View Full Version : pursuasive presentation input please

05-04-2006, 02:21 AM
I have to do a pursuasive presentation on a current topic, I have to try to make my audience agree with me on whatever my topic is. what should i do? please give me some ideas, the easier the better, and please nothing risky college class.. thanks.

05-04-2006, 03:58 AM
Do one on "making certain drugs legal in Mexico."

It's been in the news lately and I think it's a bad idea. I'm pretty sure you can convince the audience to agree that it is a bad idea.

Increases drug trafficking
Increases illegal immigration
People over there are going to be under the influence all the time, lol

05-04-2006, 04:11 AM
hmm, do u go to school at GCC? is ur teacher poyner?? :confused:

05-04-2006, 05:49 AM
Would you consider on doing it on something your interested in? Its easier.

Maybe like you should get your car tuned every so and so to keep reliablity.
Or using cheap tires for daily driving sufices instead of expensive ones. Or like a topic that talked about in Zilvia about staying away from fram filters, etc.

I would do something crazy like how to pesuade people that there is no such thing as freedom. How the government converts people from birth to follow rules and regulations. As long as you follow the rules you will be rewarded with material. If you disagree, you will be chastised. Capitalist at its best.

Good luck!

05-04-2006, 11:23 AM
easy topic that everyone would agree with?

Smoking is bad. Drinking and driving dont mix. Finish high school, dont drop out.

05-04-2006, 11:38 AM
Do one on "making certain drugs legal in Mexico."

It's been in the news lately and I think it's a bad idea. I'm pretty sure you can convince the audience to agree that it is a bad idea.

Increases drug trafficking
Increases illegal immigration
People over there are going to be under the influence all the time, lol

WTF u talking about? there is more % of pot heads in usa than in mexico O_o

and here mary jane cost 20 times less

05-04-2006, 01:18 PM
I'm thinking part of the assignment is to argue convincingly for or against a topic that doesn't necessarily appear rational at fist.

- The benefits of Marijuana legalization
- Modifying cars does not necessarily equates to pollution
- Television is obsolete

just a couple that cross my mind at the moment. Wish I'd take speech/debate classes in school - the benefits are immense in everything you do in life.

05-04-2006, 02:41 PM
WTF u talking about? there is more % of pot heads in usa than in mexico O_o

and here mary jane cost 20 times less

I'm saying, now that it would be legal there, more and more people are going to be high.

I don't know, it was just a suggestion.

05-04-2006, 02:46 PM
I'm thinking part of the assignment is to argue convincingly for or against a topic that doesn't necessarily appear rational at fist.

- The benefits of Marijuana legalization
- Modifying cars does not necessarily equates to pollution
- Television is obsolete

just a couple that cross my mind at the moment. Wish I'd take speech/debate classes in school - the benefits are immense in everything you do in life.

yea, i think its better if your presentation argues against the majority. otherwise, if its a simple topic, everythings gonna sound like common sense and it'll appear that you half assed it.

05-04-2006, 03:02 PM
I have to do a pursuasive presentation on a current topic, I have to try to make my audience agree with me on whatever my topic is. what should i do? please give me some ideas, the easier the better, and please nothing risky college class.. thanks.

hold them at gunpoint, everyone agrees at gunpoint lol, jk :bigok:

Do one on "making certain drugs legal in Mexico."

It's been in the news lately and I think it's a bad idea. I'm pretty sure you can convince the audience to agree that it is a bad idea.

Increases drug trafficking
Increases illegal immigration
People over there are going to be under the influence all the time, lol

you can also contrast the mexican goverment legalizing drugs to how the us goverment introduced drugs into minority neighboorhoods (projects) back then in order to supress the minoraties. Maybe the mexican governemnt wants to legalaize drugs for a reasons besides the obvious ones CNN and the mexican goverment claim?

but yeah you can argue either way, its fresh topic with not a lot of input yet so you can pretty much throw anything out there and ppl will listen