View Full Version : Pro drifters

05-01-2006, 12:23 AM
Damn, how do they do it, they defy the god damn physics :wackit:

05-01-2006, 12:30 AM
omg....I could probably get better looking "drifts" in my EK.

Buffalo Daughter
05-01-2006, 12:31 AM
ughhhhhhh right. They look like beginners. Right. I dont follow.

Buffalo Daughter
05-01-2006, 12:31 AM
oops double. foul.

05-01-2006, 12:32 AM
lol I don't drift and I think I could even do better than that.

05-01-2006, 12:34 AM
Wow, I am amazed. I mean we all have to start somewhere but some people have it and some people just don't. Those two unfortunately seem like the latter of the two..........

05-01-2006, 12:37 AM
best drift vid yet. pos rep for you!!!!

05-01-2006, 01:18 AM
worst video ever

05-01-2006, 01:50 AM
wonder where that video is from..... eh.... altamont boys are way better and even underpowered..

05-01-2006, 03:31 AM
Those are some poorly coordinated drivers. Beginners aside, in the rain its ridiculously easy to get a 240 sideways even on stock suspension and open diff - those guys look like they can't chew gum and walk at the same time.

05-01-2006, 04:13 AM
whoa, they'z got mad JDM tY+3 SuKiLz!1!

05-01-2006, 06:31 AM
werd...hella tyte.

05-01-2006, 07:27 AM
OH that freakin FUNNY!!! That made my day!!! Thanks!!!!LOL

05-01-2006, 08:26 AM

05-01-2006, 08:48 AM
After reviewing it again they need to stop being pussies, clutch kicking after the Apex.....WOWZORZ

05-01-2006, 11:42 AM
Beginners aside, in the rain its ridiculously easy to get a 240 sideways even on stock suspension and open diff - those guys look like they can't chew gum and walk at the same time.

yeah, but could you do it with an automatic transmission? :-)

I wonder if they are driving auto..

05-01-2006, 12:01 PM
I think the 240SX was having some understeer initially, then tail went out, and then open diff unloaded or something...

i am no expert, but I can do a decent job in my U13 (FF slide woot woot).

Sil Beer S13
05-01-2006, 12:07 PM
yeah, but could you do it with an automatic transmission? :-)

I wonder if they are driving auto..

My s14 is auto and i drift the shit out of it all the time.

Looks like there scared to push themselves.

05-01-2006, 12:12 PM
pop it into low and get it spinnin easy, especially in the rain. shit i slid an auto in D, its not hard with overdrive haha.
and understeer in the rain is FTL. you should go back to video game racing if you cant even get it to oversteer in the RAIN...omg. gay. FTL.

05-01-2006, 01:04 PM
Whats funny is that Hatchi is all decked out with Supra wheels, aero, etc. and he can't do shit but clucth kick at like 5mph.

I'm talking from experience, I was NEVER that bad when I first started. Either you got it or you don't, that's just plain and simple. Same thing with riding motorcycles, either you got it or you don't.

05-01-2006, 01:23 PM
worst video ever


the first half was just that s14 getting stuck in the mud.

Why did you post this!?

05-01-2006, 01:27 PM
shit i slid an auto in D, its not hard with overdrive haha.

R is for Rocket - try it.

05-01-2006, 01:28 PM
:bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash:

05-01-2006, 01:37 PM
haha wow... just wow it looks like they dont even know how to drive, when they hit the dirt they take forever to get out like as if they have to look where the reverse gear is

05-01-2006, 01:40 PM
Wow those guys suck more than you know who.

05-01-2006, 01:54 PM
Wow those guys suck more than you know who.
LMAO :nono: :nono:


05-01-2006, 02:04 PM
I personally love how the guy in the hachi would floor it all crazy on the straight sections and then proceed to slow down to about 4mph for the entry. What an idiot.

05-01-2006, 06:29 PM
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pop pop pop pop pop ....... VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BBBBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-01-2006, 06:52 PM
The people that say they street drift must be in that video, is that how they rip up the streets also?

05-01-2006, 07:49 PM
I like Buffalo Daughter's avatar. :wiggle:

05-01-2006, 08:09 PM
I like Buffalo Daughter's avatar. :wiggle:



05-01-2006, 08:38 PM
you know.. ive never been to a track event.. and i swear ive put more effort into drifting in a small hairpin turn in a parking lot than these guys have in a safe environment with a nice track and a decent hairpin....

i dont know what was going through the mind of that hachi when he decides to slow down almost to a stop just to try a clutch kick at the end.. :ugh:

the worst that could happen to them was fly off the track into the dirt or grass.. they shoulda put in more effort... :hs:

05-01-2006, 08:45 PM
Ok um, I've done better by accident... I've never drifted before in my life, but I know I would have at least had the balls to go into the turn faster than that... I've taken left turns in school Zones faster than that.....

05-02-2006, 12:31 AM
ok we make fun of the guy with the 240 all we want, but come on cut the ae86 a break, hes not practicing drifting, hes practicing delivering tofu, theres a difference......:)

Omarius Maximus
05-03-2006, 01:22 AM
Pussies. Drifting after apexes is a lost cause. If they had balls they'd get the tail out with just some sharp steering and braking.

05-03-2006, 01:27 AM
That reminds me of a really bad hangover poo. You wake up, head down the hallway (straight away), Then half way down try too poo (drift). Then you crash (miss). And thats the video. :fart:

05-03-2006, 01:33 AM
Whats funny is that Hatchi is all decked out with Supra wheels, aero, etc. and he can't do shit but clucth kick at like 5mph.

I'm talking from experience, I was NEVER that bad when I first started. Either you got it or you don't, that's just plain and simple. Same thing with riding motorcycles, either you got it or you don't.

Whats funny is that you said "hatchi."

05-03-2006, 01:41 AM
yah more then likely they are beginners... but dam, God musta been feelin really generous for thier ass since it rained, and they still couldnt get it. I mean how easy would that have been? Hairpins are the easiest to drift. Oh well we all started somewhere, im no expert myself.

05-03-2006, 03:42 AM
Huh? what is this? Hmmm?

05-03-2006, 03:53 AM
now thats skill

05-03-2006, 09:20 AM
Whats funny is that you said "hatchi."

Hat Trick = It's what the San Jose Sharks are serving up this Season.
Hat Chi = A New exercise move
Hachi = The correct terminology

05-04-2006, 05:46 PM
The part i liked best is when they drifted.

Buffalo Daughter
08-10-2006, 01:15 AM
I like Buffalo Daughter's avatar. :wiggle:

THANKSS!!!! i never saw this and i know this thread may be hella old but thanks guys! I know hella off topic but i forgot the name of this chick, i forget but i think shes a jav pornstar. She did a shoot and i have the regular sized pic or her and yeah shes packing all natural.

08-10-2006, 02:45 AM
send me the pic.

I wanna be a detective and find out for EVERYONE! =]

08-10-2006, 05:01 AM
everyone have their 1st time. i think imma be the same or even worse if im there

08-10-2006, 06:19 AM
THANKSS!!!! i never saw this and i know this thread may be hella old but thanks guys! I know hella off topic but i forgot the name of this chick, i forget but i think shes a jav pornstar. She did a shoot and i have the regular sized pic or her and yeah shes packing all natural.
Post the full size pic up!!!

08-10-2006, 09:15 AM
worst video ever

i tought i had said that already lol :hammer: