View Full Version : SAFC Problems, Can't get it running right. HELP!! searched alot

04-14-2006, 01:57 PM
I'm trying to get my car on the road and I cant get my damn redtop to run right in my s13. I'm using a SOHC MAFS. And to my knowledge, the sensor settings should be 6in 6out, then 1 and 1. But if I start the car like this it will bog and shake the car violently.

Then somehow I had it on 5in 6out and the car will start fine, idle fine, and rev fine; Until it gets warm. Then as its warm it will kind of rev fine, but then once it comes back down, the rpm's will go real low and want to stall and will evently stall.

I'm so lost, and I've tried everything.

The harness is from an s13 but was in an S14 until I took it out again. The person before me didn't have to change the MAFS wires did they? I have 3 wires going to my MAFS now, A Black, White, and Black/white. And my sensor readings with just the key on are...
In-1 - .8~
In-2 - .02~
Thrt - .45~

Someone please tell me what is wrong, Thanks alot

04-14-2006, 02:33 PM
I know that the MAFS on a SOHC or any USDM will work out, but you need to re-pin them. They are not just plug and play. I am not sure what pins, but I know you need to repin the MAFS to work with an SR.....

04-14-2006, 10:59 PM
bump....please help