View Full Version : clutch ?

03-21-2006, 03:00 PM
hello real quick ?,while bleeding my clutch i noticed what seemed to be a check valve or sojmething like that what purpose does it serve,and is it nessasary or can you bypass it and run a new line directly to the slave cylinder?thanks in advance

03-21-2006, 08:35 PM
ok bro this is my firs post but ive been around all the 240sx forums and before you get flamed its called the damper box you could remove it it would give you a better feeling of the clutch and make bleeding the clutch alot easier.

03-21-2006, 08:39 PM
forgot to add yes you could by pass it .

sorry for double posting

03-21-2006, 08:55 PM
i would get a steel braided line, and bypass the clutch dampner. and send that steel line straight into the slave . So when you step on the clutch you get a faster response. i've actually done that to my 240 and it feels great.
that dampner just sets aside about 1 second of response.

03-21-2006, 09:04 PM
i would get a steel braided line, and bypass the clutch dampner. and send that steel line straight into the slave . So when you step on the clutch you get a faster response. i've actually done that to my 240 and it feels great.
that dampner just sets aside about 1 second of response.

The dampener doesn't delay the clutch feel... The purpose of the clutch DAMPENER is to soften the pedal by routing the brake fluid around before entering the slave cylinder...it has nothing to do with the response timing of the clutch. And also, running a stainless line doesn't give the pedal a noticeable "faster" response but rather just a firmer pedal feel.

03-21-2006, 09:47 PM
when the clutch line is sent str8 into the slave cylinder, and when you push in your clutch, the fluid travels faster in a shorter distance so that way your pressure plate can hit against your flywheel a bit faster. but you are right about the looping to soften the pedal a bit.

03-21-2006, 11:51 PM
when the clutch line is sent str8 into the slave cylinder, and when you push in your clutch, the fluid travels faster in a shorter distance so that way your pressure plate can hit against your flywheel a bit faster. but you are right about the looping to soften the pedal a bit.

The fluid can't travel any "faster" because the lines are already filled with fluid to begin with. It's a closed system, so the same amount of fluid will enter the slave cylinder. Having the dampener "loop" the fluid provides more overall compression of the fluid, giving it a softer feel. It has nothing to do with the response speed, simply the response "feel". Also, the slave clynder DISENGAGES the clutch(not the other way around), so even if you bypass the damper, it's not going to affect how fast the clutch engages.

To the original Poster: Just bypass the dampener, It's easier to bleed. Don't bother buying the SS line unless you want to.

03-22-2006, 03:32 AM
thanks to everyone for the quick responses