View Full Version : i have vitiligo...yay

04-20-2006, 03:55 PM
so i dunno i found out that i had vitiligo last year.."winter" and now with it being sunny and spring i am seeing it better beucase the white spots do not tan..sorta sucks beucase it is not curable but it is treatable but the chances of it being cured is like 70%...so this sucks...i have it on my hands and on other places on my body ...as you can see the pics of my hands..and it does spread...mostly on the hands feet face and the crease parts on your body... it sucks beucase i rember seeing someone with this when i was little and was sorta making fun of them beucase they had big white spots on there face and hands but now since i have it i am sorta sorry that i said that,..but hey i gotta live with it..there are people that have it worse than me. like on there face and stuff but i dont haveit on there yet.. the only good thing is that the face is easy to treat... anyways i just felt like venting and was wondering if anyone on here has it...since it is pretty common to have 1 out of every 10 people have it or someting like that... mj has it haha but he depigmented his self to be white,,...
anyone know anyone who has it ?



04-20-2006, 05:03 PM
wow, that's gnarly. Seen a few cases before, never knew the name for it though.
Not that it's the same but I'm brown and every time I cut myself (sports or working on the car) I get marks where the scars heal. I have a nice collection going on.

04-20-2006, 07:06 PM
it sucks beucase i rember seeing someone with this when i was little and was sorta making fun of them beucase they had big white spots on there face and hands

Karma's a bitch

04-21-2006, 12:00 PM
Karma's a bitch

yes it is...oh well tho...

04-21-2006, 12:01 PM
70% is not good odds to you?

04-21-2006, 12:19 PM
well it is.. but from what i hear from other people nobody is cured... they only are treated.....since treat it is all you can do and there is not a cure for it...so what i mean is 70% treatable not curable if you know what i am saying... my fault for saying cured in the first post