View Full Version : The Gospel of Judas (P/R Warn)

04-06-2006, 10:38 AM

Anyone else interested in this? The National Geographic Channel is doing a show on this, but I don't get the channel. They've proven that what they found was a copy of what Judas wrote in his "Gospel", about 1700 years ago.

The main thing emphasised was that Judas claims Jesus asked him to turn him into the authorities. This, of course, sparks a million different tangents. Though it doesn't disprove anything in the current bible, it adds a twist to what Christians are taught.

04-06-2006, 10:56 AM
Not too sure on the facts about Judas's Gosple but Christ did infact know that Judas would betray him. Matthew 26:20-25 and also in John 13:27 it states that Jesus told Judas to "Do what he had plan to do quickly." The betrayl was all in the plan for ultimate salvation.

04-06-2006, 11:25 AM
There has been rumors of a "Gospel of Judas" for a long long time. It's nothing new. Also, the gospel (if I read the article correctly) they found supports the beliefs of the Gnostics, whose teaching was heretical and against what Christ himself taught. Several books of the new testament are specifically written to debunk Gnosticism and show why it does not agree with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Christian church.

Sounds like they only found, one of the many, Gnostic gospels that were written. All of which were not accepted by any of the disciples (who knew Jesus personally) or Paul or any other author of the New Testament. Besides, they didn't say what evidence they found to prove that Judas Iscariot actually wrote the thing, sounds like they just stamped his name on it.

04-06-2006, 11:28 AM
I think essentially it all remains the same. I think what this is, is Judas' interpretation of what Jesus said to him.

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