View Full Version : v8 faq - 1/2 faq 1/2 bs

04-13-2006, 09:38 AM
is it possible to take out all posts not containing relevant v8 info? thanks.

04-13-2006, 10:11 AM
No. Check the KA-T FAQ for reasons why. I pinked 4 users, made big bold text as large as Zilvia allowed that says "STOP ASKING QUESTIONS AND GOING OFF TOPIC." Yet two posts after the glaring statements I made, rediculous posts ensued. Sorry, you guys want the FAQ - and we (or at least I) don't have time to PM every user and delete every offtopic post.

04-13-2006, 10:23 AM
thanks for the quick response.

04-13-2006, 10:30 AM
Started to go thru it. But it's hard to determine where the BS ends and the FAQ starts. Almost going to have to make another thread to discuss and then filter posts in that to a new FAQ.

04-13-2006, 11:00 AM
Started to go thru it. But it's hard to determine where the BS ends and the FAQ starts. Almost going to have to make another thread to discuss and then filter posts in that to a new FAQ.

thank u.

i think it would almost be easier to have an engine specific forum. KA, CA, SR, RB, V8, OTHERS. this way people can post threads and such within those. might make things easier to nagivate.

04-13-2006, 11:56 AM
The Admins don't want to ad more forums as it would make it more difficult to navigate.

04-13-2006, 01:27 PM
^yea no more forums....I think we should just cut out all the important shit and un sticky the current FAQ anr rewrite it.

04-14-2006, 01:07 AM
Who wants that job? If you volunteer, I would request an admin make a hidden forum and give you mod access in it, then we'd move the threads out for you to cut and remake. Otherwise - I'm keeping my fingerprints off those trainwreck of threads. I would like to see them unstuck personally, and I made the very first one. People are just too fucking dumb to have the responsibility of reading pages of answers, and then not asking a question in the previously unviolated thread.

Another issue we have is that we have mods who are well versed in KA-T (myself and s14db), and a mod versed in the SR (Mr.Meph). CA? RB? V8 (ford) I don't have a clue on, and can't feel comfortable either giving information or cutting out information, because I just don't know.

I know my first post came off harsh, like I didn't want more work. While that's true, I'm all for bettering the community. However, I gave the KA-T thread about 2 hours of time posting answers and guides. Then I gave it another hour when I edited the first two pages and pruned questions/bs. Now? 3-4 hours of my time is completely trashed. I'm kinda touchy on that. The lack of respect that people gave to my use of time, I don't want to repeat. However, I'd like to see this solved, and if anyone can make some decent (and enactable/enforcable) ideas to fix this, let me/us know.

04-14-2006, 11:36 AM

no worries about ur first post man. volunteer? when i go home after finals i would have a bit of time, but i fear by then it will be a lost cause.

i never thought about how we would need more mods to accomidate more forums and they would have to be people who r well educated in those areas.

i recently reread the ka-t faq and see wut u mean. maybe u can lock and sticky the faq threads and put someone(s) incharge of them. if people have relavant info to add, they can pm the person and if that person finds the info useful he can post it.

i dont know much about how the software for these forums work, so my suggestion jus might not be feasible.

04-16-2006, 03:49 AM
How about i start another 240sx sticky, you mods let me edit it with minimal mod powers, and if i once do anythin wrong you can ban me. I know there is alot of random stuff here, but i would really like to get the right info out there. if any of you guys review my post the last few months, they have been nothing but helpful.

04-17-2006, 11:04 AM
How about i start another 240sx sticky, you mods let me edit it with minimal mod powers, and if i once do anythin wrong you can ban me. I know there is alot of random stuff here, but i would really like to get the right info out there. if any of you guys review my post the last few months, they have been nothing but helpful.

if luke wants to put the time into this, i think he would be the right man for the job.