View Full Version : Alternating from Synth and Regular Oil?

02-04-2002, 08:30 AM
I was wondering..if I have a car that has almost 60k on it and its been getting regular oil its whole life...and I switched to synthetic oil on a change...and then lets say later I switched to regular on an oil change just to save money...could that be bad?  Is there any reason not to do that?

I'm thinking about putting full synthetic in my engine next oil change, but it's really expensive.  Because of that, I might end up doing regular oil the next oil change.



02-04-2002, 08:42 AM
many synthetics and "regular" oils are compatible
i don't see why it would be "bad", other than that hte synthetics usually have far superior ratings for virtually every statistic that matters with oils...

the only problem that i have ever had was actually using a synthetic in a car with 170k on regular oils, the synthetic would leak through the rings, and burn off, so i switched back, no harm done so far 20k later

02-04-2002, 03:13 PM
Try using synthetic blends like castrol. It's not as expensive as full sythetics, but works pretty good.

02-04-2002, 07:06 PM
i just changed from regular to Moblil 0-30w and it was like $4.25 a qt. No problems yet, just did it yesterday started great this morning it was like 30 something outside.

02-04-2002, 09:35 PM
I've heard from numerous mechanics that switching oil back and forth is bad.  Many say that if the car had been run on Regular oil for a LONG time, it is not advised to run Full synthetic ever.  

Of course. my mechanics are very meticulous. &nbsp;One insists on having the same brand gas, from the same gas station, from the same pump unless there is NO WAY around it. &nbsp;He's kinda weird, but I like that mentality in a mechanic. &nbsp;Means he's meticulous &nbsp;<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

02-04-2002, 10:06 PM
i think it would not be wise to switch back and forth. &nbsp;It is known that synthetic and regular oil don't mix if you toss 'em in a bucket. &nbsp;and eveytime you do an oil change, the oil can't always be drained clean. &nbsp;thus you will have a heterogenious mixture of &nbsp;oils, which isn't the best thing.

also, for skychimp, i've heard you should switch gasoline around because different gas company treat their gas differently, one is particularly good at one part compaired to another. &nbsp;ie. cheveron w/ techron, and arco w/ somthing tech something (cleantech i think... not sure at all), i forgot, and 76 has their goddies as well, so is moble and shell and texco and thrifty gas, actually, i'll skip on the thrifty gas....

02-05-2002, 02:30 PM
Ok..well how about if I &nbsp;try synth blend next time? &nbsp;If they blend regular and synth in one bottle, i'm sure it can't be bad to put it in withan engine that has usually used regular...right?

02-05-2002, 03:14 PM
My parents used to own a Texaco, when texaco switched to the Clean System 3 gas line, they made them go take classes on the changes, and wht it does for the engine. &nbsp;It's pretty amazing stuff. &nbsp;I always use citgo though, just because its conveinant.

02-05-2002, 03:18 PM
sorry, I didn't answer your question. &nbsp;Just casue we say its not good, doesn't mean you can't do it with no ill effects. &nbsp;If you have to do it, do it. &nbsp;period. &nbsp;Your engine won't blow up just cause you changed oils. &nbsp;I just wouldn't recommend driving Really hard, or abusing the engine until your through the next oil change.

02-24-2002, 11:16 AM
Chance--I agree that using synthetic can be costly. &nbsp;If you're wanting to switch to synthetic (my car used conventional oil the first 63000 miles and I've used synthetic ever since and my car does seem to run better--smoother), changing it yourself it the most cost effective way of doing it. &nbsp;I even change my own oil. &nbsp;All you need is some low-slope ramps (Rhino ramps are the best--front bumper doesn't drag and they're only $19), a drain pan--$7 or less at Wally-world, and an oil filter wrench--I can let you know the size the next time I change my oil. &nbsp;I do mine myself and it costs me less than $20--that's less than paying someone to change your oil w/ conventional oil.

02-24-2002, 03:26 PM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from 96SEChick on 11:16 am on Feb. 24, 2002
Chance--I agree that using synthetic can be costly. If you're wanting to switch to synthetic (my car used conventional oil the first 63000 miles and I've used synthetic ever since and my car does seem to run better--smoother), changing it yourself it the most cost effective way of doing it. I even change my own oil. All you need is some low-slope ramps (Rhino ramps are the best--front bumper doesn't drag and they're only $19), a drain pan--$7 or less at Wally-world, and an oil filter wrench--I can let you know the size the next time I change my oil. I do mine myself and it costs me less than $20--that's less than paying someone to change your oil w/ conventional oil.</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

Yeah I ended up getting synth blend...I'll put full synth in my car next. &nbsp;I bought a 2 ton jack and 2 stands from oreilly's auto part store.....

hey check your email I emailed you...you DID get it this time, right?

02-24-2002, 05:23 PM
well I'l planning to use synthetic blend from now on, or maybe full synthetic, my car has been using regular for the 88000 miles of its life. I was just wondering what are the drawbacks of using regular oil to being with?