View Full Version : Porsche 924S Just got stolen in front of me!! RIGHT NOW!

04-11-2006, 09:43 AM
EDIT::::: Car was stolen from Fremont, CA 94555. I live off of Alvarado Blvd. across the street from Manconis Lounge There is a neighborhood called Contempo Park which is full of low incoming housing across the street, please be on the lookout for two young suspicious individuals today in the area that were wearing black hoodies, between the ages of 16-18, thanks!

Warming my car up this morning at 7:45am about to go to work. I get of out of my car and head inside to grab my work badge, but before I do I see two kids (African American) walking down my street coming from Contempo a low income housing area for Katrina victims and other families across the railroad tracks, and I think....shouldn't they be at work or school? Whatever though because I'm in a rush. There's a licquor store near our house and there is always more than one of them, sometimes different groups of them that always walk through our neighborhood instead of the streets sidewalk throwing down litter, trash, being loud, ....anyway....back to the point.

So I go inside, back outside to jump in the car and head to work when I hear my Porsche motor revving, and I'm thinking WTF? Two African kids one with a black hoodie pulled over his head in the passenger seat and another with a black hoodie but his face showing because he has to drive. The driver jams my car out of my driveway into reverse and head towards the street with both tires smoking. The ground is a bit damp since it rained the night before and they manji left, maji right, manji left and ultimately manji right again where they lose control and spin out, the whole time I'm on foot chasing them down the street, well they spin out hit the curb and end up facing me as I'm running towards them. They come barreling down in first gear tach bouncing straight at me and I'm thinking, WTF am I going to do right now, so I throw my hands up and say, "STOP!!!" ........wasn't thinking and they try to run me down...I jump out of the way and I'm talking 1/2 foot my knees were about to get cracking like a bag of nuts. They end up going around my neighborhood...well there's only one way out and I'm about 20 feet from the exit so I grab a handful of boulders and wait for them to come around. 10 seconds later they come flying down again about 50 yards away towards me, my rear right tire is slapping against the ground obviously blown from when they jumped or hit the curb and they're in the top of second again....I throw boulders at the windshield, miss with one but successfully hit it with smaller rocks, doesn't phaze the driver obviously trying to flee the scene and attempts to swerve towards me again, this time I'm smarter and dodge out of the way, about 5 feet to spare........I run back into the house call my roommates awake and call 911....waiting on word back!!!!

04-11-2006, 09:48 AM
1 - was the race of the assailants necessary to the telling of this story?
2 - I am glad I live in the middle of fucking nowhere
3 - good luck with the cops and explaining that your car you left running was stolen when you went indoors

04-11-2006, 09:55 AM
They come barreling down in first gear tach bouncing straight at me and I'm thinking, WTF am I going to do right now, so I throw my hands up and say, "STOP!!!"

Ha ha.. Watching those superman movies again huh?:naughty:


04-11-2006, 09:58 AM
That sucks dude, hope you get it back, although the race wasn't necessary.

04-11-2006, 09:59 AM
damn that sucks! i guess it's not a good idea to keep your car running unattended. good luck

Ritz S14
04-11-2006, 10:05 AM
DAMN YOU!!! Why did you miss!!!! :(

04-11-2006, 10:36 AM
1 - was the race of the assailants necessary to the telling of this story?
2 - I am glad I live in the middle of fucking nowhere
3 - good luck with the cops and explaining that your car you left running was stolen when you went indoors

1. Yes it was because I was being descriptive in hopes that if anyone lives around me, hopefully they'll be on the lookout for two African American kids running around in black hoodies the ages of 16-18 around the Contempo area Fremont/Union City.

2. I'm glad you live there too, don't come here.

3. I explained the story to the Fremont Police Law Enforcement Officer and he brought up a whole shit load of criminals that steal cars in my area, and I hate the beat a dead horse but they were all African American save for two. I couldn't positively ID them unfortunately since they were wearing hoodies and I'm not the greatest with faces but the local Fremont Police Department is on the lookout.

UPDATE::: They found my car near Highway 84, close to the Dumbarton Bridge. Looks like the rear left wheel of my Porsche is cracked from them hitting the curb, the idiots pulled my spare out from the back of the car but the good news is that my spare is just as flat as the rest. The dumped the car and headed out somewhere.

Help me break the story down.

1. Two African American kids, young the ages of 16-18
2. 7:45am in the morning.
3. Car is running and I left for literally 10 seconds inside the house and right back out.
4. Two kids walking down the street earlier when I left inside my house for my badge, about 40 yards away.
5. 1987 Porsche 924S, hardly worth anything.
6. Car was found off the freeway and left, they stole the stereo face and that's it. It's an old ass Clarion stereo anyway.

**It doesn't add up, could it be just kids in the area and stole the car out of opportunity or was this planned? I'm leaning toward opportunity, not sure. What do you guys make of it? I think I know where the kids live, or the area I should say....I drove by there but perhaps it's too early in the morning. I don't think it was a professional at all because they usually know how to drive, these guys were out of control and couldn't keep the rear end from swinging left and right....

04-11-2006, 10:47 AM
Damn Jay, sorry to hear about your car story :eek: ...now I won't leave my car running anymore when I jump inside...glad that it was recovered though

04-11-2006, 10:48 AM
ahh that sucks man.. yea Im pretty sure its opportunity since they didnt really plan the getaway very well. If it is then im pretty sure thats their usual route that they use in the morning so it wouldnt hurt to check outside around the same time this happened. You probably will be able to see them agian.

Ritz S14
04-11-2006, 10:48 AM
So, what are you going to do now? Liability only right?

drift freaq
04-11-2006, 10:50 AM
they stole your car for a joy ride. I am sorry to hear that, though given your description of the area leaving your keys in a running car was not the wisest of manuevers.
As far as the african american statement , the way you made it is borderline racist. Sorry, just pointing that out.
On top of that, Philip was making a causual observation and you took it rather harshly and lashed out at him. I personally would not want to live in Fremont/Union city myself. Now are you going to get all pissed off about that and tell me to stay were I live? I would hope not. Realize that because of that project you know live in a bad area,because of that statements like philips are bound to be made. get over it and move to a better area.

04-11-2006, 11:26 AM
Fremont isn't that bad...

However, it is unfortunate that the thread starter gave too much descriptions about the thiefs. I am sure that Sideways wasn't intended to offend anyone here. Of course, not the moderator....

and I hope you could find the thiefs.

Remember, we hate all thiefs.

04-11-2006, 11:36 AM
Sorry I wasn't trying to lash out at anyone, it just happened and I'm freakin' out here because I'm super pissed off.

I shouldn't have brought in the race card, but I mean if I called them Black or N------ then I should be pinked and banned. I called them what I would respectively call them and that's African American. I'm not trying to call out any one race of humans but.....dammit man, I'm tired, pissed off, I got the first day of class today and if I miss it then I get dropped, works pissed, my wheels cracked, windshields cracked, idiots are retarded.....

Liability only Ritzo.....but whatever...sorry for coming harsh Philip....I just didn't see your post as constructive is all and I flipped...

04-11-2006, 11:40 AM
sorry to hear. for what its worth i hope they die tonite :)

04-11-2006, 11:49 AM
^^ yeah if my car just got jacked in front of me then i would be pissed too. id prolly say worse things but yeah. glad to hear they found your car. the people who stole it most likely will not be walking in the same path as they did before for the next couple weeks.

04-11-2006, 12:01 PM
That sucks mang. Just two opportunistic wannabe thugs. I am sorry to hear about it. I FU#$ING HATE THIEVES SO MUCH!!!!

04-11-2006, 01:12 PM
I shouldn't have brought in the race card, but I mean if I called them Black or N------ then I should be pinked and banned.

I edited your post, but let me make something painfully clear. I don't give a damn how pissed off you are about your car. If you ever, EVER use that word or any other racial slur on Zilvia again, I will Ban you so fast your fucking head will spin! No situation calls for that level of ignorance.They are not cauasl words that can just be thrown in to any conversation. They are pure, concentrated, IGNORANCE.

Side note: Glad they found your car. I'm sure you'll be more careful in the future.

04-11-2006, 01:27 PM
Buy a Alarm system with Auto Start. You can run the car and if it moves the car dies. Running a car in a Known bad neighborhood is asking for it.

04-11-2006, 01:44 PM
Running a car in a Known bad neighborhood is asking for it.
Some casual things that people do might turn out to become big problems, all we can do is learn from the mistakes.

04-11-2006, 02:14 PM
i feel safe leaving my running in the morning.
from my bedroom window

04-11-2006, 02:49 PM
ThatGUY: You got it.

S14DB: I live in a good neighborhood, no problems for 16 years, the only time anyone has had a problem is after the Hurrican Katrina shelter opened up across the street, then they turned the housing into low-income and now everyone in my neighborhood is screwed.

04-11-2006, 02:58 PM
well at least the silvia didnt get stolen.

Why the hell is there a katrina shelter in cali?

04-11-2006, 03:21 PM
Even if your neighborhood is overall a "good neighborhood" I think it's generally a bad idea to leave your car running and unattended for any amount of time, anywhere. Glad to hear you got it back with what I guess you could consider minimal damage considering the thieves' apparent lack of control.

04-11-2006, 07:31 PM
dammit man, I'm tired, pissed off

This still isn't an excuse for ignorantly singling out the race of the guity party.
Take a deep breathe.. calm down.. and don't be a jackass.

Granted, I'd be pretty furious too..
but scum is scum regardless if they're white/pink/yellow/black/brown/orange.

04-11-2006, 08:00 PM
Buy a Alarm system with Auto Start. You can run the car and if it moves the car dies. Running a car in a Known bad neighborhood is asking for it.

i always fotget what gear i left my car so i have to go look b4 i use my auto start to warm up my car. once i for got that it was in 1st gear and it took off and i had to run after it and it stopped after it hit a palmtree but that was back when i use to park my car on the street.(and they are illigal btw)

04-11-2006, 08:07 PM
Only for manual transmissions.

04-11-2006, 08:10 PM
I've never left a Manual in gear since the time we accidentally push started my buddies '69 Beetle. We were just goofing around talking about how light it was, started rocking it back forth pushing on the rear bonnet. Next thing we know it cranks up and takes off across the parking lot. Funny stuff, but yeah, just set the side brake, no need to leave it in gear.

04-11-2006, 08:28 PM
that really sucks about your car, man... im sure there wont be a next time if you dont let there be.

04-11-2006, 09:13 PM
Phlip, I was thinking the same thing for #1. I can understand giving details about the ages of the kid and what they were wearing, but the race about them shouldn't have been involved. I had to laugh at the part of where you told them to "Stop." Sorry. Now here's something that bothers me, when all of this was occuring, no one in your neighborhood woke up and came out side? With all the tach bouncing and spinning outs, and the STOP.....no one woke up? That's crazy. I know not to leave my car on then.

04-11-2006, 09:28 PM
Leaving ur car on, unattended,
is like saying please take me for a joyride!!

04-11-2006, 09:49 PM
Why the hell is there a katrina shelter in cali?

I also want to know...

04-11-2006, 10:32 PM
Why the hell is there a katrina shelter in cali?
I don't know but all that water in New Orleans might be a clue.
mucho love :love:

04-11-2006, 11:39 PM
We got alot of the evacuees here in Texas. San Antonio Housing Authority is not accepting ANYONE anymore...period.

Andrew Bohan
04-12-2006, 12:30 AM
i don't see why adding race to the description is so taboo. if they were white he woulda said they were white. if they were hispanic he woulda said they were hispanic. if they were asian he woulda said they were asian. if they were indian he woulda said they were indian. they were black so he said they were african american. big deal. california is a diverse place. specifying race takes a lot of people out of suspicion.

04-12-2006, 12:45 AM
I shouldn't have brought in the race card, but I mean if I called them Black or N------ then I should be pinked and banned. I called them what I would respectively call them and that's African American.

Calling a Black person Black is disrespectful? Since when?

Sorry, but I've never heard of this before.

Also, pointing out that the young men were African-American is relevant because, well, they were African-American, were they not?

As drewl said, if they were Asian, he would have said Asian, if they were Mexican, he would have said Mexican, and so on, and so forth.

Now, was this post even necessary? Probably not. I highly doubt anyone on this forum would have seen them, let alone within any reasonable amount of time after the post was made that it would have assisted in the search.

04-12-2006, 12:49 AM
It's stupid to accuse him of being racist, or racially insensitive. As a half-black person, if someone stole my car, I would identify them as a person of color SOLELY for the fact that it would contribute to the idenfication, and arrest of the individual.

On the NEWS they point out the race of someone when they kidnap a child, commit a robbery, shoot someone etc.

This has nothing to do with race.

04-12-2006, 02:34 AM
Yea if he would have said. 2 guys ages 16-23 stole my car, then that would be 100% of all car jackers. Race, hight, build, and clothing is important.

Andrew Bohan
04-12-2006, 03:05 AM
"yes officer, one or more people stole my car"
"you don't know how many?"
"i do know, but if i told you it would be gang discrimination"
"oh right...well do you know if they were male or female?"
"i do know, but that would be sex discrimination"
"hmmm. how old were they?"
"age discrimination"
"dammit, how they hell do you expect me to find them?"
"sorry, i'm just trying to be politically correct and sensitive to everyone's needs"

04-12-2006, 07:12 AM
im glad some of you guys arent retarded and see things for what they are. this PC shit goes too far sometimes.

04-12-2006, 07:35 AM
i don't see why adding race to the description is so taboo. if they were white he woulda said they were white. if they were hispanic he woulda said they were hispanic. if they were asian he woulda said they were asian. if they were indian he woulda said they were indian. they were black so he said they were african american. big deal. california is a diverse place. specifying race takes a lot of people out of suspicion.

^^^ Agreed...If a person of another race said that a "white kid in a black hoodie" stole his car would this be as big of an issue? Probably not.

*Edit* Upon re-reading initial post...there were certain inuendos made that could be taken as less than desirable and a bit stereotypical... i.e. the liquor store around the corner and the low-income housing. Maybe had these been left out, the fact that he mentioned they were african american would not have been such a big deal...it was the surrounding text that I *think* made the motives come into question? Philip...if I am wrong, please correct me. I think everyone kinda overlooked these terms and the manner in wich they were used, I know I did...then I was corrected...

04-12-2006, 09:29 AM
hey i guess you can put Porsche 924S back in your sig along with the other modes of transport you have hahaha

04-12-2006, 09:52 AM
^^^ Agreed...If a person of another race said that a "white kid in a black hoodie" stole his car would this be as big of an issue? Probably not.

*Edit* Upon re-reading initial post...there were certain inuendos made that could be taken as less than desirable and a bit stereotypical... i.e. the liquor store around the corner and the low-income housing. Maybe had these been left out, the fact that he mentioned they were african american would not have been such a big deal...it was the surrounding text that I *think* made the motives come into question? Philip...if I am wrong, please correct me. I think everyone kinda overlooked these terms and the manner in wich they were used, I know I did...then I was corrected...
I should have quoted the original post, as it has been edited now, but your own edit is spot on. My first response was to HOW race was brought into the story, not the very fact that race was brought into the story.
I worded what I had to say as a rebuttal to that and was lashed out against in more ways than one, but Dave actually was the first to clear where I was coming from, then the first post was edited.

My issue here, people is not that the suspect's race was brought up, if it were as simple as what has been described BEFORE the first post was edited, I would have never bothered responding. I have accused no one of being racist here, because we all are, whether we want to be or not, I just ask that people choose their possibly insensitive comments before going public with them.

04-12-2006, 10:00 AM
I should have quoted the original post, as it has been edited now, but your own edit is spot on. My first response was to HOW race was brought into the story, not the very fact that race was brought into the story.
I worded what I had to say as a rebuttal to that and was lashed out against in more ways than one, but Dave actually was the first to clear where I was coming from, then the first post was edited.

My issue here, people is not that the suspect's race was brought up, if it were as simple as what has been described BEFORE the first post was edited, I would have never bothered responding. I have accused no one of being racist here, because we all are, whether we want to be or not, I just ask that people choose their possibly insensitive comments before going public with them.

What he said...

There's difference between describing what happened, and what was posted.

You guys were just late to the party.

04-12-2006, 01:02 PM
Those are also facts about the crime though. Face it steriotypes do not exist because it doesn't happen that way. The fact that he lives in a steriotypical enviroment doesn't mean he's a racist in fact if anything it means he is further away from being a racist than alot of us. How many of you out there pulling out the race card would willingly move into a neighborhood like that? You sure as hell wouldn't if you've seen Boys in the Hood. But, alot of people wouldn't live near the low income trailer park that I live next too because that's where all those white meth addicts hang out. But, it's what I'm used to and I know that just because there is a white kid with shaggy hair and a Valuvillage wardrobe walking down the street doesn't mean he's high on meth. If I posted something about a kid of that description stealing my car(it happened) in my neighborhood would any of you say I'm being a racist? It goes both ways and everyone has a little prejustice in them. Calling someone out for pointing out the facts only serves to propagate it. How is racism ever going to die if we actively participate in it?

That sucks about your car man, hope they get the guys that did it, but honestly don't put alot of hope into that. My wallet was in my car when it was stolen and they arrested two guys with my ID and credit card and couldn't even keep them overnight because with the way the law is setup all they could get those guys for was possesion of stolen property a 15$ liscense, and they send you credit cards for free so it holds no monetary value.

04-12-2006, 01:58 PM
Do you understand that the original post contained more explicit and unacceptable comments?


04-12-2006, 02:17 PM
You got your car back. This thread ends now.
