View Full Version : What'd you guys do for prom?

04-16-2006, 08:33 AM
Haha yeah so.. I'm still a senior in high-school..

Senior prom is in a little bit less than 4 weeks, so I'm trying to get everything planned out for what's before/mainly after prom and what-not. I guess you could say I'm trying to pull some romantic stuff with my date, and I do have a couple good ideas, but I am open to more.

So I was wondering if my fellow zilvian's had any ideas? Haha I mean I like this girl.. but just please don't say anything like "get a hotel room.. then the rest is :naughty: ". I'm trying to impress her, not come off as a jerk, that only wants... well you know :bow:

I'm just trying to get creative.. and maybe you guys (or girls?) can give me some tips.. or just share what you did for your prom!

04-16-2006, 09:31 AM
Hmmm, of the 4 proms I attended (Semi-popular guy, not a flunky) I must say the post prom parties were always more fun then the event itself. For romance though, I'd stay away from the big parties. Too many people = no time for romance and more chance of the festivities being broken up by Johnny Law. A limo can be a nice touch, but so can the freedom of driving yourself. If you don't think your car is classy enough, ask to borrow a relatives nicer car, or see if you can rent something. I've been in 2 limos and drove my '78 Dodge Van to one event. Each had their own positives and negatives. Your date will likely appreciate anything that she can tell you put some time and effort to plan. At the same time, something "spontaneous" can hold alot of romance. Whatever you decide, try not to stress about it too much. Just enjoy yourself. This will likely be one of your last memories from High School. Make it a good one. :bow:

04-16-2006, 10:41 AM
I will be attending my 3rd prom in may. But I'd say go to a professional photographer and take pictures there instead at the actual prom, because they will turn out a lot nicer. Drive yourself there because you want to work around your time not the limo's. Go to the beach (depending where your prom is) before prom watch the sunset. Eat at a nice restaurant. After prom go to the beach and just listen to the ocean and look at the stars( i dunno the beach has done me wonders). Get enough sleep the night before. You dont want to be tired by 11 oclock (happened to me before). Last but not least show her a good time, dont be a boring date. Thats the main thing that she will remember. Other than that prom is just more money out of my pocket I hope this is my last year.

04-16-2006, 10:41 AM
my senior prom was like 2 weeks ago. yeah the after parties are definently not for romance. there mostly for drinking and having fun. And like that Guy said the event is usually pretty boring so be prepared to do alot of talking. A nice tip is to valet your car. then your date doesn't have to walk from the parking lot. As for gettting a hotel room i was kinda in the same situation you are. you dont want to come off as being some horny guy hoping to get some by the end of the night. That one you should talk it over with her. Did you get your tuxedo already?

04-16-2006, 02:30 PM
Just treat her well; open doors for her, help her out of the car or limo...all the usual stuff. Don't wander to far from her if you go to any sort of party; but don't cling to her either. Just respect her and treat her like a lady and she will appreciate and notice it.

Origianlly posted by:ThatGuy
Your date will likely appreciate anything that she can tell you put some time and effort to plan. At the same time, something "spontaneous" can hold alot of romance.

That's super good advice; try "planning" for a bit of both.

Andrew Bohan
04-16-2006, 03:39 PM
my friend and i dressed as pimps, i drove us in my '85 ford tempo, and we ate dinner at burger king.

pimps at prom ftw

04-16-2006, 05:50 PM
Didn't go, by the time prom would have started I was probably unable to walk much or speak in complete sentences.

04-16-2006, 06:01 PM
I didnt get to go cuz I had way 2many hours of detention. But nowadays everyone goes to a party and drinks and after that you know what happens.

04-16-2006, 07:17 PM
didnt go.....I was a loser :( You guys are my only friends *cries* loljkjk.

04-16-2006, 07:22 PM
IMO, act like James bond and you'll have her, her best friend, and their worst enemy all begging to go home with you together.

Ok but for real. I'm not kidding. If you have a good time, she'll have a good time. Be on top of it... charming, courtious, flirtatious, funny, and then sincere... dance with her, just make it a fun night and then when you are leaving, go do what feels right. I would have a couple things planned, but don't tell her, say you guys can play it by ear. And don't rule out BOWLING! For serious. bowling in full prom gear is wicked fun for girls and they think its super spontanious and weird.

After you guys go bowling or something strange (not a movie or a club, or anything typical) then take her to a. the beach, or b. your place or someone elses.. At this point, either meet back up with people or invite them to come after the prom. I'm thinking... with maybe like.. 2-3 couples. Still social and not awkward, but also not a raging party with no place for intamacy.

When you guys go back to your buddy's place (or yours) to hang out, put in a movie all the girls will like, get some snacks, change out of the prom clothes, and then... 2-3 couples in a room after prom in the dark watching a movie the girls like... under some blankets to keep "warm". C'mon. This shit doesn't fail, my man...

Don't worry about getting laid. If you try too hard, its pathetic, and girls always like guys who are confident and not needy. Show her a good Prom and she'll remember it for the rest of her life. AKA next weekend when her parents are out of town and she calls you up... haha, know what i mean?

Oh, and as a last ditch effort, if she's mega boring and not having fun, don't let it ruin your night. And don't get mad or any drama shit, just be like ok well i'm here to have fun, if you wanna go run off and be lame, go ahead, i'm gonna go have fun...

04-16-2006, 07:33 PM
There's good info going around.. but it's just the norm. I think I can already pull off the whole gentleman type, (opening doors, you know, 'the usual stuff). Basically, so far yes, I already have a tux/suit, a friend is actually letting be use his (it's pretty nice.. that's why).

I mean yeah, it will be one of my last high school memories, and I'm trying to make the best out of it. I know it might not be as much of a big deal everyone makes it seem, but I'd rather like to know that I made the best of it, just so I don't regret it years from now.

As for the pictures, yeah, we're planning to take some professional pictures outside of prom, just because I've been told it's more convenient and they really do turn out nicer.

I'm sure that the parties will be nice, but I'd rather have my alone time.. I'm pretty sure keeping up a conversation won't be a problem at all either. I'd rather drive too, just because the topic if a limo came out, and hahaha I'm just too broke to put out the money for it.

Drive yourself there because you want to work around your time not the limo's. Go to the beach (depending where your prom is) before prom watch the sunset. Eat at a nice restaurant. After prom go to the beach and just listen to the ocean and look at the stars( i dunno the beach has done me wonders).

Yeah I plan on driving myself, so I'm really trying to stay away from the whole partying/drinking thing.. just trying to be on the safeside.. and either way, from what I hear, I don't think like 50 people crammed in one hotel room would be fun anyways :) About the beach now.. it was a possibility, and it really depends. My prom's going to be in Anaheim, and she lives in Long Beach. I mean, the beach is always fun, but I just don't want her to be bored just because she basically lives right there near the beach. I was thinking possibly a walk/talk in a nice park..

As for a possible idea, my friend told me that I should possibly rent a hotel room, drive out there and get ready there (just so I'm not stuck in traffic). I' possibly have like a table set out w/ dinner, candle light, etc..alone time basically. The only thing I'm scared of with this is the way to the hotel & in the hotel, I just don't want her thinking likle "what the fuck is this guy doing? he's just trying to get some!".

Haha okay any more ideas? I've been rambling enough.. as "ThatGuy" said, I'm just trying to make one of the last high-school memories a good one. :)

*EDIT haha didn't read DoriftoSlut's post until after this reply..

Hm yeah those are pretty interesting/good ideas man. Haha yeah I'm not even making a big deal about the getting laid part really.. I'd rather just show her a great time so she remembers it, just so it'll be fresh in her mind in the long run. I like the spontaneous / weird ideas though, they seem like they'd work.. thanks!

04-16-2006, 08:09 PM
I think I can already pull off the whole gentleman type, (opening doors, you know, 'the usual stuff)

My apologies if you thought I was implying you wouldn't already do that stuff. Wasn't what I meant. I've just found it counts for more than most people think, that's all.

Even if she lives right near the beach; the beach might not be a bad idea for something to do later in the evening. What will make it special is that she's enjoying the ocean, stars etc. with you. If she's enjoying herself, it won't matter if she's been on that beach 10,000 times; it will still be special. Also, if your done with the formal part of the night; it won't matter if you get all wet or full of sand :)

I took a date (not prom though...couldn't go to my own either) to a real romantic building rooftop with an awesome view and got a friend of mine, who is a really good violin player, to help set up, and play for her while we ate supper. Getting the food delivered to the rooftop at the right time was a bit pricey; but the music, and set up help, was free:)

Just think of something, put effort into it, be a gentleman and be a bit spontaneous and you'll be fine.

04-16-2006, 09:08 PM
my friend and i dressed as pimps, i drove us in my '85 ford tempo, and we ate dinner at burger king.

pimps at prom ftw

Drew went to prom with a guy. :ghey:
I hope the tempo left prom full of girls?

Andrew Bohan
04-16-2006, 09:11 PM
Drew went to prom with a guy. :ghey:
I hope the tempo left prom full of girls?

nah those bitches had to get their own ride.

i wish i could find the pic of me with 10 girls all over me. that was pimp picture if i ever saw one. i don't even remember who took the pic, it was so long ago.

i heard later that tons of people voted for me for prom king and i actually got 3rd place or something. which is strange cuz i was never really that popular.

04-16-2006, 09:36 PM
My prom was a waste.

I worked, and payed for pretty much everything that night, from my tux, to the flower things, dinner, photos, her stuff, limo, drinks.

It was 3 couples in the limo, me and my bestbuddy, and some other guy, who was a nerd. He booked the limo, and he's friends with my date, and so we HAD to go with him. My date was a nerdy girl, but cute, the other guys date was a behemoth, and he was a troll. my bestbuddy's date was hot tho, seethru dress (she didn't realize until we already took off to the place).

Yea, the only thing the nerd payed for was tips for dinner, and even then tried to jip the waitress out.

I sold my guitar for that night, and regretted it everyday after. What a waste of time. I am so bitter. Here was my date.

LinkyPoo. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v189/soshit/Sadies.jpg

I hate resizing.

04-16-2006, 11:43 PM
The Dan approves of your date, goodjob on number 3 prom king Andy.

Andrew Bohan
04-16-2006, 11:46 PM
let's pitch in and get sochbat a new guitar. shitty ones are under $100 at walmart. lol

04-16-2006, 11:49 PM
Oh, and as a last ditch effort, if she's mega boring and not having fun, don't let it ruin your night. And don't get mad or any drama shit, just be like ok well i'm here to have fun, if you wanna go run off and be lame, go ahead, i'm gonna go have fun...


+10 for joo!

Yea, i was considering either gettin a new guitar, or walcomm tablet for my drawlings.

Either will be a great investment.

04-17-2006, 12:02 AM
My prom was really crappy, and it didn't help that my prom fell on my birthday. I ended up paying for everything because the guy I had at the time was a deadbeat, and he ended up not even going, so I went alone. I ended up being at a table with a bunch of people I hated, danced with people that were rhythmatically challenged, and I left early cuz a friend of mine had to leave early because her parents wanted her home exactly at midnight, and she was crying cuz no one wanted to take her home. I went to a beach where a guy friend tried to get freaky, and he got slapped so hard his teeth clicked, and I slept in the back of a car that was completely uncomfortable.

So basically, do everything for her that is the exact OPPOSITE of that.

On a nicer note, I did look really good.

04-17-2006, 12:08 AM
On a nicer note, I did look really good.

Pics or ban~

04-17-2006, 12:13 AM

+10 for joo!

Yea, i was considering either gettin a new guitar, or walcomm tablet for my drawlings.

Either will be a great investment.
Thanks. That's how i roll.

Oh and Wacom... I'm on my Intuos 3 right now (its the jam... the older ones aren't as radical) doing my protfolio shit. Gawd this sucks... be here all night...

Oh my first prom was pretty cool. Took my first girlfriend (just friends by then) and had an awesome time. Ended up at a raging party. That kinda killed it for our intimate time we planned. Oh well.

2nd one was my 1st year in college dating a girl who still was in HS. We did a lot of the shit i talked about... bowling, friend's house, dancing, etc. Was a really fun time. I wore... black pants a pink shirt, and a pink tie. And black Wallabees. (i was in college and was the shit compared to those HS punks) haha. That was wicked fun.

04-17-2006, 12:24 AM
pimps at prom ftw

Oh my...

this is good

04-17-2006, 12:30 AM
Prom was fuckin' incredible.

...at least the time I went to Echo's. (My HS prom was..."interesting"). Anyway, we drove together. Had fun partying it up at prom with the crew... especially on the dance floor. Went out for a late night dinner with a grip of friends post-prom. Headed back to my place to watch some DVDs. Didn't sleep until 6AM....

and on top of that, as ill as Prom was that night... Prom wasn't over for Echo and I for another week and a half. :D ;)


one of my other bros from hs

and no, i'm not gonna ask her to join zilvia. apparently, she hates me now :D

04-17-2006, 02:17 AM
Where was your prom?

Ours was at Dana Point Ocean-something. Its like a hall/museum place, and had a nice scenic view. In total, i danced with my date twice, and with other girls like, a brazilian times. What a lamepoopywad.

Echo is a lucky guy. Billy Idol - White Wedding.

04-17-2006, 02:30 AM
This thread is great so far.. the tips are interesting.. and the rest is just amusing.. :keke:

So far, this is what I'm leaning towards..
1. driving out there, getting a hotel room
2. get myself ready
3. 'set up' some sort of dinner (so later on, we just come back and everything's ready.. maybe except for lighting of some candles?)
4. head over to pick her up
5. go take pictures
6. got a lil bit of time to waste.. ideas here?
7. head over there to prom
8. i like the whole bowling idea w/ some buddies afterwards. sounds fun & different.
9. take her back to the hotel room
- haha here's where i'm scared.. just don't want to come off as 'one of those guys that are just trying to get some booty'. lol i mean.. it is prom, and back to a hotel, ALONE.
10. 'surprize' her with the whole dinner thing

Yay or Nay? Feel free to add/take out if you see some opportunities or flaws :wiggle:

04-17-2006, 04:57 AM
Where was your prom?

Ours was at Dana Point Ocean-something. Its like a hall/museum place, and had a nice scenic view. In total, i danced with my date twice, and with other girls like, a brazilian times. What a lamepoopywad.

Echo is a lucky guy. Billy Idol - White Wedding.

echo's prom was at a hotel in downtown LA. my prom was at the long beach aquarium.

echo and i went to rival high schools. i was echo's date... but echo wasn't my date :( why i didn't bring echo to my prom? :drama: that's another story. good times nonetheless. anyway, here's a pic from my prom. :) (and i'm doing this while i'm doing my lab report. oh procrastination...) and btw, i'm quite the lucky girl... at least i think so :D


9. take her back to the hotel room
- haha here's where i'm scared.. just don't want to come off as 'one of those guys that are just trying to get some booty'. lol i mean.. it is prom, and back to a hotel, ALONE.

i say why not a nice movie, a massage, and lots of food. mmm. yummy food. :yum: if you play your cards right throughout the whole night, maybe you'll get it at the end of the night ;) :x: just have fun and enjoy it while you can. you only get one prom for your graduating year from your graduating high school. so yeah. dooo itttttttttt. gl+hf :)

04-17-2006, 09:20 AM
The food at prom wasn't the best either.

The fetticuni alfredo tasted like cardboard.

The only good thing was chocolate dipped strawberries.

What was everyone's Prom Gift? Ours was a crap gel candle.

04-17-2006, 09:53 AM
the only problem I have with your list of things to do... you're eating "dinner' hella late, both of you will be hungry as fuck and if its going to be a surprise she will be wondering why you are going to the hotel room before you get something to eat.

04-17-2006, 10:57 AM
I'm glad you are not one of those dudes who wants to go just to get some pussy at the end.
That would be lame.

Just have fun.

04-17-2006, 11:41 AM
Prom sucks my fat wee wee. Prom is the epitamy of everyones highschool lameness magnified and rolled into one moronic ceremonial occasion of drama, whining, and pointless money spending.

All the money we saved on flowers, photos, tux rental, new dress, bs bs bs bs bs, we put back into drugs, alchohol and just general fucking around for an entire 48 hours. Plus you don't have to deal with whiny fucking highschool students.

My girlfriend and I called it anti-prom.

Andrew Bohan
04-17-2006, 12:00 PM
that's kinda the same feeling my friend and i had about the whole thing. that's why we dressed as pimps ("borrowed" the suits from the drama dept), drove my shitty car, and ate at BK, and spent the whole time pimpin and not givin a shit. i don't regret that at all.

04-17-2006, 02:40 PM
As far as the hotel room thing, yea it would be a lot of pressure on her if you took her back.... My suggestion? Try to make it as less pressure as possible. Set up the hotel room with her favorite flowers, and buy her an outfit to be comfortable in, and take her there before you go bowling. If you're really serious about her, buy her like a really pretty bracelet. It doesn't have to be anything expensive, you can get some really nice stuff from those kiosks in the middle of the mall. That way, she knows that the option to go back to the room is open, but without the pressure of thinking that's all you want. Take a radio and put on some music that she really likes, like a fave CD or something, and just have it on rotation when she goes to change.

Important point- Make her feel like the choice is hers, the more you make it that way, the more likely it will be that she will want to go back to the room.

Oh, and girls are gluttons for compliments (no surprise there), so feed the ego with sincerity.

04-17-2006, 05:12 PM
You forgot to add
"then do her in the butt."

Andrew Bohan
04-17-2006, 05:19 PM
PIIDB FTW フゥ~~!!

04-17-2006, 05:21 PM
Oh I volunteer to be a date! (well if my bf approves lol) I didn't go to either of my proms.

Andrew Bohan
04-17-2006, 05:28 PM
wow, as soon as someone mentions piidb, look who comes runnin.

04-17-2006, 05:34 PM
Junior prom, i went all out. borrowed my parent's new car, rented the tux, did the whole flowers, dinner, whatever before hand....
.... and my date ends up spending the night with the DJ.

I was so over prom after that.
Senior year I showed up in jeans and a t-shirt, helped myself to all the food, grabbed all my friends, and we ditched prom and went driving.
best prom ever.

04-17-2006, 05:40 PM
Yeah, don't try to get busy at a party, it's fucking hard. Especially when everyone is like. . .bored, AND drunk. No worky. I had a bunch of retards trying to watch. Not good. I packed it up, and took her home. . .haha.

I wish I had done the whole. . .hotel package thing, but we were hitting it off long before prom. Took her home, did it there. (SPL prom date FTW~!!!!)

The chase is definately the fun part, and I could see how prom could aid you in that pursuit. Definately have fun.

O, and if she likes you enough. . .PIIDB fa sho'!

04-17-2006, 05:44 PM
wow, as soon as someone mentions piidb, look who comes runnin.

Awww WTF.... :ghey:

Andrew Bohan
04-17-2006, 05:49 PM
sorry, couldn't resist :bigok:

04-17-2006, 05:54 PM
LOL just my luck C'est la vie...

To the kid going to prom...don't stress out on it, proms way over rated and look at all the money you could be spending on your car that you're spending on one night...pfft

04-18-2006, 01:13 AM
At my junior prom. We got drunk in the limo on the way to the dance, chilled for about an hour, then we decided to try and bribe the limo driver to drive us up to the top of hwy 9. Well it was cool, we got to the top, and my friend Jeff and i went to work on our dates. But then on the way down, Kelly my gf at the time got sick and barfed out the window, which made jeff get sick and barf as well.

It was cool until then.

wickdmarz: :wavey: :wavey: :wackit: :doh: :naughty: :confused: :confused:

04-18-2006, 01:19 AM
:confused: I'm all wondering what PIIDB stands for? Sorry, I'm one of the uneducated, and I've never seen the term used.. haha

Oh yeah, I think it's a new thing, but I was told that they're making everyone take breath-a-lizer things/tests before we go in.

For those that would just be wondering.. here's where my prom's gonna be.. http://www.thegroveofanaheim.com/

I was in the area today and wanted to check it out.. it looks pretty shitty, and nothing like the picture / banner. It looks like a beat up factory, but the parking does look like it'd be good for a nice track day hahaha

04-18-2006, 01:51 AM
You should just ditch your prom. have all your friends tell their parents that the prom is 200 each to get in, collect their money. find a homeless guy, give him $50 to buy all the booz, and to rent a vacation house in his name, then have your own prom. Thats what my friend in santa cruz did.

Shock innovating.

Piidb means,


Those are the only words you need to know if you date girls in cali. Because after they take all your money on the date, all you wanna do is just f*&$ em in the butt.

04-18-2006, 02:07 AM
Those are the only words you need to know if you date girls in cali. Because after they take all your money on the date, all you wanna do is just f*&$ em in the butt.

Preach on mah brother.

04-18-2006, 02:40 PM
I resent that. LOL

04-20-2006, 06:55 PM
I'm open to more ideas.. I'll probably end up staying out the whole night/into the early hours of the morning with her.. I'm still trying to think of something that'll keep us occupied during that time..

04-20-2006, 07:08 PM
Theres allways the prostitutes on craigslist. Bring one of those to the prom. That would be crazy. hahaha. You would be remembered forever for that one.

04-20-2006, 08:02 PM
All I remember of my senior prom, its been years, is that I skipped right to the post-party. It was actually my post-party organized and funded by me, rented out some hotel rooms and just told everyone where to find me. I recall the beginning of a case of beer, then it like fast-forwarded to being surrounded by tons of people in prom dresses and tuxedos. I know I was barely coherent and had someone take me for a ride in my s13 (this was in 1995, when I had my first one) to get late night munchies and the last I can remember I was laid out in the bathroom.

Thats what I call romantic.

You forgot to add
"then do her in the butt."
oh and of course thats romantic also... works quite well when heavily intoxicated.

04-20-2006, 09:08 PM
First prom I spent with a girl who was just a friend and it was awesome. We stayed up until 4am just joking around a campfire at Camp Pendleton. No booze.

Second prom I spent with my girlfriend and I screwed it up badly. To say I was an arsehole would be putting it lightly. However, I was THE focal point at the restaurant we went to with the pinstriped semi-zoot suit I was wearing. I've never been checked out by so many women in my life.

My Senior prom is my biggest regret of high school. It had so much potential and I bungled it by being a worthless shit. I'm making up for all of it by building a badass S13, though.


04-20-2006, 09:25 PM
dont go. waste of money, even tho i got my tux for free, flowers and all that BS. only had to pay for tix then again it was still a waste of money

04-20-2006, 09:34 PM
tickets for my prom were like $15 or less, I dont remember.

04-20-2006, 10:09 PM
haha I'd rather go.. just for the.. experiece you could say, and who knows, it might turn out great. I'm also gonna try to make the best of the day/night. I wish prom tickets were that cheap for my school. They killed my wallet.. I paid $75 for MY ticket and $100 for my date's guest ticket :cry: . Oh yeah justified2.4, that was super romantic. Your story touched me :)

04-21-2006, 03:33 AM
haha I'd rather go.. just for the.. experiece you could say, and who knows, it might turn out great. I'm also gonna try to make the best of the day/night. I wish prom tickets were that cheap for my school. They killed my wallet.. I paid $75 for MY ticket and $100 for my date's guest ticket :cry: . Oh yeah justified2.4, that was super romantic. Your story touched me :)

Wow that shit is expensive but yeah you're better off going then getting drunk afterwards, of course. Glad you were touched by my story. I got emotional just reminiscing.

Best of luck to ya, hope you get laid. Better yet by more than just your date. /drunk post

04-21-2006, 11:32 AM
I'm open to more ideas.. I'll probably end up staying out the whole night/into the early hours of the morning with her.. I'm still trying to think of something that'll keep us occupied during that time..

Gin and fucking. Oh yah? Thats what the rest of the adult world does to pass time.

04-21-2006, 02:24 PM
I regret going to prom. Spent a shitload of money, then me and my gf broke up 2 months later, lol.

Just go all-out on her if you really like her, Vinh.

05-08-2006, 11:27 PM
Alright, this is just a last minute thing here! My prom's on Friday, so I was wondering if anyone else had ideas to help me out, or maybe new ones. It can't hurt to ask one last time before prom ;)

05-08-2006, 11:51 PM
Good luck and just have fun

05-08-2006, 11:55 PM
late night waht to do? eat late dessert, go chill at friends house with a few people. chill with date somewhere nice like a beach or whatever, bonfire..

piidb all night long. you can do it

05-09-2006, 12:01 AM
i just skimmed through everyone's gigantic posts so i dont know if im repeating what other people have said.

if you want this girl, just make sure you act like yourself and dont try too hard. i cant tell you how many times ive seen my friends (and myself) come off as dumbasses by trying to be too cool around girls they like (for example cracking jokes too often and having them not be funny). just try to be relaxed and be yourself. also dont have your heart set on a perfect schedule of plans, because things will most likely change out of your favor, your girl will get tired early, friends invite you to a spontaneous idea/party stuff like that. so if things dont go as planned, just go along with it and most of all just have fun.

oh, and see if you can get your hands on a stretched and slammed s13 with a full origin kit and super JDM tyte wheels.

have fun man, goodluck with your girl.

05-09-2006, 12:02 AM
i went to 2 proms. my prom was on a ship ( Real nice), it was kool but wow spent alot of money. i payed for everything. my prom could have been my turbo. but anyways i had fun.
2nd prom, didnt pay for a thing. my date won that pimp my prom thing so that was kool.

but here is what i know but proms

1. dont put a set time on anything ie ill meet u here @ 5 that never happens and every thing after that gets messed up
2. take lots of pics. ie with all your hot girl freinds, the homies and some with your date.but i just took funny ones.
3. drive your self
4.make the best of whats going on.
5.have fun

i didnt get home till like 7am.


05-09-2006, 12:17 AM
I stayed at home and played EverQuest. No joke...

05-09-2006, 12:44 AM


Regretted every single second.

05-09-2006, 12:48 AM
Spent prom at work. :fawk2:

05-09-2006, 07:19 AM
oh, and see if you can get your hands on a stretched and slammed s13 with a full origin kit and super JDM tyte wheels.

Are you offering to let me borrow your car? Haha jk..

05-15-2006, 05:05 PM
Alright.. well prom's done and over with.. I guess it's my turn to share how my experience was. A couple of the guys chipped in to get a hotel (we planned on going to Knotts the next day).. so I ended up getting the hotel at around 3, and got ready there. We didn't leave her area by about 7:30, took pictures, and got to prom at a little after 9 (prom started at 6:30 BTW). Prom in itself was kind of dry, but it's cool, spent the whole time with her. I didn't pull anything afterwards either, just because she was tired and knocked out in the car.. hahah. Then I came back to the hotel after I dropped her off, had a couple beers, and that was my night.

SUMMARY: It wasn't all as great as I expected, but I did try to make the best of it, and it didn't work out TOO BAD.

Here's a couple pictures..

semi-cheezing it

buddy of mine took this picture.. looking goofy & getting worked, but hey, I got my game face on :bigok:

after 2 hours & a couple of beers


05-15-2006, 05:19 PM
are we saying that we're underage drinking??? hmm those photos you gave us would hold up perfectly in court!!

05-15-2006, 05:21 PM
your date was FINE!!!! hope you had fun at least

05-15-2006, 05:39 PM
Hahaha.. good job Vinh on your date! She's looking good.

are we saying that we're underage drinking??? hmm those photos you gave us would hold up perfectly in court!!

Lol, there was no proof of him actually drinking though.

C'mon Vinh, only a couple of beers and you're knocked out? lol

05-15-2006, 06:45 PM
C'mon Vinh, only a couple of beers and you're knocked out? lol

that was my next statement, baby liver !!! haha

05-15-2006, 06:48 PM
Oh yea, me and my ex wore the same color scheme. I had a black tux with a turquoise tie, and she had a turquoise dress. Good choice, hahaha.

05-15-2006, 07:03 PM
our prom ended at like 12, tickets were fucking $75
3am to about 9am are more of a blur than anything haha
we had a ride set up the next day but it didnt work out, so me and like 6 people had to walk home from downtown oakland, hella hungover and looking like shit
lot of fun tho haha

05-15-2006, 09:27 PM
LOL yeah I'm not a drinker, that's why, & I technically didn't "knock out". The 30 min drive to Long Beach, then 30 min back wasn't too exciting, so I was tired by the time I got back anyways.

Yeah, I was feeling pretty cocky introducing her to all the people that've never seen or heard of her before.. hahaha she was looking pretty bomb in that dress :) - which she picked the color scheme BTW.

Don't even trip OMGWTFBBQ, my ticket was $85, & her's was $100. It's because dinner was included, which I didn't get any because I got there so damn late hahaha. It's cool though, had fun with her, & I don't regret emptying my wallet on the occasion.

EDIT: just got sent some more pictures.. thought I'd post some more for the hell of it.

Dennys at about 1:30? Haha of course I love this picture.

This is for the bay area people.. I'm stunting in my STUNNA SHADES YO, & I'M 'BOUTS TO GET HYPHY!! LOL just kidding