View Full Version : I quit smoking cigs

03-21-2006, 08:40 PM
Ok so usually im bored and just sit around and smoke. I typically smoke like a pack a day max.
So i got that nicoderm patch, that you wear on your arm.
I didnt think it would work at all, but i have to say that after 5 mins of wearing it, i didnt want to smoke at all.

Then today i woke up, and felt like shit. I was dizzy, stomach hurting, fat headache, and my eyes werent working correctly.
I did some research, and apparently nicotine withdrawls are pretty bad. But then i put another patch on, and it went away.

It is really weird how good it feels to not smoke, i dont feel tired all the time, and i can actually think straight. I never figured that smoking cigs had those effects on people.

Weird huh?

03-21-2006, 08:52 PM
so the patch works? i was thinking about it, but its expensive...one patch is supposed to be equivelent to 7 cigarettes...yeah, recently i cut back on caffeine and nicotine...feel like shit, snap at people, have headaches, and cannot wake up in the morning...maybe i should look into the gum or patch...

03-21-2006, 09:07 PM
Stick with it man! Damn it sucks so bad quitting, but once its done life gets better. For me the withdralws where eaiser to deal with than life two weeks later. Then I realised that I needed to adjust my lifestyle. I stuck with my old smoker schedule and found that I had an extra 10 minutes before and after everything I did. That was when the serious mental cravings kicked in.

2iv0 sx
03-21-2006, 09:13 PM
Im proud of you.. just keep this up!

03-21-2006, 09:23 PM
Quitters never get ahead in life!

... joking, stick to it, I never started because the chicks I'm into aren't into smokers.

03-21-2006, 09:27 PM
good job man stick to it.. I never picked up smoking, glad i didnt, i already got conjested lungs acting up on me every now and then..

03-21-2006, 09:30 PM
cigarettes=:barf: and no luck getting kissed by the ladies.

Andrew Bohan
03-21-2006, 09:31 PM
one time my dad quit smoking and he saved enough money in a year to take my mom and me to hawaii

03-21-2006, 09:34 PM
Thanks guys.

Its super weird i walk outside, and go into the garage, and i dont even think about lighting a cig.

I would strongly recomend the patch over the gum, from the research i have done it is easier with the patch.

03-21-2006, 09:39 PM
good for you, smoking is bad. i never started and im glad i didnt
some of my friends, after not having a cig for a day look depressed as hell
i dont wanan be like that and plus it saved a shitload of money
money you can now spend on your car, that is when you stop buying those patches

03-21-2006, 09:41 PM
keep it up man! im wishy-washy myself, but the health benefits help me out!

03-21-2006, 09:42 PM
haha. yea the patch is $110 for a month program.

03-21-2006, 09:55 PM
so the patch works? i was thinking about it, but its expensive...one patch is supposed to be equivelent to 7 cigarettes...yeah, recently i cut back on caffeine and nicotine...feel like shit, snap at people, have headaches, and cannot wake up in the morning...maybe i should look into the gum or patch...

Well you definitely snap at people that's for certain. Next time you do that too me I'll kick your ass ChangMan....

03-21-2006, 09:56 PM
Smoke bud to wene yourself off tobbaco!

All that shit about 1 joint is equal to 20 smokes is bullshit! Dont believe me, do some research.

03-21-2006, 10:13 PM
ya man, I tried quitting, then went to Europe. And came back and my lungs hurt like hell right now. So I am in the process of quitting again! DAMNIT! Im good not smoking at all for a while, and then I have a drink or 2, and then BAM! A fucken cig teleports into my mouth somehow..

Quitting smoking out of a regular days schedule isnt the hard part, its quitting smoking when your drinking!!!!

Good luck to you guys that quit, and also pray for me too =/

03-21-2006, 10:18 PM
My friends are trying to quit smoking cigs by smoking weed, I'm pretty sure it will work...

03-21-2006, 10:21 PM
Keep that shit up, Luke. You can do it

03-21-2006, 10:38 PM
Thanks guys.

Yea i was drinkin last night, and started thinkin about smokin, but didnt go crazy or anything.

03-21-2006, 10:49 PM
Well you definitely snap at people that's for certain. Next time you do that too me I'll kick your ass ChangMan....
hahaha, you know you love it jay :kiss:

03-21-2006, 10:49 PM
so its a bill for a month program, how long are you suppose to use it before the cravings stop? that would explain me yellin at people, not wanting to wake up and falling asleep in class, i just blamed it on the boring as lectures, guess not

03-21-2006, 10:54 PM
Yea. it decreases the amount of nic supplied over the weeks. should take a month or less.

Or you could just go to jail for a few months.
That seemed to work for me back in the day.

But jail isnt as fun.

03-21-2006, 11:01 PM
how does the patch work exactly

Andrew Bohan
03-21-2006, 11:04 PM
haha. yea the patch is $110 for a month program.

at a pack a day, cigs are $150 for a month program.

03-21-2006, 11:05 PM
hmm, so i read insturction on their site
10 cigs or less start with step 2 week 1-6 = 3 boxes = 120$
then step 3 weeks 7-8 = 40$
total 160, soo yeah i think imma head over to costco this week
it was one of my new years res's but didnt really hold to it :-/

03-22-2006, 12:49 AM
how does the patch work exactly

Your body absorbs the nicotine in the patch through the skin. It keeps the drug withdrawals at bay while you work on breaking the physical and mental habit of smoking.
For me that was the hard part. I went cold turkey and it sucked, but the activity of smoking is what was so hard for me to get over.

I quit almost 6 years ago and I still want to smoke. Especially when I drink liquor!

03-22-2006, 12:56 AM
glad you stopped. i recently quit last december, just straight up stopped cold turkey. hard to be around people that smoke but damn it was so easy for me to quit. haha. good luck with it and hope you stop fully...

03-22-2006, 01:02 AM
We'll see how long you can hold of.
Hope you can accomplish your goals tho.
I'm proud of you.

03-22-2006, 01:26 AM
well if u think about smoking again, just remember everyone who is on this thread counting on u to not to smoke, and who believe in u telling u that u can do it.

03-22-2006, 01:32 AM
Thanks i appreaciate that.

I will.

03-22-2006, 02:32 AM
Let's make a deal Luke. If you smoke again, you have to send me a Weld Locd4. :bigok:

I started smoking about 2 years ago. I quit 6 months ago and have never felt better.

03-22-2006, 02:34 AM
thats good stuff. keep it up man.

03-22-2006, 02:44 AM
Haha. ok sounds good.

Let's make a deal Luke. If you smoke again, you have to send me a Weld Locd4. :bigok:

I started smoking about 2 years ago. I quit 6 months ago and have never felt better.

03-22-2006, 02:45 AM
Thanks workin on it.

thats good stuff. keep it up man.

03-22-2006, 02:46 AM
You read that here folks. All the Shock Drifting members, and the people who hang out with Luke, tell me if he smokes another cigarette, because if he does, I'll be expecting a Weld Locd4 my way soon, lol.

03-22-2006, 02:52 AM
dammit. lol

well not plannin on it.

03-22-2006, 02:58 AM
Just smoke one, you know you want to.

I'm just fucking with you. I'll buy a Locd3 from you next month.


You should make that your avatar. ;)

Nan Desu Ka?!
03-22-2006, 04:16 AM
glad i never started...

you can do it Luke! damn, i think every time i have seen you, especially at the parties, you have had a cig in ur mouth...

here's to not giving death a blowjob! woot.

03-22-2006, 04:35 AM
haha. yea when im drunk i smoke a whole pack within 3 hours. im tired of smelling like my cat. haha.

03-22-2006, 04:41 AM
i quit last tuesday. cold turkey. going good so far.

03-22-2006, 04:44 AM
Holy shit. Its var. the guy that doesnt pick up my calls. lol joking.

anyways its wierd how when you stop smoking your mind feels like it did when you were young. lets chilling this weekend var.

03-22-2006, 05:47 AM
I am using Nicorette right now. It has been working out pretty well. The downside is that if I don't have gum with me when craving hits, SHIT...

good luck Luke, and good luck to myself :D

03-22-2006, 07:00 AM
i need to quit, i stink from smoking, my wife hates it, and i spend a lot of money on ciggs. Some things just go hand in hand with smoking like working on cars or drinking, so it's hard. I quite once during boot camp but i really didn't have a choice. I think you just inspired me to quit. Thanx and good luck

03-22-2006, 09:11 AM
Look at a pack of Canadian smokes if you need inspiration!

03-22-2006, 09:40 AM
I quit smoking for about 3-4 yrs once(I don't smoke any more) and I realized the one thing I missed more than anything was the relaxing feeling of holding that cig in my fingers, taking in a deep breath of smoke, slowly releasing it, and then flicking the cig. I missed the regimine of smoking, and to this day if I see someone smoking I still want one. The most important thing to remember is that once you are addicted to something you are always addicted to it. Your body will always want the nicotine so don't ever think you got it beat....Good Luck!

03-22-2006, 10:17 AM
Let's make a deal Luke. If you smoke again, you have to send me a Weld Locd4. :bigok:

I started smoking about 2 years ago. I quit 6 months ago and have never felt better.
I am shocked and appalled! lol

But good job Luke. I've never liked smoke...I hate the smell, especially with asthma/allergies.

Keep it up! :coold:

03-22-2006, 11:35 AM
Reading this post makes me want one. Went a week with almost no cravving, then yesterday I was with a friend of mine who is from China he brought me one of his Chiniese cig's to try. I thought it would be rude not to. now I want one.

And whats with this crack about canadian cigs?

03-22-2006, 11:45 AM
Var smoked cigarettes?? I thought you just smoked Black & Milds.

Andrew Bohan
03-22-2006, 12:10 PM
Let's make a deal Luke. If you smoke again, you have to send me a Weld Locd4. :bigok:

where would even get a diff for you car that can be turned into a ver4??

03-22-2006, 12:57 PM
where would even get a diff for you car that can be turned into a ver4??
Well, If you seam weld my chassis; for free, I will be so happy to which I'll give my diff so it can be V4ed. And then you can give it to him. Simple match!

03-22-2006, 01:06 PM
Thanks guys.

Still going good. Not een any cravings today.


03-22-2006, 01:46 PM
one time my dad quit smoking and he saved enough money in a year to take my mom and me to hawaii

Dang ! Now that's a lot of smoking !!!!

03-22-2006, 02:14 PM
But if you quit what are you going to do after sex? jk
Good going man, wish you luck. Now if I could only find a Nissan patch to keep me from throwing away money on my hatch...

03-22-2006, 02:52 PM
Atta boy Luke! I'm sure Olga will like it too.

Lets make another deal. If you are still smoke free by the time I get up there for the summer (which you will be) I'll take your FD out for a couple laps at Altimont. Sounds good to me. haha

03-22-2006, 02:54 PM
man, its so hard...i was approaching the office today and theres a back way which goes straight to the elevators...then the main entrance which passes by the ashtrays...i was in a moral dilema with myself! it must have looked so queer cuz i was walking towards the back way then all of a sudden i would head to the smoke spot and back and forth and back and forth...finally found myself puffin on a mild... =( its so hard...

i read an interesting study where scientists and psychologists made some discoveries about DNA and brain chemistry...basically rationalizing for smokers, crackheads, alcoholics, the obese, etc...they made the conclusion that some people are more prone to be addicted to an external substance...and when you are addicted, its basically over...like its programmed in your DNA and brain to be an addict...and we all know that cigarettes alter your brain chemistry dramatically...so if your a "natural addict" added with the addiction that cigarettes cause, i guess youre fucked...sounds a lot like me...hence, some people saying quittings easy and others impossible...

gawd dammit, okay, im done...props to anyone that can or has quit...i just wish someday i can too...keep on truckin' luke...

03-22-2006, 03:53 PM
Scott. Sure thing (on the cone course) lol

sw20: Thanks. Are you using the patch or anything like that?

03-22-2006, 03:56 PM
The interesting thing about cigarettes (the nicotine at least) is that they are not chemically addictive. Nicotine is actually a toxin to our bodies. The only addiction people have to cigarettes is mental. Not to say it's not a valid addiction, they can be more powerful than many chemical addictions. The Nicotine from cigarettes is flushed out by your body within 3 days of quitting. This is contrary to popular belief, but it's true. Real chemical addictions are to substances like opiates. If you've ever seen someone trying to quit heroin, you know what I mean.

03-22-2006, 05:08 PM
Way to go Luke. I'm glad I never started.

03-22-2006, 05:22 PM
Keep it up Luke. I smoked in Highschool, but I'm glad I quit. The only time I smoke anymore, is a cigar while I golf. There's just something extra relaxing about smoking a good cigar while I'm on the course. I hope to never go back to cigarettes though. I can handle cigars because I don't smoke them very often. I only get to golf every couple of weeks or so.

Andrew Bohan
03-22-2006, 06:14 PM
cigarettes are bad mmmkay?

03-22-2006, 08:36 PM
I have bought cigs for almost 2 weeks now... the savings go into the car for some 93 octane gas :D and some fresh groceries... hehe...

03-22-2006, 09:52 PM
i started smoking cigars at 16... but thats only once in a while, i have no desire to smoke cigarettes, nasty imo

03-22-2006, 10:37 PM
Smoke bud to wene yourself off tobbaco!

All that shit about 1 joint is equal to 20 smokes is bullshit! Dont believe me, do some research.

Huzzah! It's the herbal supplement.

03-22-2006, 11:29 PM
The herbal supliment that takes you to jail.

God i hate weed, glad i dont do it anymore.

03-23-2006, 12:36 AM
ya im hooked on vanilla djarums...i quit every day...damn i wish cigs werent invented. But alcohol...im happy thats around lol

03-23-2006, 02:17 AM
I have bought cigs for almost 2 weeks now... the savings go into the car for some 93 octane gas :D and some fresh groceries... hehe...

i dont get it? maybe if u are buying coke and u gave that up and started smoking u ll be saving money.

03-23-2006, 02:33 AM
i curb my shit by smoking 1s. avg light cig has 6-8 mgs of tar in it and .6-.8 mg nicotine. 1s hav 1mg tar, and .1 mg nicotine. anyways i just smoked them and cut down a lil every week and eventually i just cut it out.
the gum didnt work for me, i tried that.
but whatever works for u, more power to u. smokines a nasty habit and it feels great to kick it.

03-23-2006, 02:40 AM
I quit.....buying. :bigok:

03-23-2006, 02:43 AM
Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot

03-23-2006, 02:45 AM
Damn. I can guess you haven't smoked yet. No Locd4 for me... :(

lol jk

03-23-2006, 02:55 AM
haha. no smokes yet. Woot Woot.

03-23-2006, 09:00 AM
I smoked since I was 15 (26 now) and quit about 2 years ago. I quit cold turkey...Stick with it. It get's easier. Hardest part for me was going out and not smoking. once got past that I was cooo. Just gotta make it past the first 6 months or so and you'll not think about it anymore.


03-23-2006, 09:14 AM
my problem was smoking while driving --> I like doing that...

03-23-2006, 09:14 AM
congrats this is something to celebrate about

03-23-2006, 09:18 AM
if it helps, when you smoke in your car, you leave all that nasty odor in your upholstery. not to mention less than full control of your car while holding the stogie. so, dont attempt to dorifto the touge while smoking!

Andrew Bohan
03-23-2006, 11:15 AM
after the last time my dad quit smoking (he's quit like 4 or 5 times that i can remember) he noticed how fuckin nasty people who smoke smell. he never noticed that when he himself was a smoker.

03-23-2006, 12:41 PM
ever since i quit smoking i haven't taken a shower cause i smell so damn good all the time. I dont even have to wash my clothes any more.

Andrew Bohan
03-23-2006, 01:32 PM
^^ see? that's what i'm talking about

03-23-2006, 01:49 PM
I can't smoke cigarettes. If I do smoke it has to be that herbal suppy but moderation is key. congrats

03-23-2006, 04:20 PM
Fucking Var. hahahha

ever since i quit smoking i haven't taken a shower cause i smell so damn good all the time. I dont even have to wash my clothes any more.

03-23-2006, 06:03 PM
man - thats good news. keep it up and defintely kepp all us posted on your progress.

03-23-2006, 07:37 PM
Smoking never really makes me feel like I want another, am I just bad at smoking? Sometimes when I'm hangin out with a smoker I'll bum one, but I never have the urge to buy my own, or bum a second one. whats up with that?

03-23-2006, 07:55 PM
Maybe your just too much of a ethug to like smoking

brown eyes
03-24-2006, 01:14 AM
a thread I can actually chime in on..

Good shit blu808.. Keep up the good work

I quit smoking sometime in mid Jan. I tried to quit on New Years, but I was too drunk and I still had half a carton left. I've been smoking off and on since 1998. Some years I smoked more than others. I remember once I smoked about 3 packs in one day. Crazy..

Anyhow.. smoke-free. feelin' good.

03-24-2006, 01:27 AM
Yea i would smoke more when i was drunk or stressed out.

Glad you kicked the habbit.

03-24-2006, 03:00 AM
Wow, thats a hell of a commitment... GOOD for Health! Congrats to you man.!

Would sticking more than one patch on enhance the nicotine effect?

03-24-2006, 03:18 AM
They say if you have any added nicotine it will kill you. They say it will give you a heart attack.

So yea if each pack is equal to 8 cigs then it prob would.

04-08-2006, 04:08 AM
how long have you gone now?

luky me i got asthmar so i'd die after one puff.
thanks to my asthmar.

i also read you myspace post about it. cracked me up.

04-08-2006, 01:38 PM
ive gone since 3/20/06

woot. No smokes now.

04-08-2006, 01:48 PM
No Locd4 for me then... lol

Good job Luke. Keep it up.

04-08-2006, 06:20 PM
Woot woot woot woot woot woot woot woot woot

brown eyes
04-10-2006, 09:33 PM
No cigarettes since Jan..

Feelin' good

I'm going to run 5k now.

04-10-2006, 11:19 PM
Thats great. Its crazy how much energy you have when you quit. i feel like im 13 again. Not to mention im not slow and retarded anymore.

04-11-2006, 12:25 AM

I have quit since 3/15/06... It has been what... 4 weeks.

Feeling pretty good! However my nicorretes are running low now.... May be I will buy another box of those gums. I chew 3 - 4 of them on average, and 1 in a good day, and 5 in a bad day...

I guess not too bad?!

04-11-2006, 01:45 AM
I was using the ncorrett patches. it is a 4 week program, and i used it for two weeks. then forgot to put it on. havent used anything since. shock winning.

04-11-2006, 02:32 AM
im quitting for the gazillionth time on easter sunday!!!!

04-11-2006, 07:36 AM
I was using the ncorrett patches. it is a 4 week program, and i used it for two weeks. then forgot to put it on. havent used anything since. shock winning.

^^ thanks pretty awesome Luke... I don't get bad cravings anymore... However, when a smoke is under stress, he thinks of cigs, and that's why I need to have gums around me

brown eyes
05-29-2006, 08:17 PM
status report folks?

As for me, still smoke-free and feeling good. I had a few close calls but I managed to overcome 'em. I realize there are a few things in life I love and when I smoked, it was something I loved. Theres nothing like the smoothe rich flavor of a cigarette while on break from taking bullshit from retarded customers.

Anyhow, I found something more satisfying than smoking. It may sound a bit crazy, but I run 21 miles a week.

I quit smoking in mid-Jan and started running in Feb. It was grueling and painful to say the least. My lungs were fried and my muscles were as flabby as wet noodles. Pushed through Feb, March, April, and I'm crusing through May and I'm going to turn it up in June. So far so good.

Maybe next year I'll run a marathon.

05-29-2006, 10:00 PM
:drool: :drool: :drool: Things are going great. Still smoke free. Thanks for the interest and checking back up. I guess it would constitute as reviving an old thread but i beleive this is acceptible. Pos rep for you. lol
Good job on your smoking BTW.

05-29-2006, 11:56 PM
Congrads hope you quit for good. I did and it feels so good to be free from addiction. Quitting drinking and smoking is harder than quitting drugs because alcohol and tobacco are readily available.

05-30-2006, 12:16 AM
Thanks. Yea when i quit smoking, i also quit drinking for awhile. But now im back to drinking. Im not drinking as much though which is good.
Still workin on that one.


05-30-2006, 12:21 AM
Damn, no welded LSD for me still huh, haha.

When you move down here, you can do mine.

05-30-2006, 12:34 AM
i smoke ciggz, drink like a fish when i do, and i run 2 miles a day....... hit the gym once or twice a day..... wtf is everyones problem?????

05-30-2006, 03:22 AM
Ask yourself that in a few years.

It was great with me for a few years. But once your body starts to fail, things start to suck real fast.

Team Rootbeer
05-30-2006, 05:24 AM
^werd, i did the same for 3 years, and it starts to catch up......but you get most of it back when you quit

05-31-2006, 12:11 AM
i smoke ciggz, drink like a fish when i do, and i run 2 miles a day....... hit the gym once or twice a day..... wtf is everyones problem?????

The problem is that many people realize they're not invincible until it's too late.

05-31-2006, 12:36 PM
This is my 3rd day with no smokes, patch sure helps. Id kill if I quit drinking too. Yay for the coupe not smelling like an ashtray anymore...

05-31-2006, 02:09 PM
woot !!! keep it up.

05-31-2006, 10:54 PM
i have a problem too. when i get drunk....mannn oh mannn i just need to have a cigg. but at least i dont smoke pot no more.

brown eyes
05-05-2008, 11:09 PM
2 years smoke free..

Feeling good.

05-05-2008, 11:48 PM
1.5 year nicotine free for me.

05-06-2008, 12:08 AM
congrats guys. my dad is tryin to quit smoking and im glad

05-06-2008, 12:22 AM
luke did you stay smoke free?????

05-06-2008, 01:40 AM
i quit once for a whole six months about a year and a half ago (i was smoking bit over a pack a day and it was obviously not doing anything good for me).

Just to see what it would be like, and at the end of the six months i was supposed to reevaluate if i was to continue nicotine free or start again.

that shit was fucking ridiculous.

needless to say i started again at the end of the six months.

05-06-2008, 02:26 AM
Thats crazy that you got more energy out of quitting. I think thats what I gotta do... Feelin lazy all the time =(



Dirty Habit
05-06-2008, 06:45 AM
Bah. I tried two weeks ago. The fucking president for the company I work for came through last week and wanted to sit down with me and a few others.

I started again shorty before that meeting. lol.

05-06-2008, 07:05 AM
Ah, good for you man. EVERYONE I hang out with smokes, besides my girlfriend, which sucks because I have asthma. I always end up smelling like doo doo every friday and saturday nights. I should just sneak a patch on all those fools.

Keep it up man. Posi rep for keeping it up this long!

05-06-2008, 08:30 AM
Tried quittin with the gum a few monthes ago, it failed to the max, so im smoking again, ill give the patch a try.

But what sucks is the friends around me tend to chain smoke voraciously, i probably need to disassociate.

05-06-2008, 11:17 AM
i'm quitting right now. been on the patch for almost 2 weeks now. no desire to smoke, i feel good without them.

05-06-2008, 12:09 PM
i tried to quit smoking, but when i go out to drink, my cravings go ++++++++!!! it's really hard for me, i'm surrounded by smokers of all types[weed&cigs].

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-06-2008, 12:53 PM
Thanks guys.

Its super weird i walk outside, and go into the garage, and i dont even think about lighting a cig.

I would strongly recomend the patch over the gum, from the research i have done it is easier with the patch.

Yes but you will be on the fucking CHIP with nicoderm. That stuff will get you riled up!

05-06-2008, 01:30 PM
good job man, i quit over 6 months ago b/c my gf made me lol...but i was never a heavy smoker to begin with...maybe like a pack a week? anyways i've had like a cigarette once in a blue moon after drinking but i never craved to smoke after that day...so not bad huh? the other times i want a ciggarette is after a big meal :O

05-06-2008, 01:34 PM
Yea. it decreases the amount of nic supplied over the weeks. should take a month or less.

Or you could just go to jail for a few months.
That seemed to work for me back in the day.

But jail isnt as fun.

Hahaha...I always manage to smoke in jail :D

and get drunk off prune.

I know this thread is hella old.

but congrats man...I used to smoke like 2 packs a week. and quit.

Took the gum.

05-06-2008, 01:55 PM
i tried to quit smoking, but when i go out to drink, my cravings go ++++++++!!! it's really hard for me, i'm surrounded by smokers of all types[weed&cigs].

yeah, i know what you mean. one of my co-workers stopped drinking at the same time that he quit smoking because of that reason.

05-06-2008, 07:00 PM
Thanks everyone.

dirtdiggler666: Yes still smoke free. I dont even think about smoking anymore.


05-06-2008, 07:34 PM
amoking sucks so very much. ive been smoking for years now, and I really do want to quit. I tried cold turkey, almost killed myself and a few other people. I tried the gum. Too expensive. So now im just cutting back, seeing how long I can go without trying to shove a prybar into a coworkers face after Im told for the 20th god damn time in a day to run to the warehouse.

05-06-2008, 07:37 PM
You quit? Good for you. At least you know you wont die from lung cancer or have a hole in your neck.

05-06-2008, 07:40 PM
amoking sucks so very much. ive been smoking for years now, and I really do want to quit. I tried cold turkey, almost killed myself and a few other people. I tried the gum. Too expensive. So now im just cutting back, seeing how long I can go without trying to shove a prybar into a coworkers face after Im told for the 20th god damn time in a day to run to the warehouse.

Cutting back slowly works man, at least it worked for me. When I when cold turkey, I didn't have mood swing or any of the withdrawal symptoms. This is without gums, patches, or any medications. Good luck.

05-06-2008, 07:42 PM
I go through like a pack a month, lol.

Used to be a lot more back in college, but now it's just once in awhile. It's definitely improvement, as I no longer feel like shit all the time anymore even though I remain pretty seriously out of shape, at least from a cardio standpoint.

Honestly that's really what made me give up smoking on the regular, was that it just made me feel like shit all....the.....time.

brown eyes
02-06-2009, 05:50 PM
smoke free for three years this month

02-06-2009, 06:00 PM
damn, way to bring this thread back from the dead

02-06-2009, 08:07 PM
smoke free for three years this month
good job man!!!
I try to convince my friend to give up smoking and he tries but its hard for him hopefully someday he will quit.