore hes the dumbass.
back on topic: on that road, everyone should be using the high beams, what kind of an idiot would use the normal beam in pitch black.
But at the end of the day you're still the dumbass on the wrong side of the road.

05-13-2006, 05:18 AM
Hes the one that didn't see me, I saw him, he used the brakes like at the last second and swerved a little bit, down the block a car was standing double parked, so I decided to ride the wrong way, not just go into the opposite lane at where the car was, I always do that, also some suv behind the dumbass who almost crashed into was flashing his lights like nonstop, maybe that kept me from crashing into him, but seriously, who the hell doesn't see a white car heading their way, therefore hes the dumbass.
back on topic: on that road, everyone should be using the high beams, what kind of an idiot would use the normal beam in pitch black.

You just said in the previous post YOU WERE DRIVING WITH YOUR FUCKING LIGHTS OFF> :bash: :newbie: :fart: :hammer: :wackit:

Nan Desu Ka?!
05-13-2006, 11:16 AM
Hes the one that didn't see me, I saw him, he used the brakes like at the last second and swerved a little bit, down the block a car was standing double parked, so I decided to ride the wrong way, not just go into the opposite lane at where the car was, I always do that, also some suv behind the dumbass who almost crashed into was flashing his lights like nonstop, maybe that kept me from crashing into him, but seriously, who the hell doesn't see a white car heading their way, therefore hes the dumbass.
back on topic: on that road, everyone should be using the high beams, what kind of an idiot would use the normal beam in pitch black.
I cant belive the fucked up logic in your head makes HIM and not YOU a dumbass.

YOU drove with your lights OFF and on the WRONG FUCKING SIDE OF THE ROAD.

and somehow HE is a dumbass for swerving?! Dude, use your fucking head, that is all you buddy. I really wasnt going to say anything but HOW can you be that dense???? It really boggles my mind... :bash:

05-13-2006, 07:08 PM
wow, just wow. I don't think he should be using his head, cuz it's obviously not working. Headlights aren't just to let you see stuff, it also makes your car visible to other drivers. At night, or even dusk, when everyone else has their lights on, it is almost impossible to see cars that don't have their lights on due to the glare of all the other headlights. No doubt about it, YOU were the dumbass in this situation. What if he did hit you, who do you think the cops would say is at fault. "But officer, it wasn't my fault, I was just driving down the wrong side of the street at night without my lights on, it's totally the other guy's fault! I do this all the time, and have never been hit before, so that means its ok. Obviously, this guy doesn't know what to do when encountering someone DRIVING DOWN THE WRONG SIDE OF THE STREET AT NIGHT WITH NO LIGHTS ON."

05-13-2006, 07:16 PM
thats awesome!!!!!

05-13-2006, 09:39 PM
wow you could rig something like that for 400 bux, i guess integration is worth 4600 bux. luxury overpricing FTL

05-13-2006, 11:00 PM
just drive wearing nightvision goggles
well maybe not so practical with oncoming traffic lol

05-14-2006, 12:35 AM
wow you could rig something like that for 400 bux, i guess integration is worth 4600 bux. luxury overpricing FTL

not to be rude, but i am guessing an all weather shock proof high quality Infa-red system with a widescreen display will run a bit over $400

05-14-2006, 09:42 AM
well certainly you would be correct in that I couldnt get that exact quality for 400 but an infra-red camera costs about 50 bux and a display would be about 150, and then adaptation parts and accessories maybe 50, so hey looky there only about 250 for a setup, now how long it will last, donno, with the non shockproof camera, but its impractical anyway, I have yet to hit any joggers at night, (knocks on wood) and what other features will this help me with? seems like a distraction to me. although It is nice to see all the cool new stuff they can pack into cars, it does get rediculous at times.

05-14-2006, 10:44 AM
rocks? bugs? my bumper's paint is tore up from that.

Annoying Eric
05-14-2006, 10:58 AM
Hes the one that didn't see me, I saw him, he used the brakes like at the last second and swerved a little bit, down the block a car was standing double parked, so I decided to ride the wrong way, not just go into the opposite lane at where the car was, I always do that, also some suv behind the dumbass who almost crashed into was flashing his lights like nonstop, maybe that kept me from crashing into him, but seriously, who the hell doesn't see a white car heading their way, therefore hes the dumbass.
back on topic: on that road, everyone should be using the high beams, what kind of an idiot would use the normal beam in pitch black.

You give the human race a bad name!!!!!!

05-14-2006, 04:57 PM
I'm sure they have some film or cover to protect the camera, they don't want replace these things every 6 months under warranty. and cadillac has had this availabe for 5 years or so, plus the image is projected onto the bottom of the windshield ala HUD, so it is much easier to use.

05-14-2006, 05:19 PM
haha, who goes rollerskating and jogging alone on a pitch black road? i love exaggerated reinactments of real life.

hahaha ya serious

ahhhh perfect moonlit night
im gonna go for a stroll on my rollerblades

05-14-2006, 08:26 PM
not only that, but it's a one lane road, the car can barely fit on the road with one person on the shoulder

05-15-2006, 03:17 AM
i seriously thought this guy was joking... he's seriouse!?!?!?!?

I cant belive the fucked up logic in your head makes HIM and not YOU a dumbass.

YOU drove with your lights OFF and on the WRONG FUCKING SIDE OF THE ROAD.

and somehow HE is a dumbass for swerving?! Dude, use your fucking head, that is all you buddy. I really wasnt going to say anything but HOW can you be that dense???? It really boggles my mind... :bash:

05-15-2006, 08:52 AM
well... i have trouble at night after drving for a good 1 hour plus....

it's not like i will drive just looking at the lcd alone but it will be at the corner of my eye and i live in the bronx ( no racist comment ) i just can't see some of the people with the dark clothing on ... it's hard and sometimes i really get startled because people just pop out of no where so hehehe just thought it would be good for me

05-15-2006, 01:49 PM
well... i have trouble at night after drving for a good 1 hour plus....

it's not like i will drive just looking at the lcd alone but it will be at the corner of my eye and i live in the bronx ( no racist comment ) i just can't see some of the people with the dark clothing on ... it's hard and sometimes i really get startled because people just pop out of no where so hehehe just thought it would be good for me
Have you ever tried stopping somewhere? In Bronx, I suppose its just like Brooklyn, with bunch of grocery stores and shit, so why not stop at some grocery store, 7-11 and get something to eat, take a little break, or just relax in your car, after 1 hour of driving, then after 10 minutes just drive again, not trying to be an asshole just trying to find ways for you to get your vision back, if that helps then why not do it. :hammer:

05-15-2006, 01:59 PM
it's not like 1 hour constant driving .. it's like all together like one hour... 10 mins here 10 mins there... and then idk ... haha... my eyes gets' tired easiliy ...

and with so many fags with non projectile hid's on em ... even worse for me ... :bash:

but hey ... it's not that bad... just thought it would be nice to have something to assist me hehe