View Full Version : Performance Nissan Hacked!

04-21-2006, 12:46 AM
Good Evening Guys,

Today, I received a notice from the General Manager from Performance Nissan in Duarte, California. The notice informed me that someone hacked into their online parts purchasing database and stole everyones names, addresses, and credit card information. Unfortunately, it occured 4 days ago dating before April 11th. The customers affected are people who used the online purchasing.

So, for those of you who bought from them. Call your credit card companies right away. Some of you probably got the notice as I did.

Hope things work out for all of us.:cry: :aw: :rant:

[email protected]

04-21-2006, 12:52 AM
I got that same letter too. This really sucks. I love the prices PN has on some stuff and now i might not buy from there anymore. Unless they give me a discount for this bs. Oh well.. it could happen to any company. :(

04-21-2006, 12:53 AM
Welcome to like. . . last week.

04-21-2006, 01:02 AM
I never got it and I ordered things from them online..... :o

04-21-2006, 01:03 AM
Welcome to like. . . last week.

Uh..huh..huh..Like No way dude...

04-21-2006, 01:03 AM
Welcome to like. . . last week.

Uh..huh..huh..Like No way dude...:mrmeph:

04-21-2006, 01:03 AM
Got the same letter.

Feckin' hackers.

04-21-2006, 01:07 AM
when did all this happen cause i just ordered something from them about a week ago, but i used paypal is that any different

04-21-2006, 01:13 AM
You are safe if you used paypal. Unless you used your Paypal Visa card.

04-21-2006, 04:16 AM
There is a Thread from Performance Nissan about this in Off Topic. Where it belongs!

Uh..huh..huh..Like No way dude...

Whoa, like seriously! You should Tooootally Search before starting a new thread and looking most heinously stupid, bro. [/keanu reeves]

:lockd: :lockd: :lockd: