View Full Version : WHAT IS THIS & WHAT does it mean?????

05-03-2006, 03:06 PM
april 24th 1915


05-03-2006, 03:14 PM
var brought it to everyones attention and we're doing it to remember the armenian genocide of 4.24.15...

05-03-2006, 03:30 PM

05-03-2006, 03:39 PM
ohhh ok. well what about the 6 million jews and 5 million others that were murdered in German concentration camps by the end of 1945 WW2, and the 70 million others that were killed in WW2 and the 50 million russians that were "purged" by Stalin? Shouldnt there be a "rememberance" of those that perished?

Revolver Ocelot
05-03-2006, 03:46 PM
^ OF course. But i was nicely asked by him to help spread the word on this certain atrocity. And i gladly volunteered to do so.

Mr. Badlose
05-03-2006, 03:47 PM
ohhh ok. well what about the 6 million jews and 5 million others that were murdered in German concentration camps by the end of 1945 WW2, and the 70 million others that were killed in WW2 and the 50 million russians that were "purged" by Stalin? Shouldnt there be a "rememberance" of those that perished?

There is elsewhere, genius.

05-03-2006, 04:00 PM
I think the point was that it was around the "anniversity" (if you will...) of the event.

05-03-2006, 04:05 PM
I think the point was that it was around the "anniversity" (if you will...) of the event.

anniversary ;)

I was kindly asked and willing to help out. If someone else did the same for another event to gain my awareness and understanding I would be willing to help out.

05-03-2006, 05:02 PM
There is elsewhere, genius.
i wasnt disagreeing with the idea of remembering the genocide of armenians. I think its a great idea! No race or culture should have to go through something as horrific and evil as genocide because of what race they are, where they come from, or what they believe in. Im merely saying that in this world unfortunately, there are way too many "genocides" and other evil things being done to all kinds of people and we should remember them all. In other words, instead of doing something about genocide of one type of people, why not eliminate this "way of life, ethnic cleansing, ect" in the future of this world to come. Thats the only way that there will ever be peace in this Godforsaken world. You cant just eliminate Genozide in one place because, it will pop up elsewhere, and when you go eliminate it there, it pops up elsewhere. You gotta go for the whole instead of the part. Muslims are executing Christians, Communists are executing and purging all kinds of different religions and parties that they do not approve of. (china, north korea, cuba) theres all kinds of crazy things going on that needs to be stopped.....GENIUS

05-03-2006, 05:13 PM
Why are you trying to start a fight over a few people posting this image in their Signatures? What is wrong with them wanting to remember lost lives? Are you going to pick a fight with me because I have a POW/MIA flag on my hood? I don't see a need to make this an issue. People raise statues and hang plaques all the time in rememberance of lives lost. What's the difference if they choose to do it with a simple picture in their Signatures?

Revolver Ocelot
05-03-2006, 05:19 PM
I say lock this thread. I see no reason for this guy to try and pick a fight with people, that were asked to display something and kindly did.

05-03-2006, 05:21 PM
Are you going to pick a fight with me because I have a POW/MIA flag on my hood?


hah jk.

Yeah he asked politely and he's a respected member of this forum. Like you said there are too many atrocities such as genocide commited all over the world, perhaps it's the rememberance of these sad events that keep us vigilant to prevent new ones from occuring.


05-03-2006, 07:01 PM
Why are you trying to start a fight over a few people posting this image in their Signatures? What is wrong with them wanting to remember lost lives? Are you going to pick a fight with me because I have a POW/MIA flag on my hood? I don't see a need to make this an issue. People raise statues and hang plaques all the time in rememberance of lives lost. What's the difference if they choose to do it with a simple picture in their Signatures?
YOU are trippin man. I just explained what I meant. Im not trying to pick a fight with anyone. And i can give 2 shits about what you have one your hood. I wouldnt give a damn if you had a Rebel flag on your hood. And i wasnt making it in an "issue" and I never condemned anyone for "hanging plaques, or having pics in their sigs." In fact, IF YOUR CAN READ, then you should have read that I said "I think its a GREAT idea" to remember those who were murdered.

Sounds to me that YOU are the one trying to pick a fight by using your "zilvia status" as a moderator to make ASSHOLE comments. Which ive noticed that MOST of your moderators do on this forum.

I was asking what that flag, and the date symbolized, and I made a comment that everyone should agree with. I never made any statements saying that its wrong to recognize one race, rather suggested that we recognize ALL races of people that have been murdered. I was adding to the GOODWILL of the "Symbol" that is so popular here on zilvia.

Is it wrong to have a civilized conversation on this "off-topic" thread? Please tell me what ive said or done to make you justify your ignorant outburst.

05-03-2006, 07:05 PM
I say lock this thread. I see no reason for this guy to try and pick a fight with people, that were asked to display something and kindly did.
same goes to you. no ones trying to pick a fight. go back and graduate 1st grade. maybe you will gain some understanding before you type anything.

I swear, SOME of the moderators on this forum are exactly like communist China. If they dont like someones expression, opinion, or belief, they shut em down. They use their power over others in the wrong way. You are supposed to regulate this forum from obscenities, rule breaking, wrong types of posts in wrong areas.

Oh and if you think im attacking the Armenian genozide idea then you are wrong. I was defending my comment to the guy that sarcasticallly called me a "Genius"

05-03-2006, 07:11 PM
I was an asshole long before I was a Moderator. Remeber this is the internet so when YOU TYPE IN ALL CAPS it looks like you are shouting and displaying an attitude. Next, your first comment after someone explained was not that of "goodwill" it was again displaying attitude:
ohhh ok. well what about the 6 million jews and 5 million others that were murdered in German concentration camps by the end of 1945 WW2, and the 70 million others that were killed in WW2 and the 50 million russians that were "purged" by Stalin? Shouldnt there be a "rememberance" of those that perished?
There are many, MANY ways that those incidents are remebered. When was the last time you heard about the Armenian Genocide? Most people have never heard about it, thus the reasoning for members trying to bring it to light. Then more can be found out about it, and rememberances can be made.
Your posts lead to the conclusion that you'd rather just clump all these events onto one big "A bunch of people died, cry here" memorial. These events mean different things to different people. Everyone mourns in a different way and everyone has a different opinion. Your opinion is that I am an asshole because I'm a Mod. The truth is that I am a Mod because I'm an asshole. It's amazing what truths can be found when we are introduced to new information, isn't it?

05-03-2006, 07:23 PM
Im merely saying that in this world unfortunately, there are way too many "genocides" and other evil things being done to all kinds of people and we should remember them all. In other words, instead of doing something about genocide of one type of people, why not eliminate this "way of life, ethnic cleansing, ect" in the future of this world to come. Thats the only way that there will ever be peace in this Godforsaken world. You cant just eliminate Genozide in one place because, it will pop up elsewhere, and when you go eliminate it there, it pops up elsewhere. You gotta go for the whole instead of the part. Muslims are executing Christians, Communists are executing and purging all kinds of different religions and parties that they do not approve of. (china, north korea, cuba) theres all kinds of crazy things going on that needs to be stopped.....GENIUS

Well when you find an effective way to get rid of hate, jealously, and greed we'll all give you our worldly possesions in thanks. Unfortunately the only way that comes to mind at the moment is erradicating humanity, which would sorta leave us in a position that wouldn't allow us to appreciate that new tranquility.

I swear, SOME of the moderators on this forum are exactly like communist China. If they dont like someones expression, opinion, or belief, they shut em down. They use their power over others in the wrong way. You are supposed to regulate this forum from obscenities, rule breaking, wrong types of posts in wrong areas.



05-03-2006, 07:30 PM
Totally agree. and i appoligize if i sounded like i had an attitude. i wrote in caps cus i wanted people to see my post.

And you are right about different people having different effects about things that happen. See this is what im talking about when i say "civilized."

Now you sound much less of an asshole then you really are. J/k its a joke..

When i said "what about all the other genocides" i was just bringing up the topic to see what other people think about whats going on in this world. Trust me. Im a conservative and I fully support any dedication or rememberances to a people that need it and deserve it. I guess i made it sound like i dissagreed for some reason..sometimes when i type, i dont really express what i really mean to say.

05-03-2006, 07:48 PM
Alright.......so now we can be at peace?

05-03-2006, 08:00 PM
peace is for pussies.

jk, ya...in my opinion there was always peace until people took it the wrong way. just clarifying what i said so u guys dont think im a dickhead.

Revolver Ocelot
05-03-2006, 08:02 PM
same goes to you. no ones trying to pick a fight. go back and graduate 1st grade. maybe you will gain some understanding before you type anything.

Bwahaha. Here it sounds like you need a hug. http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/Revolver0celot/untitled999.jpg

Have a Nice Day:cj:

05-03-2006, 08:05 PM
Bwahaha. Here it sounds like you need a hug. http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/Revolver0celot/untitled999.jpg

Have a Nice Day:cj:
why dont you go drink an ice cold can of SHUT THE FUCK UP?!

And ya i do need a hug.

Revolver Ocelot
05-03-2006, 08:14 PM
Haha, From the way you type it seems like you have Tourettes syndrome or something. You should relax and stop trying to show off your E-Cock.

05-03-2006, 08:22 PM

i dont have an e-cock, i have a real cock and you shouldnt make fun of me just because i have tourettes syndrome...your worse then those people that do genocide..

Revolver Ocelot
05-03-2006, 08:29 PM
^Lol. Oh yea, cause making fun of your anger problems is alot worse then killing thousands of people. I can see how you would come to that conclusion. Ill leave you with this:

05-03-2006, 08:35 PM
that picture makes perfect sense! its a panda bear drifting on a go kart-fuck shit, cum fuck!. you havent made any sense on this thread......

Revolver Ocelot
05-03-2006, 08:44 PM
Just to clarify my point for you: You came off as a Dickface, you continued to act like a dickface and apparently you will always act like a Dickface. Maybe in the future you might graduate to a Dicknose, but thats another topic for another day. Does that make sense to you? :lockd::lockd::lockd:

05-03-2006, 08:50 PM
ya jdm_s14_zenki slow your role.
its for a good cause so why question it?
better ease up there partner, you fuck with ocelot you're bound to get smoked!
ooo im good

05-03-2006, 08:59 PM
what? i can question whatever the hell i wanna question. this is america! u fuckin commie. and fuck ocelot. you think i give a shit about what u cock suckers say to me? and ive already appoligized if i came off as a dick face...yet you still wont drink that can of shut the fuck up. so why dont you guys get the fuck off my dick, and go bullshit on another thread. I said it was GOOD to do things like remembering the armenians you illiterate bastards.

05-03-2006, 09:00 PM
Just to clarify my point for you: You came off as a Dickface, you continued to be a dickface and apparently you will always be a Dickface. Maybe in the future you might graduate to a Dicknose, but thats another topic for another day. Does that make sense to you? :lockd::lockd::lockd:
go fuck your sister you inbread piece of shit. :] and im not angry

05-03-2006, 09:02 PM
Thanks for the explanation, I too was wondering what that image meant.
Too many genocides to remember unfortunately - imo it's a direct result of human nature.
The way I look at it everyone has been a victim and and oppressor at one point or another in their history.
But remember lest you allow history to repeat itself.

05-03-2006, 09:03 PM
On a "lighter" note, did anyone else go to last year's System of a Down Armenian genocide benefit concert? Anyone know if they're doing/did another this year?

Revolver Ocelot
05-03-2006, 09:07 PM
go fuck your sister you inbread piece of shit. :] and im not angry
Thats awesome. Your comebacks are getting better and better. Keep trying and you might make a funny one. What are you like 12 years old? :fawk2:

05-03-2006, 09:07 PM
OMG in american history all thorugh highschool all our teacher talked about was the armenien genocide cuz he was armenien sadly I forgot everything about it, anyway I was wondering whta the hell it meant too, i should have just done a search on the date but too lazy. genocides are always sad.

05-03-2006, 09:37 PM
If I may walk on this already thin Ice.JK I commend And have respect for The memorial, I think it is good to remember the unfairly lost, or repressed whom ever they are. It honers the lost and the memory will keep from repeaping the same things over again. Being Arapaho I relate, Being ex military I support all of our ''boys'' in the military. Just my humbel opinion. I couldn't be silent. All respect to you guys.

05-03-2006, 09:51 PM


05-03-2006, 09:53 PM
Too many genocides to remember unfortunately
But remember lest you allow history to repeat itself.

Definatly true...on SO many levels.

Now, stop the name calling before MrMeph comes back and starts banning people...he has an itchy finger.

*EDIT* Phil, Sorry I didn't catch your post before I pinked him. I was in the middle of warning him after I posted this.