View Full Version : Rant: People that won't shut the f*ck up at movie theaters

04-29-2006, 01:07 AM
So i went to see silent hill..movie sucked major booty but thats another story.
sooo... i get inot the movie theater, all the seats are taken, forcing me to sit in the neck breaking 3rd row with a group of about 6 dumbass 12 year old girls sitting in the back (who the fuck let them in the theater anyway?!?!?!, isnt that movie rated R, as in Retards Not Allowed), So through out the movie those dumbass *girls* were giggling and laughing and constatly getting up while bumping my seat. I ussually dont say shit, esspecially to middle schoolers, but damn those *girls* got on my last nerve, at first i told them to quit that shit, them my gf, feeling pretty pissed off 2 told them to quit before she beats their ass :mephfawk: (:love: ). Next a group off retarded 15 year old looking like their 30 (as do most 15 year old these days) started making straight up retarded ass comments, i mean com'mon if you dont have some funny shit to say STFU.:bash: . Overall i didnt really mind the comments because the movie sucked too much, and at least i got some entertainment from someone in the back yelling at those dimwats to stfu. Anyways my friend ended up falling asleep, my girl ended up being pissed off at the pre-teen beezys, and i ended up peing pissed off that i wasted 20$ to sit in a theater sorrounded by immature dipshits watching what could have been a decent movie had everyone been freakin quiet. Why the hell do theaters allow people to people to talk soo damn loud, what happended to the days of people have decency (sp?) to be quiet? excuse my french /\ but i know someone here has to agree
peace out

04-29-2006, 01:52 AM
Dont get all pissed over that cwap movie theater are a public place anyways just like everytime you go and take a piss at the public bathrooms and you dont flush it its just like that, People don't give a damn about the rules when there arnt any main head looking. By the way what theater was it AMC is a free for all people start doing dumb crap all the time.

04-29-2006, 02:04 AM
DC, Cen. 20, middle school retard central

theater are a public place anyways just like everytime you go and take a piss at the public bathrooms and you dont flush it its just like that

yeah but you dont pay to go to a public bathroom, theaters should have someone check up and see people arent acting retarded and ruining shit for the rest of us, belive me, im not getting butthurt over that shit, its just rediculous to see how uncosiderate people are these days

04-29-2006, 02:10 AM
How about the fuckers that kick the chair?

04-29-2006, 02:29 AM
thats what you get for seeing a movie on friday nights. call me old, but i'd rather go watch an earlier movie so i can avoid those little bastards. i WAS hoping when the bitch was all "the darkness is coming!" that someone would yell out "CHARLIE MURPHAYY!" but these trendy kids dont know an open joke opportunity whne they see one. idiots.

Revolver Ocelot
04-29-2006, 02:34 AM
thats what you get for seeing a movie on friday nights. call me old, but i'd rather go watch an earlier movie so i can avoid those little bastards. i WAS hoping when the bitch was all "the darkness is coming!" that someone would yell out "CHARLIE MURPHAYY!" but these trendy kids dont know an open joke opportunity whne they see one. idiots.
Bwahaha, i yelled it by natural reaction when i was there!! BUt i agree with you, i rather see a movie at matinee time. Not as crowded and cheaper. :)

Omarius Maximus
04-29-2006, 02:39 AM
Man I know the feeling. When I was watching the Hills Have Eyes, a couple of douche wipes were pointing lasers at the screen. They would do it once every 10-15 minutes. Ruined the entire movie, and everyone in the theatre was screaming obscenities at them, unfortunately their location couldn't be pinpointed. Eventually the entire Edwards workforce came into the theatre and started putting everyone under the microscope. Eventually they were found, and the moment they were escorted out, everyone got up and started clapping. Classic.

04-29-2006, 05:45 AM
I remember back in the day, when I went to see Dawn of the Dead. I was hella psyched up to see it, I think I was at the same movie theater as you, Odessa. Anyways, the movie was like. . . JUST ABOUT TO START, and this group of girls in the front row start laughing hella hard.

My friend, one that isn't to take shit, promptly shouted, "SHUT THE FUCK UP DOWN THERE." Then they immediately dialed down their giggling, and proceeded to shut up the rest of the movie. It was great.

04-29-2006, 09:43 AM
Dont get all pissed over that cwap movie theater are a public place anyways just like everytime you go and take a piss at the public bathrooms and you dont flush it its just like that, People don't give a damn about the rules when there arnt any main head looking. By the way what theater was it AMC is a free for all people start doing dumb crap all the time.

worst reasoning ever.

last time I went to the movies, my friend's girlfriend wouldn't shut the fuck up. Kinda ruined the HIlls have eyes for me... everytime they went to fuck somebody up she would ask why they were so violent. Im pretty pissed that my friend won't smack some quiet into her face.

04-29-2006, 10:18 AM
thats why i only watch movies in the comfort of my own home or a friends...i simply hate people...

04-29-2006, 10:39 AM
When my lady friend and I last went to the movies a few weeks ago, there was a group of people in there, about 2-3 couples:
1 couple had a small toddler
1 guy decided that the fucking movie theater was the PERFECT place for everyone to want to hear hie Nextel Chirp (by far, one of the most annoying sounds in the universe)
1 girl gets up to go to the bathroom, when she gets to the FRONT of the theater, her boyfriend yells across the theater "hey, bring me back some nachos and a coke"

... the usher came back to remove their asses before she got back with his refreshments, I led the theater in a round of applause, everyone joined in.

04-29-2006, 07:22 PM
A while ago I was at a movie with a buddy and there were a bunch of obnoxious girls in the row in front of us. I decided to calmly ask them if they were going to give me back my $8.50. When they asked said no and asked why, I not-so-calmly told them "Then STFU and watch the movie."

For all of the loud talkers that I've experienced, I can only count on one hand the number of times an usher has actually kicked them out.

04-29-2006, 07:29 PM
i learned my lesson last month, fuck paying for movie theatre tickets, i just bootleg it and throw it in my dvd. get on the couch with my girl and have good times :)

no one yelling, no pop corn snapping, no children gigllin. just me the girl and the tv. :love:

04-30-2006, 06:03 AM
I always watch movies early, matinee. Cheaper too. :bigok: Me for the win.

04-30-2006, 09:42 AM
i almost beat a 15 year old punk gangster wannabe after he kicked my girls seat like 4 times. oooOOOooo he shit his pants when i got in his face tho. btw same movie too silent hill. shitty movie with little fucking kids.sorry for cussing

04-30-2006, 10:10 AM
damn disrespectful kids during a good movie...not good :(

hehehe reminds of that family guy episode when Peter and Lois go see a movie and there is spider sitting near them smoking a cig and being niosey and peters says, "someone should kick his ass" and then he smacks him,LOL LOL LOL :) :) :) :) :) ahhh family guy

p.s. i also hate the dicks that think its hilarious to throw skittles at random people in the audience.....bitches!

04-30-2006, 01:58 PM
I dunno what's worse, people that bring infants into the theater, or people that wont shut the hell up during the movie.

04-30-2006, 02:38 PM
haha, I went to see the rign 2 was back the night it came out. There was talking through the whole movie, like when she got the dudes hair caught in the zipper, i didn't know that was funny? anyway, these idiots always laugh at shit thats not funny, its ridiculous. Back to the point. about 45 minutes in, a big arguement breaks out somehow, about 5 rows behind me, and then it gets louder and louder, screaming matches and shit, i look behind and omg, now 10 people are rumbling behind me , i turn around and proceed to watch the movie gritting my teeth cuz these fuckers ruined my movie, in the end, we had an ambulance come cuz somebody got stabbed in the exchange. God I was sooooo pissed that night. I was even patient waitign for my money back, and some bitch all tried to move infront of me so i hella elbowed her in the boob. I fucking hate people.

04-30-2006, 03:01 PM
I think I have the story to end all stories.

I had went to see Lord of War (awesome movie) and we had already sat down and got comfortable and all. There were these guys that came and sat down behind us (Eurotrash) and they were talking and talking. I started to get mad, and I turned around and told them if they could please be quiet. They just laughed at me and kept on. Then my husband (now my ex) turned around and told them the same, and they told him to shut up. Then they started kicking the back of my seat, and I got up to look for the usher. Of course, being AMC, there's no one around. So I go back up there and I tell them one more time, STFU or they're gonna be sorry. So I sat down and they kicked my seat really hard. That did it for me, I got up grabbed my soda (extra large, lol) and threw it at them. They got up and were talking shit, and my ex got up. They started trying to leave, and then they threw their shit at me, which happened to be alcohol. My ex went down to find security, and I was talking shit to them for throwing their shit at me, and as I made it to the aisle one of them tried to push me down the stairs. (I swear, I'm not making this up.)
I turned around, and I threw a punch that landed clear on his chin and the bitch went down. I made my way downstairs, and when I got there, my ex was coming back with security. Those guys were calling me a crazy bitch and all that, and I told security that they tried to push me down the stairs, and they were up there drinking, and they threw their drink all over me and I reeked of Red Bull and Vodka. So they escorted them out, and they were about to escort us out, and I told security that I came down and tried to find someone but there was no one around, and that it wasn't fair for us to have to leave when they were the ones that started it. So they went to guest services for us and got us a refund.

Sometimes I hate going to the movies for reasons like that, esp. all the ppl that don't know how to STFU, but most of the time it's not so bad.

04-30-2006, 03:36 PM
/\ /\ /\ /\ Damn your BF just took that??

i gaurenteeee you i would have fucking beat the fuck out of them, the second they told me to STFU. This happens all the tims in movie theatres with me. no joke. People just dont STFU during movies, gets on my last nerves. i try not to let them get the best of me, but if they provoke me, then i take off on them.

04-30-2006, 03:43 PM
this is why i dont do [email protected] nite

04-30-2006, 03:44 PM
All of that is why I just gave up on going to the movies. Not worth it to deal with plus there hasn't really been anything that I'd want to see out. If anything, I'll just wait for it to come out on DVD and for my friend to buy it, everytime I go over it's like walking into a Blockbuster or something lol.

04-30-2006, 04:11 PM
haha, i saw silent hill last night and some stupid asshole group of kids were sitting up front. i'm not one to be racist, but the gold chains dangling and them getting up to take off their basketball jerseys and putting them onto thei gf's in the middle of the movies, man it made me fucking pissed. 2 of them were walking by, i said it'd be nice if they could figure out how to shut the fuck up, really loud. everyone in the theatre laughed and they stopped. jackasses.

Arsenal of Glory
04-30-2006, 04:22 PM
well maybe its the types of movies you are going to see that will attract the dumb little kids...if you want to see a certain movie, go to a smaller theater (town theaters, not the big chain ones), sit near the edges/aisles, go during the day/matinee/weekdays, or just give up...

04-30-2006, 04:36 PM
no offense to phlip, but when those ghetto ass black ppl are in there its freagin hilerious, i mean i was more entertained by them than, than silent hill, ahahah ppl told them to shut up they called them out and no one stood up, ahahah, but yea ppl are stupid, but how about those ppl who have their feet up right next to your face.....arghhh

04-30-2006, 04:54 PM
I think I have the story to end all stories.

I had went to see Lord of War (awesome movie) and we had already sat down and got comfortable and all. There were these guys that came and sat down behind us (Eurotrash) and they were talking and talking. I started to get mad, and I turned around and told them if they could please be quiet. They just laughed at me and kept on. Then my husband (now my ex) turned around and told them the same, and they told him to shut up. Then they started kicking the back of my seat, and I got up to look for the usher. Of course, being AMC, there's no one around. So I go back up there and I tell them one more time, STFU or they're gonna be sorry. So I sat down and they kicked my seat really hard. That did it for me, I got up grabbed my soda (extra large, lol) and threw it at them. They got up and were talking shit, and my ex got up. They started trying to leave, and then they threw their shit at me, which happened to be alcohol. My ex went down to find security, and I was talking shit to them for throwing their shit at me, and as I made it to the aisle one of them tried to push me down the stairs. (I swear, I'm not making this up.)
I turned around, and I threw a punch that landed clear on his chin and the bitch went down. I made my way downstairs, and when I got there, my ex was coming back with security. Those guys were calling me a crazy bitch and all that, and I told security that they tried to push me down the stairs, and they were up there drinking, and they threw their drink all over me and I reeked of Red Bull and Vodka. So they escorted them out, and they were about to escort us out, and I told security that I came down and tried to find someone but there was no one around, and that it wasn't fair for us to have to leave when they were the ones that started it. So they went to guest services for us and got us a refund.

Sometimes I hate going to the movies for reasons like that, esp. all the ppl that don't know how to STFU, but most of the time it's not so bad.

damn i would of told them to stfu first and they tell me any fucking dumbass commenti would of beat there asses and i would of flew them off hte fucking stairs.

04-30-2006, 06:44 PM
/\ /\ /\ /\ Damn your BF just took that??

damn i would of told them to stfu first and they tell me any fucking dumbass commenti would of beat there asses and i would of flew them off hte fucking stairs.

You did notice I said EX, right? It was for crap like that that I gave him the big :mephfawk: It didn't matter, cuz I clocked that damn German or whatever the fuck he was and that foo went down....

04-30-2006, 06:52 PM
I just got hit by a piece of chocolate on my shoulder last night at the theaters watching the movie "Stick It". I almost got up and told whoever threw that shit at me to stand up, but there were too many kids around and it wasn't worth it for me to scare a bunch of kids. Although it did get on my Brooks Brothers Merino wool sweater though damn it.

04-30-2006, 07:34 PM
no offense to phlip, but when those ghetto ass black ppl are in there its freagin hilerious, i mean i was more entertained by them than, than silent hill, ahahah ppl told them to shut up they called them out and no one stood up, ahahah, but yea ppl are stupid, but how about those ppl who have their feet up right next to your face.....arghhh
You know what?
I am not even mad at this one this time, I was discussing with Katrina the other day how my people are the very reason I hate going to the movies. I am one of the ones who will gladly either go to a matinee or wait on the DVD.

04-30-2006, 08:44 PM
It seems whenever i got to the movies in the Peninsula it's fine, but anywhere in east bay, south bay, or SF it gets stupid.

04-30-2006, 08:48 PM
Yeah I have almost lost the will to get mad at people? Thats pretty sad :(. When I went to see silent hill there was a group of ghetto ass booty bitches that talked ghetto(wich is annoying enough as is,my SN is a joke,I don't really use ghetto slang) and wouldn't shut the fuck up during the movie :-/.

Last time I had somebody kick my chair I was in a group of 7 dudes and like 4 girls? So I turned around during the movie I was like "stop that" and the punkass was like " whacha gonna do" so I tapped the shoulders of all my buddies they all turned around he was like "oh sorry" haha

04-30-2006, 11:43 PM
so I tapped the shoulders of all my buddies they all turned around he was like "oh sorry" haha


05-01-2006, 03:40 AM
Thats why i rather buy the bootleg movie for like $4 and watch it with my friends!!
and some $5 little caesar pizza!!!! ummm yumm...........

Nan Desu Ka?!
05-01-2006, 04:04 AM
OMG 5$ hot n rdy FTW!! sounds so good at 3am....

05-01-2006, 09:14 AM
the bootleg that that people sell on the subways are too bootleg... waste of 5 bucks

also when there are like a group of kids that are annoying as shiet at movies.... i tell them to shut the fuck up

but one time there were these kids just not being able to shut up and just ranting about what they would do if they were in that situation bla bla bla

so i got up and was going to tell them off or they are going to fucken die but then i saw they were a group of like 20+ so me all standing looking back took out my cell phone and just talked to myself saying " yo where you at we're sitting up near the front" as if i was talking to a friend to find where i was ...

it was embarrassing... but you know the nyc kid thugs... they are scawwy~~~ hahahaha :bash:

my girl now teases me about the incident since then... hehehehe but i don't mind... better alive then beaten by 20 little kids keke

05-01-2006, 08:32 PM
Wow... that was sad, lol..... ^^^^ I know felt real stupid.... And you know that they knew you were bullshitting..... I'd make fun of you too!!! LOL J/P

05-02-2006, 03:35 PM
Hopefully this will make you feel better...
As an Usher at a theater, I have zero tolerance for that stuff. I dont give warnings. If someone tells me you were talking, I kick your ass out and have you BANNED from the theater. Same thing goes for kids who sneak in to R movies. Its an insult to me!
Ive kicked out and banned people twice as old as me before. so yeah. there ya go!

05-02-2006, 05:10 PM
I just got hit by a piece of chocolate on my shoulder last night at the theaters watching the movie "Stick It". I almost got up and told whoever threw that shit at me to stand up, but there were too many kids around and it wasn't worth it for me to scare a bunch of kids. Although it did get on my Brooks Brothers Merino wool sweater though damn it.

You deserve it for going to see that turd... j/k
But seriously, I'm glad I don't come accross this type of shit often. I've learned what theaters to go to and what times. There are some Magic Johnson Theaters not far from my house but I rather drive twice the distance and pay more just to know I'll be getting a good experience. I made the mistake of seeing a movie once there. Never again.
I even have a routine: for films I'm sort of interested, I catch them at AMCs at showings before 5pm. Works like a charm, I'm leaving just as the high school crowd is getting there. For movie 'events' (King Kong, Batman Begins, etc) I like to catch them at IMAX screenings or theaters that cater to film buffs like The Bridge (Director's Hall) or The Archlight here in LA. Those places usually have reserved seating and don't tolerate immature behaviour, period. Pricey but worth it IMO.

05-03-2006, 01:24 AM
I've never been to Magic Johnson's theater, and there's no way I'd ever go there. I used to work around the one at Crenshaw, and HELL NO.

I like going to the Bridge, but it's a lil far for me now. I generally try to go where a lot of people don't know about, at least I can avoid places where certain situations can arise like the one I mentioned before. Lately I've been going to the same couple of places, though, and aside from getting the occasional small crowd of retarded teenagers that don't shut up, it hasn't been so bad.

05-03-2006, 09:51 AM
Yep, DRaven that's the one I'm talking about. Theaters here in the valley aren't too bad as long as you go early before 6pm.