View Full Version : who owns these cars

03-26-2006, 11:14 PM
this one, some guy named steve, friends with illdorifto/redsquare?

and this one, guy is in oregon, somthing to do with groundzeromotorsports.

anyone know these people? or info on either car? i have questions to ask of both of them and cant find jack.

Red Square
03-26-2006, 11:19 PM
what you want to know about steves car?

03-26-2006, 11:21 PM
I believe the silver one posts on ka-t.org a good amount.

03-26-2006, 11:26 PM
I can tell you that that first S14's lip is insanely huge.

03-26-2006, 11:32 PM
what you want to know about steves car?
do you have any more pics? i tried to pm but your pinked so i couldnt. any pics of it with the front wheels turned, in both directions ideally. i would like to see how close it comes to the firewall, and how close the wheels come to hitting the back of the front bumper. also if you have front camber caster specs that would be good too.

Red Square
03-27-2006, 12:32 AM
i dont have any pics with the wheel turned all the way. but as for hitting and clearance issues, the only thing that rubbed was tire against the top of the fender. but stretching tire more and a little bit of shaving fixed the problem. Caster was untouched and camber was maxed out (Tein c.o. and camber bolts)

and as far as make u-turns ...... for a 3 lane street, his 3-point turn usually does the job.... some times 4-point turn is needed.

j/k the car turns fine. but i dont recommend running 18x10 -27 up front. but its up to you.

03-27-2006, 12:51 AM
so with ~ 4 deg camber and stock caster (~6.5 iirc) it does not hit the firewall or the back of the front bumper?

Red Square
03-27-2006, 01:16 AM
nope..... but is does come close to hit the back of the front bumper. it also depends on the design of the bumper and how low the car is.

03-27-2006, 01:32 AM
do you have any more pics? i tried to pm but your pinked so i couldnt. any pics of it with the front wheels turned, in both directions ideally. i would like to see how close it comes to the firewall, and how close the wheels come to hitting the back of the front bumper. also if you have front camber caster specs that would be good too.

Just curious, what kind of power is your car putting down?

03-27-2006, 06:43 PM
what rims are those? the first pic

03-27-2006, 06:45 PM
Just curious, what kind of power is your car putting down?

200ish i guess? i dunno never been on a dyno

what rims are those? the first pic


03-27-2006, 08:34 PM
Don't do it. Show cars don't drift. Trust me Boxy, you'll have all sorts of problems trying to drift with that setup. Keep the fronts around 18x9.5 about 0ish offset or 18x10 if you find something like that. But -27 on a 10 is asking for some shit.

Case in point, yesterday I was doing my normal violent-as-hell-Hariguchi-would-be-so-proud entries at the top of 3rd, abut there is a dip in the track right after entry and as soon as my front compressed at that speed, it compressed the wheel up into the back of the wheel well (the upper corner near the firewall) and the bottom of the amazon member (sorry for the car design dork terminology). This STOPPED my loaded tyre at full lock and b/c my other tyre was still rotating, that swung me super violently the other direction and directly off corse. It felt like my tie rod snapped or something, and quite frankly, I'm surprised it didn't after this happened so violently a couple of times. It was beyond rubbing (since i lowered the car more from the last event) it was tire "stopping". And I didn't put the 3mm slip on spacers I talked about doing, so its still 18x9.5 +3.

I'll remedy the problem best i can by some more beating, but I would advise against these show car setups, I'm not trying to be dick. It just... i dunno. In the last 3 years drifting I don't see it working. Nor have i seen any of those cars at the track. In real life or in pictures. Sure, drifting around in 1st gear you might be able to hit full lock with some 4x4 ride height, but what about when its slammed, and hits full suspension compression at 80mph? I shat my pants man... i thought something for serious broke.

03-27-2006, 09:36 PM
Well not all of us who owns a 240 DRIFTS!!! SOme of us wanna just have a clean daily driver...If my car was that freakin clean, you sure hell I wont be drifting it or risk being stupid in it.

03-27-2006, 09:38 PM
I think its too much hammer work too, you can only bang in that rear part so much.

also rubs on u-turns?? god that is weak is that blue car even driven the speed limit through corners?

03-27-2006, 09:44 PM
im gay and should sell my car


linds, that is wierd about you rubbing so bad on the firewall. try bumping your caster? but yeah thanks for the advice. the wheels i wanted got sold anyway now so its all good. i like my wheel sizes but the mesh face is whack. ill just put bondo on them till they look like rapiers or somthing

03-27-2006, 09:50 PM
Well not all of us who owns a 240 DRIFTS!!! SOme of us wanna just have a clean daily driver...If my car was that freakin clean, you sure hell I wont be drifting it or risk being stupid in it.
Sorry man, hey listen bro i didn't want any problems. Hey hey, please just... just leave me alone, ok? Please stop, I don't want you to "FUk mAh CrEw uP". Help!!!!

The thing is... cmercer drifts his car though. He's asking for info on these cars that don't drift and i don't want him to apply it to his car and run into problems. Capiche?

03-27-2006, 10:08 PM
200ish i guess? i dunno never been on a dyno


With 200whp why get such big wheels if you plan to drift?

03-27-2006, 10:25 PM
Sorry man, hey listen bro i didn't want any problems. Hey hey, please just... just leave me alone, ok? Please stop, I don't want you to "FUk mAh CrEw uP". Help!!!!

The thing is... cmercer drifts his car though. He's asking for info on these cars that don't drift and i don't want him to apply it to his car and run into problems. Capiche?

haha...stupid. But honestly tho, most people whod fork out that much money on rims like that would have a track set to begin with.

03-27-2006, 10:33 PM
With 200whp why get such big wheels if you plan to drift?

because they look cooler than pizza cutters? also because its my only car and i use it for everything car related not just drifting.

phlyprayzynz - a set track? what are you talking about. my track width is wider than a z06 if thats what you mean?

03-27-2006, 10:49 PM
Flip-raisin-bran: I know what you mean but i think this whole drifting on FN01RC but drive the streets on gold-plated custom made Fabulous Expands. Kinda lame. I mean you are gonna have to set your car up to fit the most extreme wheels you have, and what's the point of doing that and then drifting on a nother set you have to run a 70mm spacer to make flush?

Then you'll end up like Drift Factory with those retarded Takumi Project blue Meisters.... but that's just for pictures and TIME ATTACK. And for drifting... they'll be running some sunk battleship bullshit? I don't get it.

Know what i mean? This is the same shit. Fit your wheels right is what I say. There are 4 different levels of people.

Level 1 keeps everything stock fitment and ride height b/c they don't want to modify anything too much.

Level 2 rolls fenders and lowers the car and tries to get wheels flush.

Level 3 gets wide fenders, custom pulled fenders, wide body, or custom work to fit large wheels with low offset, or just very wide tyres. A lot of banging and cutting and smashing (or tubbing) of the stock body is needed.

Level 3.5 (hehe) User is willing to modify extensively to get wheels to fit. Streching tyres, and full adjustable suspension pieces. Mostly drifters in this category since it transcends some levels of function in the pursuit of style. Lowering beyond normal measure and fine tuning wheel fitment to be spot-on flush but still able to function in the specific vehicle.

Level 4 is where people take it overboard and end up with something unfunctional and weird. Case in point, that blue car with VS-KFs has a wider wheel in the rear, but it has less dish (significatly higher offset) than the wheel in the front. IMO it looks retarded and I know for a god damn fact that if he ever tried to DRIFT that thing it would have all sorts of issues up front. Or grip driving for that matter. Imagine trail braking into a corner and hitting some unsettling bups with those steam rollers up front!

Red Square
03-27-2006, 11:44 PM
just to clarify, the front VS-KFs are 18x10 -7 with 20mm spacer. low pad didnt clear brakes. rear dish is still bigger.

but ya, too much dish looks retarded, but i dont think he cares.

03-28-2006, 12:03 AM
I think he was referring to the fact that the front would have more dish than the rear hence looking really odd.

I ran into the same brake issue. I have 19x9.5 +2 A disc Weds and I had to use a machined 11mm bolt on spacer to clear my supra TT brakes on my SC. Effective offset -9

The BN Sports full widebody is insane. I believe he is running like 18x13 zero offset in the rear.

03-28-2006, 12:17 AM
Yes I noticed the same thing when the blue car was first posted. The front rim had more lip then rear, very odd.

03-28-2006, 12:55 PM
that silver car uhh
how come people in the usa cant do BN right
and shaved door handles :duh: