View Full Version : 1992 240 SX HUD Not Working

03-21-2006, 02:21 PM
Hey guys and girls,

Ok so I bought the 240 S13 :-) and the Heads Up Display was NOT Working. I live in Montreal Canada and during the winter I would start my baby a few times a week ad noticed that the HUD would ome on, I would see the #'s 0-10 mph in the cluster and as soon as it warmed up it disappeared. The cold gets to -20 here. I did some research and it seemes as though a lot of 240 owners experience this issue. If anyone knows how to rebuild or fix cracks in the saulder I cant spell or if its anotr kind of issue. Any help would be nice because its good to know ones speed while driving, I have too many tickets already. And I dont really have an unlimited budget so if yall have a HUD Cluster that works and wanna sell it to a fellow Drifter, i'm game but dont give me a crazy price.

p.s. If there was a port about this here, I havent found it so mods be nice and I'm sorry If it exists, any help is fine. :-)

07-23-2006, 03:54 AM
NO WORRIES GOT A JDM 9,000 RPM Cluster with working HUD

Fat Felix
07-24-2006, 12:59 AM
when your hud stopped working, do the odo, trip, gauge lights stop working too? And the check engine light turns on too?

Because thats what happens to me.. :(

is the above mentioned problem the usual one??

11-04-2007, 05:57 PM
yea i have a 92 coupe also and mine doesnt work. the gauge lights dont work. the only lights that turn on are the small lights on the right. does anyone know how to fix it?

11-04-2007, 06:01 PM
search and you'll find how to fix it. it was posted about a month and half ago

11-04-2007, 10:37 PM
It's a simple resistor replacement that can be bought at any electronics supply store for pennies. Search!