View Full Version : reliable place for KA24DE rebuild kit
04-02-2006, 11:47 PM
i was just thinking about it and preparing and researching. i plan to do a rebuild then turbo the ka. hope to do all this work during the summer, so im just preping up and looking for places to get some parts. i googled it and it seems like all the places are the same format with a different name. so im not sure if they are the same company or what. but if anyone knows a place where i can get a complete engine rebuild kit, please post link so i can check it out. thanks.
04-03-2006, 07:57 PM
no one? hmmm i thought ppl might know some places. so for those of you that have a KA-T, did u do any rebuilding?
i wanna rebuild cuz right now my motor is leaking some oil from the timing cover and seems like a little from the headgasket too. so if im going to replace the headgasket, might as well do a rebuild.
04-03-2006, 08:01 PM
try Nissan, or e-bay
04-03-2006, 08:01 PM
youre looking for complete rods and pistons huh, I don't know the northern areas too well, you might want to post on the USA section in west, maybe the San Fran guys can help. If not, just purchase the parts online and have a decent auto shop put in the parts.
04-03-2006, 08:18 PM
i hope this helps. click (
04-03-2006, 09:41 PM , , , if there are any more that I think of I'll let you know. These are the top shops I go through that have the best prices to offer. The super tech pistons by far are the best, they have the thickest ringlands if you plan to boost pretty high. There use to be a shop called that sold the super techs, but I don't know what happen to them.....
04-03-2006, 09:52 PM
i wish i had $$ for cosworth.
i need to stop dreaming......
Anyway... listen to BigVinnie. I second his information and he knows his shit.
04-03-2006, 10:10 PM
thanks for the info bigvin! i've also been looking for rebuild kits.
04-03-2006, 10:16 PM
well I did do a small search import performance sells the super tech pistons.
If by chance they sell them more than $500 for the set you are paying to much......
04-03-2006, 10:35 PM
i hope this helps. click (
Sweet. Its in Illinois.
Now all i need is a 240 that needs a rebuild.
04-03-2006, 10:35 PM
wow thanks for the info. so many stuff. made my research even more hardcore.
BigVinnie: ive done the google search "ka24de rebuild kit" and like a couple of sites came up. they all have the same format as the page but with different names. what did you purchase from them? i was looking at their site and it seemed like they had the stuff i wanted in the price range that is best for me also.
04-03-2006, 11:03 PM
Rebuild kits are kinda dumb for a performance engine, IMO. You only need a few seals, and if you buy a kit you will probably only use half of them, and upgrade the rest.
From Nissan/aftermarket:
Front main ($7)
Rear main ($7)
Oil pump seal (o-ring) ($7)
Intake gasket ($5)
Exhaust gaskets ($9)
Valve cover gasket set ($45)
Water pump ($40)
Oil pickup gasket ($3)
Probably upgrade:
Bearing set
Ring set/Piston Set
Head studs
Main studs
Rod bolts/Rods
Maybe replace:
Oil pump
So basically if you spend a couple hundred on a stock/oem style rebuild kit, you'll only use about $100 worth of it.
04-04-2006, 01:49 PM
I have a complete engine gasket rebuild kit instock for 97-98 KA24DE
Its pricey... I can sell it for $175 I can sell my SR20DET Kits for less then that... (to forum members that is)
I can get all the gaskets individually which makes it alot less...
I can put together a list in this thread if you all want me to of a complete KA gasket break down...
And put together KA24DE Gasket pricing for forum members :)
04-04-2006, 03:13 PM
ive already purchase a complete gasket set a looooooooong time ago when my bro-in-law told me that i need to replace some gaskets. i was thinking that if i replace all those gaskets, i might as well do a rebuild. (my gasket set is the set that comes with the headgasket too)
04-04-2006, 03:20 PM
wow thanks for the info. so many stuff. made my research even more hardcore.
BigVinnie: ive done the google search "ka24de rebuild kit" and like a couple of sites came up. they all have the same format as the page but with different names. what did you purchase from them? i was looking at their site and it seemed like they had the stuff i wanted in the price range that is best for me also.
I've purchased the RPM machine kit for a Datsun Nissan z24i (almost the same thing as KA, different head types, almost the same internals accept for a different diameter size in the crank bearings). The kit appears to be reliable with no problems, the rods look a little bit better than the stock shot peened.
I wouldn't call it a performance kit by any means. But for your basic rebuild it is well worth the money.
If you want a "performance" rebuild, you will need to research and put together your own pieces. I preffer the crower rods, and the super tech pistons. By far they can with stand some heavy power (over 600HP).
I would also recomend the Eagle rods (if you can find them), those rods were in production only once and can take alot of power like the crower for half the price.
04-04-2006, 03:56 PM
i was just planning on doing as regular rebuild, and not a "performance" rebuild because the performance one would cost too much. plust i dont plan on boosting a lot when i turbo the ka (maybe stock boost only or like 6-7psi). ive done the research about it and the ka can hold up to 350ish hp with stock internals....right?? so if that is correct, then i dont think 6-7psi would do anything to my "regular rebuilt" motor.
04-04-2006, 04:05 PM
i was just planning on doing as regular rebuild, and not a "performance" rebuild because the performance one would cost too much. plust i dont plan on boosting a lot when i turbo the ka (maybe stock boost only or like 6-7psi). ive done the research about it and the ka can hold up to 350ish hp with stock internals....right?? so if that is correct, then i dont think 6-7psi would do anything to my "regular rebuilt" motor.
350ish sounds about right. But you should order 98 and above xterra/altima/frontier pistons. They are much more reliable with thicker ringlands, and will give a better CR for boosting... Somewhere around 9.2:1. If you use the 240sx pistons and decide to increase the bore size .010 or .020 it will put your CR a little past 9.6:1. The CR is better using the 98 and above production xterra/Altima/frontier pitons.
BTW hope that Chico life is treating you good, I graduated from fairview continuation, and kicked it with college girls every other night of teh week. Chico was the bomb back in the day....
04-04-2006, 04:17 PM
Just for fun, I priced out the complete gasket as if the gaskets were purchased seperately...
MSRP: $460.49
My selling price would be $225
So if you need a complete gasket kit, that will be the cheapest option...
Here is an image of what comes in the kit... If there is something you need seperately let me know...
04-04-2006, 07:46 PM
ummm yeah sorry but ive already purchase a complete gasket set. i bought the complete gasket set from ebay for like 95 shipped. forgot what the brand is cuz the package is in sac (and im in chico). all im really looking for is a place, not the parts, becuase im getting ready to purchase in summer (not purchasing right now).
04-05-2006, 07:53 AM
Just for fun, I priced out the complete gasket as if the gaskets were purchased seperately...
Do you mind posting an image of a SOHC gasket kit/set?
04-05-2006, 11:16 AM
Here you go...
There is one available in master NISSAN Parts Warehouse... Im ordering it now... $129.50 plus shipping for the S13 SOHC gasket kit
04-05-2006, 12:18 PM
Fuck a rebuild. Just make sure you have good tuning and you can put out more than enough power to meet your needs.
I know someone who just hit 430hp on stock internals at 20psi. The engine has never been opened up.
04-05-2006, 12:53 PM
yeah i would just "fuck a rebuild" but im going to need to open up the engine because i need to replace the gaskets anyways.
04-05-2006, 12:56 PM
that's not half of a rebuild.
Wait, clarify for me 'cuz i've read both in this thread:
Rebuild as in just replace seals/gaskets? or are you going for internals too? (pistons, bearings, connecting rods?)
04-05-2006, 01:11 PM
Thats the thing...I would have to pay for and engine rebuild (gaskets and/or internals). I'm so confused...dohc, sohc, or ca18det. :(
04-05-2006, 01:14 PM
replacing all the gaskets is one thing...
But going as far as to do connecting rod bearings / main bearings etc... thats where it starts to get expensive labor size...
04-05-2006, 01:19 PM
Hella much. Better off buying a pre-built KA.
04-05-2006, 01:49 PM
Hella much. Better off buying a pre-built KA.
As in crate ka, or just one AT LEAST rebuilt to oem specs?
04-05-2006, 01:52 PM
Yah, I think boost designs and a few other companies i can't remember off the top of my head, sell rebuilt KAs with aftermarket parts to handle boost better.
They sell for like.. 2-3K I believe.
04-05-2006, 02:01 PM thanks. I'll be alright for a while with gasket replacements. Did a comp test and got 142 on all 4 cylinders. My ultimate goal anyway is a WRX, so Im not looking to spend too much on this car (just want decently fun car)
04-05-2006, 02:04 PM
Haha, yah that's what I said! But supposedly they're good for 500+ hp.
I'd rather have the experience and do it myself.
04-05-2006, 02:48 PM
i was thinking about doing a FULL ENGINE REBUILT with the pistons, rods, ect.... not just the gaskets. but yeah i can see that its going to cost a a lot more. but im not sure. so if you guys were me, would you just do the GASKET rebuild, or do the ENGINE rebuild?
PS KA24DE w/17x,xxx
04-05-2006, 02:52 PM
i was thinking about doing a FULL ENGINE REBUILT with the pistons, rods, ect.... not just the gaskets. but yeah i can see that its going to cost a a lot more. but im not sure. so if you guys were me, would you just do the GASKET rebuild, or do the ENGINE rebuild also?
PS KA24DE w/17x,xxx
Well, you could do a leak down/compression test, and that will tell you if you NEED to rebuild. Then there's "preventative maintenance", where you could do the rebuild "just in case".
04-05-2006, 03:02 PM
working on old cars sucks, doesn't it?
i second the leak-down/compression test. if something's wrong, then do what you need to. as long as you're not boosting ridiculous amounts, and not in powerband 24/7, it'll last.
04-05-2006, 03:52 PM
The nice thing about KAs is they're cheap and easy to come by. If you blow one, pick another up for under 300 and keep going.
Just do gaskets.. but if you change the headgasket, might as well upgrade to ARP head studs so you don't have to buy OEM studs EACH TIME you remove the head.
04-05-2006, 07:17 PM
Im a little late but here is a place that sells a complete kit but its geared towards a KA-T build mainly.
04-05-2006, 07:28 PM
^^yeah that site was already post.
well i guess i wont be needing to spend the money on internals then. whoooo save me that money to buy stuff to actually get the turbo parts. thanks ppl
04-05-2006, 07:32 PM
Good luck mang, keep us posted.
04-05-2006, 08:09 PM
In Berkeley there is this place called Attarco that sells rebuilt KA's for cheaper than AMS. They also have a shop in Sacramento, they will drop it off at your door step.
04-05-2006, 09:32 PM
^^wow cool site. sr's are cheap there. also the 1j...damn. if i had 1k i would just buy the 1j for fun.
but yeah ill try to keep ppl updated, but its gunna be a while because im not going to tear up the motor yet. im still in school. but when i do i will take lots of pics and post on here (this is the only forum where i post a lot).
04-05-2006, 09:57 PM
I hear ya with being in school...except I also have a full-time job and am currently only taking one class
04-06-2006, 06:31 AM
buy a jasper engine and be done with it
04-06-2006, 01:37 PM
buy a jasper engine and be done with it
have you read this thread at all?
04-06-2006, 02:15 PM
have you read this thread at all?
04-06-2006, 04:47 PM
did he mean a JAPANESE engine??? if not, whats a JASPER engine?
04-06-2006, 05:14 PM
try They have a full rebuild kit avalible with pistons, rods, etc.
04-07-2006, 11:10 AM
he Has Decided What To Do Already
04-07-2006, 03:26 PM
^^^yeah what he said...but thanks anyways..
PS mods can close this thread...and also IM POOR
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