View Full Version : HELP! Whirring sound when I accelerate

06-04-2002, 10:56 PM
I own a 89 240sx and just recently when my car gets above 2.5k rpm I hear this loud whirring sound.  It gets more loud the faster I go in that gear, then of course when I shift up, the rpms go down the the sound silences.  Any ideas?

I haven't tried Revving my engine with the clutch in, I thought it could be rubbing against something down there.

It might also be related to my timing chain? &nbsp;Could it be? &nbsp;I do hear a distinct pinging sound, (from what I have been reading, it could be the timing guides?) &nbsp;Anyways... any help would be appreciated. <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>


- Kev

Black 97SE
06-04-2002, 11:01 PM
hmm, weird. &nbsp;I might have the same thing going on in my car too. &nbsp;When I accelerate like around 4 rpm it makes a buzzing noise from under my stick shift. &nbsp;I don't know what it is. &nbsp;It sounds like something's loose down there and it's vibrating or something. &nbsp;Anybody have any suggestions about what it could be?