View Full Version : Performance Nissan Website Status: A Message from our Parts Manager

04-14-2006, 03:48 PM
A message from our Parts Manager.

Performance Nissan Website Status

In immediate response to your email discussions regarding our website server, I want to confirm the accuracy of the letters that we mailed out this week. We have posted further information on our temporary web page at the following address:


We are not presently aware of any unauthorized credit card charges that have been successful -- but some attempts were made and declined. Therefore, we want to be proactive in encouraging our web customers to contact their credit card company and request a different card. In-store purchases are not affected.

We take matters such as this very seriously regarding our customers and their security and immediately took action in reporting this to credit card companies, the FBI and other authorities. As part of a community of car guys and Internet users, we are all impacted by those bad elements who continually invent new ways to breach websites.

Our website was destroyed by this attack and we presently have a resource team of professionals and employees responding to this incident -- including building an entirely different website to address our requirements for the ultimate in security and customer convenience.

We deeply regret that this happened, apologize for any inconvenience that any of you, as our customers, may have experienced, and assure you that we are working diligently to resolve this matter. Those of you who know and trust us
(personally or professionally) understand our sincerity and know that we will always do the right thing – even in challenging circumstances.

Until our new website is operational, our phone order customers (using codeword CYBER ATTACK) will receive special discount pricing as an inducement to continue purchasing parts from us while our website is being reconstructed. Please call (866)211-7389 for further details, questions or orders.


Jeff Hess, Parts Manager
Performance Nissan

04-14-2006, 04:05 PM
i was wondering why the site was down

04-14-2006, 09:29 PM
Me too, I guess I have to talk to my cc then. Sorry to hear that happen...do you guys still take orders using YM?

04-14-2006, 10:33 PM
damn no wonder....any know how on wen to resolove

04-15-2006, 12:13 AM
I'm glad I used PayPal.

04-15-2006, 12:14 AM
shit i had placed hella orders by you guys! good thing i always used paypal

04-15-2006, 12:31 AM
We are still taking orders via Phone, PayPal and our factory parts web site www.performancenissanfactoryparts.com which is not affected.

As always, get in touch with me for best pricing...

Ritz S14
04-15-2006, 01:07 AM
I recieved the letter today. Contacted my CC company immediately.

Sorry for the unfortunate, but thanks for the headsup.

You guys have the best prices around(even with tax), so props to you guys for maintaining low low prices.

04-16-2006, 05:12 AM
That really sucks. I recieved the letter also. I have to call my cc company. Those bastards have our info.