View Full Version : Wierd problems

03-24-2006, 08:44 AM
As most of you guys know, I overheated my KA-T sometime ago, after that incident, compression went down (no more than 150 but no less that 140)
Car runs strong but when I accelerate at full throttle, stock crappy temp gauge goes berzerk (points toward "C") and engine sputters like a spark blowout.
I have checked my gap and is ok for 8 psi (gapped at 35) and plugs are fine.

Could the engine "loose" ground while accelerating, hence loosing spark? I will try running extra ground straps to check.

03-24-2006, 08:51 AM
The additional grounding can only help.
Have you checked/replaced your coolant sensor since the overheat?

03-24-2006, 09:12 AM
Yep, sensor works fine outside the car and every other time that I am not accelerating.