View Full Version : how many tickets can u get before your license gets suspended?????? worried

05-03-2006, 10:56 PM
Anyway, I was just recently talking to my friend about this and I started to wonder if I have too many fuckin tickets,

1 minor (brians civic, "u-turned without yeilding")
2 speeding (both under 100)
hitting the parked car (not sure if its a ticket)
1 no stop (did a california stop)
1 no yeilding (light turned green and i turned left before the cars went straight)

thats what I have, the last two havent posted yet, anyone got some useful info to give?? will be checking dmv later, thanks

05-03-2006, 11:41 PM
Each violation is worth a certain amount of points. Most violations are 1 and the bad ones are 2. IIRC if you have more than 6 points within a certain time frame your license will be suspended for either 6 months or 1 year. Keep in mind that my info is from a long time ago.

The best thing is to do what you said: Go check your DMV record. It will tell you how many points you have. The DMV handbook should tell you how many points you are allowed to have and in what time frame. Good luck

05-04-2006, 12:09 AM
it also depends on what state you are in, this is sort of a regional topic.

05-04-2006, 02:02 AM
go to traffic school and quit driving like a retard.

05-04-2006, 02:07 AM
1 stop sign ticket
2 speeding tickets
3 toll-pas tickets
5 fix-it tickets
8 parking tickets
19 Tickets since 10/05.

I beat you!

Just request for traffic school.

05-04-2006, 04:02 AM
Call the DMV.

hitting the parked car (not sure if its a ticket)

Did it suddenly move forward? :aw:

05-04-2006, 04:59 AM
Wow... Some people should be kept off of the streets...

05-04-2006, 06:01 AM
straight from dmv:

Negligent operator violation point count

Once you are licensed to drive in California it is important that you continue to follow all the laws and practice safe driving habits. If you start accumulating tickets for moving violations, which count as one or two points, you may be considered a negligent operator and may lose your privilege to drive.

Most driving offenses, such as hit and run, reckless driving, and driving under the influence, are designated as 2 points and will remain on your record for seven years from the violation date. Most other offenses are designated as 1 point and will remain on your record for three years from the violation date. Any "at fault" accident is normally counted as one point.

You will be considered a negligent operator if your driving record shows any of the following point count totals:

* 4 points in 12 months, or
* 6 points in 24 months, or
* 8 points in 36 months

05-04-2006, 11:04 AM
Call the DMV.

Did it suddenly move forward? :aw:

i swear it did!!! lol

nah... i was mad at the parental units, bald front tires, but the weridest part is that i understeer'd at like 30mph??? made a left and it didnt wanna turn, went straight, braked, and hit the stupid car that jumped up in front of me i actually have pics of the car I hit and the damage that was done to my car, you guys are gonna be REALLY fuckin surprised when I post the pics, haha Ill do it when i get home from work, lets just say no front bumper support to make room for the intercooler

05-04-2006, 12:17 PM
yeah you shouldnt drive at all. and whats weird about your car understeering at 30mph? you had bald front tires= no grip, you braked= lessens steering=understeer. and im sure you probably did this in a neighborhood, trying to dori around a corner correct? one more reason you shouldnt drive on the street.

05-04-2006, 01:00 PM
You guys need to chill with the drive slow/normal, its so fun to drive fast :2f2f:

05-04-2006, 01:16 PM
yeah you shouldnt drive at all. and whats weird about your car understeering at 30mph? you had bald front tires= no grip, you braked= lessens steering=understeer. and im sure you probably did this in a neighborhood, trying to dori around a corner correct? one more reason you shouldnt drive on the street.

lol yea dumbass i tried to "dori" and yell just like the skyline owner in initial d

I dont remember how fast I was going but the point being is that I remember going not very fast at all, it couldve probably been doing 20mph. The way it went down was that I was suppose to go out with some girl that night and my dad (who I did work for at home, paperwork mostly) made me finish it til like 11pm that sat night. When I finally finished I was pist because it was already late, and the house I lived in was on a hill, I took off quickly and knowing theres a corner at the bottom I wasnt going to drift or anything, a little bit half ways there I started slowing down a lot because I knew i was going a little fast probably 40ish... I slowed down to like 20-30 and turned and the car just understeer'd but without even trying. Once I was understeering I slammed on the brakes thinking I would stop since I wasnt going fast but none of it helped because of the bald front tires, and I hit the parked car at like 10mph

But to the rest of you, you wanna take me to work every morning? You wanna pay for my bus fare and find me a route to my work? If your not going to do any of those just keep your useless opinions to yourself and dont judge the way people are / drive just by the small details they give you about themselves, thats just ignorant to state something towards someone when you dont even know who that someone is

05-04-2006, 02:49 PM
lol yea dumbass i tried to "dori" and yell just like the skyline owner in initial d

Looks like you're the dumbass in this situation.

05-04-2006, 02:59 PM
Looks like you're the dumbass in this situation.

ok Mr. Im a sprung bitch and use pics of my girlfriend as an icon

05-04-2006, 03:04 PM
First of all, CaoBoy was just stating the obvious. He never called you any names. Then you resort to calling him a dumbass. That's pretty funny since you're the one who hit a PARKED car.

ok Mr. Im a sprung bitch and use pics of my girlfriend as an icon

Is that the best you can come up with?

Grow up dude.

05-04-2006, 03:10 PM
Guys you all need to chill the fuck out, there is more to life than using them fighting words on the internet, you all seem to have the biggest E cock out there.

05-04-2006, 03:14 PM
Guys you all need to chill the fuck out, there is more to life than using them fighting words on the internet, you all seem to have the biggest E cock out there.

+1 for you my friend

The only reason im tripping is because everyone is talking shit to me telling me I cant drive, I shouldnt have a license this that. What if people would talk shit about you? No one would like that, I just asked for information from the community, not comments on how I drive or you guys think I drive. Thanks

05-04-2006, 03:18 PM
I never said any fighting words. I'm just stating that you instigated it by calling CaoBoy a dumbass, when he was merely pointing out what you probably did wrong.

For the speeding tickets, you could have taken traffic school and have the points taken away.

05-04-2006, 03:25 PM
I never said any fighting words. I'm just stating that you instigated it by calling CaoBoy a dumbass, when he was merely pointing out what you probably did wrong.

For the speeding tickets, you could have taken traffic school and have the points taken away.
Maybe he called him a dumbass, because your caoboy is making fun of him by saying "did you dori?" It would sure piss me off, if someone said that to me, people always have to fucking assume shit when they don't even know whats going on, if you don't want to try to help this guy, then don't, and who the hell are you people to tell him how to drive? Let him drive how he wants to, you're not his parents, those dori dori comments aren't necessary at all. If you don't have anything good to say, or help this guy, then just stfu. :fawk2:

05-04-2006, 03:31 PM
if you don't want to try to help this guy, then don't, and who the hell are you people to tell him how to drive?

I did try to help him. I told him to call the DMV. :bigok:

Let him drive how he wants to

Well, he does live in the same state as I do, and I wouldn't want him hitting my car, would I? You wouldn't say that if it was your car he hit.

Anyways, it was already stated what the point system was.

You will be considered a negligent operator if your driving record shows any of the following point count totals:

* 4 points in 12 months, or
* 6 points in 24 months, or
* 8 points in 36 months

05-04-2006, 03:42 PM
I did try to help him. I told him to call the DMV. :bigok:
I'm sure he appreciates your help, but you don't have to start anything by saying he is the dumbass here, look at the first replies, people are being nice, until some guy with a short temper started making fun of him, and then you took his side, and started this E beef with the thread maker. What you're doing is completely unnecessary, just quit trying to think you are always right. :mrmeph:

05-04-2006, 03:52 PM
I never said any fighting words. I'm just stating that you instigated it by calling CaoBoy a dumbass, when he was merely pointing out what you probably did wrong.

go to traffic school and quit driving like a retard.

you obviously dont completely read the entire thread, good job

05-04-2006, 03:57 PM
Well, if you have that many points on your license, people would also start calling your driving retarded. Anyways, just call the DMV and ask them how many points you have. I hope you don't have too many.

Get new tires for the fronts.

05-04-2006, 03:59 PM
See, that wasn't that hard, now lets all do a zilvia group hug.

05-04-2006, 04:00 PM
:hug: thanks for the info on the point system, Ill post pics of the two cars as soon as I get home, mine and his

05-04-2006, 09:01 PM
i have 7 points rite now......not sure how may points. 2 points should be coming off in a few days actually. insurance hurts :(

05-04-2006, 11:03 PM
well...if your license was suspended, you would get a letter from the dmv in the mail. one for stating how many points you have, and one stating that your license is suspended. if you dont get one of those, and you think it might be, wait til you get pulled over, cop will letcha know. its also 30 days impound for your car, which gets very expensive. maybe, you really should just call the dmv, or go there, and find out. also, quit driving 'erratically' and 'wrecklessly'( dont want to hurt your feelings again by calling you a retard) and maybe you wont get so many points on your license. in other words, CHILL THE FUCK OUT WHEN YOU ARE DRIVING. /thread.

05-04-2006, 11:34 PM
at least akademikone isnt losing his license any time soon.

05-04-2006, 11:40 PM
ok enough drama for one thread.
OP's question is answered, now he needs to apply that knowledge and mature a little bit.

Spirited driving on public streets, no matter how fun, is reckless and irresponsible. Driving a car is a privilege and a responsibilty. Other drivers and pedestrians are depending on you to control your vehicle, and if you display an inherent inability to do so, your driving priveleges will be suspended.

For me, I'd rather look stupid driving the speed limit to where I'm going while obeying all traffic laws, than endanger people and lose my ability to drive, just because I got there 5 minutes faster or was trying to look cool.