View Full Version : No top gear videos on google

03-23-2006, 05:50 PM
Does anyone know why they took them off? It was a month since I watched top gear on google, the olympic episode, I thought from that time until today there would be something new, I was very surprised that there are no top gear videos at all. :eek2:

03-23-2006, 06:23 PM
Last I heard, Google and other sites were being sued by various TV/video companies for posting content that wasn't theirs to begin with in order to attract more hits.

Wish I had more info for you.

03-23-2006, 07:29 PM

problem solved

03-24-2006, 09:58 AM
I think they took it down because I read somewhere that Top Gear is in the Top 10 of pirated downloads. leagal issues

03-24-2006, 10:30 AM
But its so hard to get =(

03-24-2006, 01:26 PM
Here's that article


Television Piracy Flourishes Online
Illegal Downloads Surpass Movies, Software
By Daisy Whitney
Illegal downloading of television shows is now the fastest-growing area of piracy, ahead of movies and computer software, according to data from BayTSP, which monitors online piracy of intellectual property.

The company, which began tracking TV piracy about four months ago, said the number of shows available illegally online has risen by at least 20 percent in that time.

That growth comes both from the availability of additional copies of the most popular shows and from new content coming online for the first time, such as BBC programming.

TV shows typically appear online within a few hours of being broadcast. In some cases, hackers intercept the satellite feeds of shows to pirate them and offer them before they are even shown, said Mark Ishikawa, CEO of BayTSP.

Some of the increase stems from piracy of TV shows formatted specifically for the iPod, he said. "There is a growing demand for stuff for the iPod," Mr. Ishikawa said. "We are seeing the amount of supply increase over the past three months. … There are software tools online where you can turn any TV show online into an iPod show."

The company said its list of the top 10 pirated TV shows is based on the number of unique files available for download on the FastTrack, eDonkey and BitTorrent file sharing networks.

Top 10 Pirated Tv Shows Online

1. "Top Gear"

2. "Desperate Housewives"

3. "South Park"

4. "The Simpsons"

5. "Lost"

6. "CSI: Miami"

7. "Nip/Tuck"

8. "American Dad"

9. "Alias"

10. "Prison Break"

03-24-2006, 01:36 PM
new top gear season doesnt start until like may/june anyways, so there wouldnt be anything new. the olympic episode was a special and not part of any season

03-24-2006, 02:22 PM
What!? American Sex Star didn't make the top ten?

03-24-2006, 02:26 PM
pretty sooon the whole internet is going to be banned becuase it is stealing entertainment and real life entertainers are gonna be bitching about loosing thier jobs. no one watching tv or going to musicals etc..