View Full Version : GT5 AKA Vision on PS3

03-25-2006, 05:21 PM
whos got the good trailers..? ive seen a few on gametrailers...

cant wait for the system to be out.

03-25-2006, 06:00 PM
I wasn't impressed until I saw the canyon scene. Looks pretty cool. If Sony worked out the bugs from the PS2, I might consider a PS3.

03-25-2006, 06:37 PM

03-26-2006, 01:13 AM
its technically not GT5..

its a mere upgrade with maybe an online capabilities.

Same engine/same physics/almost the same thing.



03-26-2006, 02:23 AM
looks very good i want to test my skills with online gaming

03-26-2006, 05:27 AM
looks like gt3 with alittle better grapics.

if you want to be impressed with ps3 graphics. check out mgs4

Sil Beer S13
03-26-2006, 01:43 PM
mgs4 looks awesome i cant wait.

03-26-2006, 01:57 PM
Here is a sweet MGS4 trailer if anyone is interested.

03-27-2006, 10:31 AM
whos got the good trailers..? ive seen a few on gametrailers...

cant wait for the system to be out.

My work blocked it !!!!


But if this is what I have to look forward to then I'm all over it !

03-27-2006, 05:29 PM
its technically not GT5..

its a mere upgrade with maybe an online capabilities.

Same engine/same physics/almost the same thing.

Correct. It was done this way just for the sake of making a demo. Don't expect the next GT to look anything like that. Or for it to be released for at least another year.

Arsenal of Glory
03-27-2006, 06:09 PM
Correct. It was done this way just for the sake of making a demo. Don't expect the next GT to look anything like that. Or for it to be released for at least another year.

Try another 5 years at Polyphony's rate :duh:

if you're dying for 24 hour racing with up to 50+ online at once, give GTR FIA Racing a try for the PC. It probably the best and most realistic racing game i've ever played along with GT Legends..

03-27-2006, 11:51 PM
My work blocked it !!!!

But if this is what I have to look forward to then I'm all over it !
really so 30 plus car drivers get to ram u at the back? wow.. lol

03-28-2006, 01:17 AM
wow looks awesome! cant wait for ps3

Mr. Badlose
03-28-2006, 01:42 AM
I hope they give the computer drivers an A.I. routine this time around.

03-28-2006, 07:41 AM
Try another 5 years at Polyphony's rate :duh:

if you're dying for 24 hour racing with up to 50+ online at once, give GTR FIA Racing a try for the PC. It probably the best and most realistic racing game i've ever played along with GT Legends..

Naw...I don't think it'll be that long. I say at the latest we'll see a next gen GT title by is 2008. That's a 4 year development cycle. But then again I wouln't be really suprised if we see multiple delays.

03-28-2006, 08:26 AM
really so 30 plus car drivers get to ram u at the back? wow.. lol

Ha ha.. Yeah the computer really gets upset when you take their ONE AND ONLY line from them.. Also some of my friends used to do that too..

*Ponders*... You just changed my whole perspective of this now .. :(

03-28-2006, 08:30 AM
Ha ha.. Yeah the computer really gets upset when you take their ONE AND ONLY line from them.. Also some of my friends used to do that too..

*Ponders*... You just changed my whole perspective of this now .. :(

That's why I don't really like Project Gotham 3 online. You could be totally killing everyone and someone will go full speed into the turn and fuck you up just to be a dick. It's not that serious but it sure is annoying. I hope (and I'm sure they are aware of this) they implement some system to combat this.

03-28-2006, 10:47 AM
That's why I don't really like Project Gotham 3 online. You could be totally killing everyone and someone will go full speed into the turn and fuck you up just to be a dick. It's not that serious but it sure is annoying. I hope (and I'm sure they are aware of this) they implement some system to combat this.
manadatory stop and go penalties would be awesome....add that much more realism to the game

03-28-2006, 11:19 AM
manadatory stop and go penalties would be awesome....add that much more realism to the game

That would be good. Because the point system they tried on GT4 didn't do a whole lot.

03-28-2006, 12:51 PM
That would be good. Because the point system they tried on GT4 didn't do a whole lot.
And real time damage like Need for Speed High Stakes back in the day... where if you damaged your ride (i.e. ramming into another car to get ahead of it) you would have to pay for that and repair the body of your car, also it would affect the way your car handled and the aerodynamics. This made you be extremely careful when passing and such or else you would go broke real fast.

03-28-2006, 01:35 PM
And real time damage like Need for Speed High Stakes back in the day... where if you damaged your ride (i.e. ramming into another car to get ahead of it) you would have to pay for that and repair the body of your car, also it would affect the way your car handled and the aerodynamics. This made you be extremely careful when passing and such or else you would go broke real fast.

I agree on the High Stakes system. It worked really well imo. This would work well in GT too. I would like to see more of a "career" mode in the next one. not just were you race, buy cars, race, buy cars, race...But were you have expenses and maybe have to manage a team of some sort or multiple teams for different types of racing.

I dunno...just ideas.

03-28-2006, 05:32 PM
these are all great ideas....i wonder if they would actually take them into consideration when designing the next game

i bet that if somebody had some kind of access to any of the designers, on a personal level, our ideas would at least get into the drawing board discussions

03-28-2006, 09:04 PM
damage wouldnt be bad, but there is a stop and go deal in real racing... so id like that alot more...

Mr. Badlose
03-28-2006, 09:24 PM
Give ToCA 3 a shot, it benched GT4 for me. Great console online racing...with damage, penalties, and good competetion.

03-28-2006, 09:41 PM
is PS3 being released this year?

03-28-2006, 09:49 PM
Polyphony dropped the ball BIG TIME with GT4. i might not get a PS3, we shall see, but unless Polyphony changes some shit, i will not be picking up the next GT game. hell, the cars don't even make tire marks when you do burnouts/skid/etc... super weak. plus, no damage, you can slam into a wall at 200mph and nothing is affected, no cosmetic damage and no negative effects on the car. GT2 to GT3 was a big jump, but GT3 to GT4 was a joke.

03-29-2006, 07:38 AM
is PS3 being released this year?

Yes, officially in November...

03-29-2006, 07:42 AM
Polyphony dropped the ball BIG TIME with GT4. i might not get a PS3, we shall see, but unless Polyphony changes some shit, i will not be picking up the next GT game. hell, the cars don't even make tire marks when you do burnouts/skid/etc... super weak. plus, no damage, you can slam into a wall at 200mph and nothing is affected, no cosmetic damage and no negative effects on the car. GT2 to GT3 was a big jump, but GT3 to GT4 was a joke.

There's a reason Kazunori Yamauchi chose not to do damage in the GT games so far. He felt that the limitations of the PS1 and 2 would not allow it to be done well enough for him. He has very high standards for his titles. As much as GT4 wasn't groundbreaking it did add quit a bit and was more of a GT3.5 if us ask me. He has said that he is commited to doing damage in the next GT because the PS3 will be able to do it to his expectations. Online is the other thing he's absolutly going to do. Mark my words: GT5 will be the greatest racing game of all time and will raise the bar completely. How long we have to wait is another story.

Arsenal of Glory
03-29-2006, 11:58 AM
Mark my words: GT5 will be the greatest racing game of all time and will raise the bar completely. How long we have to wait is another story.

GT series has alot of catching up to do if they want to surpass GTR or GT Legends, but those are PC games :P

In terms of Console racers, there hasnt been anything as realistic as F355 Challenge for the Dreamcast.

03-29-2006, 12:10 PM
F355 Challenge in the arcades was the hotness when i was a kid.....VERY realistic physics...too bad there isn't something like that for game consoles :(

03-29-2006, 12:22 PM
And real time damage like Need for Speed High Stakes back in the day... where if you damaged your ride (i.e. ramming into another car to get ahead of it) you would have to pay for that and repair the body of your car, also it would affect the way your car handled and the aerodynamics. This made you be extremely careful when passing and such or else you would go broke real fast.
I'm sorry, but no matter how much you or any one else wants this, it will never happen. They wanted to implement this a long time ago. The manufactors do not want to see/have their cars exploited for damage, or something like that, could affect their sales/reputation in one way or the other. Some how, Forza will get thrown into this.

I feel something bad is going to come out of this comment.

Arsenal of Glory
03-29-2006, 02:42 PM
I'm sorry, but no matter how much you or any one else wants this, it will never happen. They wanted to implement this a long time ago. The manufactors do not want to see/have their cars exploited for damage, or something like that, could affect their sales/reputation in one way or the other. Some how, Forza will get thrown into this.

I feel something bad is going to come out of this comment.

yes and no. As someone already mentioned, Kazunori made some sacrifices due to the limitations of the PS2 hardware. Then there were also talks of Polyphony being contracted not to simulate "damage", but not %100 clear on that