View Full Version : angry at car!

03-19-2006, 05:22 AM
damn has anyone here every drank because they are pissed there car is messed up? i hate burnt piston rings!!!!!!!!11111 i need my car to run so bad its killllin me!!!!:rant: :bash: :madfawk: :fawk2: :rant2: :down:

03-19-2006, 09:35 AM
friend of mine who had a Subaru Impreza (2.5) was in the same shoe like you before. He got wasted all the time since the shop couldn't finish his car on time (Microtech ECU + all the turbo goodies). Next thing you know, car is done, he drove it after smoking some trees, and then the brand new clutch started slipping, and boost creep, and then KA BOOM).

Car is not the only thing in life... do something else if you can.

03-19-2006, 12:04 PM
yeah haha, last night was a very interesting night lol. the only reason i was like that was because me and a few friends where bored haha...it sucks when your car is not running the way it should be :(

03-19-2006, 12:40 PM
Yessir.. I've broken plenty of tools.. got drunk.. smoked bowls... punched shit..

all 'cuz of the damn stress of workin' on my car.


03-19-2006, 11:08 PM
dyaam man sorry to hear its still like that i'll let you know asap tho.

03-20-2006, 12:40 AM
Welcome to my world...hence the reason that i wanna sell it. Im done fuckin with cars period.

03-20-2006, 02:12 AM
It bring as much pain as it does joy...oh well. I still love my car :) . At least working on a car is something to do :) Its fun getting drunk with friends and talking about cars or working on them, Another funny part would have to be the many injuries with tools haha.:Owned:

03-20-2006, 02:52 AM
Any experience, as long as you learn something from it, is a good one.

03-20-2006, 05:57 AM
my philosophy is to be happy with whatever I have. I am not looking into big powers or whatever... just want to enjoy the happiness 240Sx brings me in a nice summer day (oh shit, I don't have AC).

03-20-2006, 06:56 AM
shit i drink before then work and when i wake up in the garage the cars done...someday i wont wake up period :barf:

03-20-2006, 06:56 AM
Well, since I dont drink or party, my stress just turns into stress/pressure headaches. Like now, I would have been able to put my car back on the streets after replacing rotors, brake lines (with SS), s14 tie rods, and both control arms, but I had ONE bolt (control arm main bolt) and the bushing is torn so it just spins now. Have tried hammering, prying, and turning. I bought a dremel last night, so Im gonna try cutting the bolt. Dont trust using a torch because its on the passenger side with all the oil residue.

1 bolt has delayed my car from being ready. From the people that I know in real life, I have the worst/stupidest luck with cars.

But it's nice to know Im not the only one with car troubles (contrary to what I normally believe :) )

03-20-2006, 07:12 AM
bwahahah yea u can never half ass it on suspension shit on a 240sx period...i had the same problem that was solved a dremel too..i love my dremel ...i lock that up with my sawzall and n e rotary tool in my chest with a padlock when im drunk...

03-20-2006, 07:29 AM
I can understand...

Since december of last year it's been nothing but headaches. Altenator went out. Thermostat fell apart. Water pump started leaking. Heater hose blew up (in the worst plalce ever!) Injector went bad/o-rings causing the car to spit out a lot of white smoke. Electrical fan thermostat died. 2 exhaust gaskets blew out. As well as a couple other normal maintenace things. I had to get another vehicle b/c I couldn't count on the 240 anymore.

And I still have a few things I need to figure out before I'm comfortable driving the car long distances. (like why my car pulses when the fans come one, or various noises from suspension/brakes/turbo that I haven't been able to figure out) But luckily nothing MAJOR has failed...knock on wood.

03-20-2006, 07:38 AM
And I still have a few things I need to figure out before I'm comfortable driving the car long distances..

a very very very true statement for me too...the farthest i take it out is like 55 miles and thats if its a must. the whole time im driving im white knuckled and worried..i have a bad tire problem..and lug nut problem on top of that..i always seem to run over the weirdest things..one time i had a sode tabbed rammed into my tires..and then it look like a bird beak or something. i never leave off somewhere with out 2 2x4's a jack and a full size spare with 2 extra lugs and lug nuts and a tool set.that combo makes my comfort +10 / 100...so thats about 40

03-20-2006, 07:43 AM
Worst i've ever done is thrown a hammer through the wall while doing the water pump on the winter beater lol.

240 has gotten me pissed off a few times but i usually keep my cool around it.

03-20-2006, 07:48 AM
oh shit when my brake booster and master cylinder for my hicas model went out and got a pricing for them....i flipped and started banging up on and down on my hood..i regreted it because i ruined a perfeclty clean hood

03-20-2006, 07:54 AM
oh shit when my brake booster and master cylinder for my hicas model went out and got a pricing for them....i flipped and started banging up on and down on my hood..i regreted it because i ruined a perfeclty clean hood

Man never take it out ON the car:duh:

03-20-2006, 07:58 AM
yea i realized that..no i take it out on other peoples car ::stares at fitzy's car:: :rant:

03-20-2006, 08:08 AM
yea i realized that..no i take it out on other peoples car ::stares at fitzy's car:: :rant:

hahahah that'd be one long ass drive just to mess wiht my car lol, but keep it to the front bumper if you wish, going in for a respray next month lol.

if you have to take it out on your car, just keep it to the rear tires :rofl:

03-20-2006, 01:00 PM
Oh man, this thread is great.

I've gotten to the point where working on it was no longer fun because I couldn't diagnose the problem.

I had replaced almost everything in my brake system and they still kept locking up.

After about.. 4 months... I fixed it. But damn was I ever ready to take the car to a garage and shell out the money.

03-20-2006, 01:06 PM
Oh man, this thread is great.

I've gotten to the point where working on it was no longer fun because I couldn't diagnose the problem.

I had replaced almost everything in my brake system and they still kept locking up.

After about.. 4 months... I fixed it. But damn was I ever ready to take the car to a garage and shell out the money.
lol...yeah, if I cant dremel this stupid bolt, it might be going to the shop. What was your problem?

03-20-2006, 01:15 PM
My brake booster was leaking..

I didn't want to replace it because it hit the downpipe (when I tried to pull it out) and my exhaust is all 1 piece. So I didn't want to remove my entire exhaust just to replace the booster but I ended up being able to wiggle it out.

But yah, I had changed rotors/calipers, bled the system I don't even know how many times, changed MCs, changed the check valve, checked the vacuum line over and over... leaving only the booster to be replaced.

03-20-2006, 02:53 PM
Hahahee.. been there done that. Here's a recap of my last few months dealing with the hatch:
- problems begin after pickiung up a J30 diff, 5-speed brake pedal and some dash pieces.
- brakes are seizing. figure is the rear. Swap to an extra set of S14 ones I had lying around. Ebrake cables don't fit/work. Get S14 cables but they're too long.
-Fronts junkyard Z32 brakes are also seizing. Order remn from Napa get the wrong ones onece and a defective one the second time. So I order from Autozone, takes a while to get in.
- Brakes still giving problems. Turns out booster was leaking. what a PITA to change.
- vibration and noise starts to happen from drivetrain. Figure it's a bad driveshaft since the J30 diff is ~1" longer. The diff jont bushing seems to be popping out. Get another used one. Same problem. Get a one piece shaft. Better but still some vibration and noise. Problem getting worse. Swap to open diff again with same results. Diff leaks it's oil making a mess and a whining noise.
- Order clutch kit. Stupid tranny won't slip back in. Stripped a couple of the allen bolts for the clutch kit. After three hours of trying it begins to rain. My brother takes a two day trip so I got no one to help. After he gets back we finally manage to keep the tranny from spinning and reattach to motor.
- Put motor back in car. Wire everything up. Car starts cold but not after it's warm. Leaves me stranded at Pep Boys. Trouble shooting find the coolant sensor wasn't secured all the way in.
- This past weekend installed J30 diff again and got another set of S13 ebrake lines.

Still to do: get a set of rear S13 calipers, fix two stripped threads one for a tranny bolt and another for a rear sway bar bolt, get new tires.

So I'm starting to think either a new car and taking a step back from working on cars or a cheap realiable daily beater. God I need a beer.

03-20-2006, 03:40 PM
God I need a beer.

Just one? ;)

03-20-2006, 04:14 PM
get a 1.6 miata and a street bike..........

sr20newb ive seen u around at mendo awhile back... its funny how all of a sudden there was just 2 240s in town... now theres a few more out of the blue..

great.... im lookin forward to gettin my car stolen..

03-20-2006, 05:02 PM
Just one? ;)

lol.. no kidding.. and I left out the S14 front crossmember/power steering replacement and the SPL tie rod mods. I swear beer doesn't last long around me nowadays, i'm like a beer sponge.

03-20-2006, 06:44 PM
My brake booster was leaking..
oh, I forgot about that one! haha.
It was either before or after my altenator went out. It took about an hour or two of going back and forth between my car and Zilvia to figure it out. BUT then it took almost 2 weeks to find a place that sold a remanufactured one (don't recomend, pedal feels really weird).

I drove the car 80 miles round trip today....scariest thing I have ever done. Nearly bald rear tires, stiff suspension plus rain=VERY bad. Felt like the car was trying to fishtale the hole way. Other than that no problems though...

I think my timing chain and oil pump are gonna get replaced soon :( I also have to figure what I'm gonna do with my steering rack.

03-20-2006, 06:48 PM
Man it feels good to know other people have stupid problems just like me. :)

03-20-2006, 07:21 PM
to be honest... I am just way to lazy to fix the problems on my 240SX now...

and... guess what, we are having a snow storm coming in later on tonight (I know, it's late March for God's Sake)

03-20-2006, 07:27 PM
Man it feels good to know other people have stupid problems just like me. :)
of course we do! all of our cars are getting old and we're hard on them to boot!

I drove my car problem free for almost 2 years. And I drove the living crap out of it...then all of the sudden, BANG tons of little issues.

03-20-2006, 10:28 PM
man u think a blown motor is bad, try buying a car that dies on you the day you drive it home, then having to drop 2k into it just to get 2 ref tickets out of the 4 times you drive the car. I feel your pain brah but its just a car, public transit ain't that bad (although i wouldn't take it...wierd ass people on there) but there's always a way to get things done that you need to get done. Just keep your head up and your luck will change for the better. Once at the bottom only way left to go is up.

03-20-2006, 10:37 PM
haha cant say that i have drank cuz there was something wrong with my car
but yea ive had my share of problems, its one of those things where you like your car so much but at the same time the older the car the more problems

03-20-2006, 10:39 PM
When I know I'm gonna be doing shit on my car I always have a six pack around...

I'm the person that can totally fuck up the simplest job and turn it into a nitemare.

I'm ready to set my car on fire with my ebrake issue...2 years later and I still don't have a locking rear ebrake. I've replace EVERY SINGLE part probly twice over and it still doesn't work! YAY!!

03-21-2006, 12:22 PM
get a 1.6 miata and a street bike..........

sr20newb ive seen u around at mendo awhile back... its funny how all of a sudden there was just 2 240s in town... now theres a few more out of the blue..

great.... im lookin forward to gettin my car stolen..

haha yeah except now my car wont run!!! I loved pissing off the JC cops :)

03-21-2006, 12:24 PM
want to get a group of ppl together to drop a new engine in my car!! then we can all get drunk and angry

03-21-2006, 12:44 PM
I've replace EVERY SINGLE part probly twice over and it still doesn't work! YAY!!

lol, that just means you suck.. HAHAHAH j/p j/p

want to get a group of ppl together to drop a new engine in my car!! then we can all get drunk and angry

I'm down! haha I love working drunk on cars.

03-21-2006, 01:02 PM
no not really, unless ur gonna pay me and ray to do the work...

03-21-2006, 01:21 PM
this thread is awesome.

the only people who say 240sx's are super reliable are people who haven't owned one. it doesn't break all at once. instead, alot of small things seem to fall apart in sequence.

03-21-2006, 01:39 PM
yeah the hard part after drinkin is stopping myself from drunk dorifto...

03-21-2006, 01:49 PM
my car leaks oil, as the inspection place said "everywhere" so that sucks, not sure where to start there. The fan snapped on me on the way home once, that shit freaked me out, and 4 weeks ago, not sure the exact parts name, but where the inlet hose clamps to the radiator, crushed. Been waiting 4 weeks for the replacement part, I fucking hate nissan for that shit. Other than that, pretty problem free. I just ahte waiting on nissan. When i bought the car,I had to replace 2 sets of bushings, and one set I could only find replacements at the dealeship, waited 5 weeks for those things. i did just buy rims off ebay though, and I have my struts and springs waiting to go on, so again, i'm happy.

03-21-2006, 03:06 PM
After I destroyed my clutch and we switched to an ACT stage 2, my motor would shake VIOLENTLY every time I would let it engage (bad mounts). Mounts are still not fixed, but I'm having the worst problems with tires, now my car has a lot of hesitation, stalls here and there and blows smoke/oil when cold start. All I want is a solid car, one that doesn't shake when going from a stop, and something I can beat the piss out of but keep reliable and powerful.... Sadly, I don't think such things exist.

I still love my car, always.

03-21-2006, 05:01 PM
dude its 4 in the afternoon and imm trashed right now off scotch...at least its aged well in the beautifllul lands of scotland hahaha...ok sleepy time

03-21-2006, 05:57 PM
changed rear sub frame bushings on a friends car in the rain yesterday...he paid me with sizzlers that colluel shrimp and steak thing..it was worth it.kinda not fun laying the rain and him being a small guy didnt help me not stay focused and frustrated :rant:

03-21-2006, 08:39 PM
no not really, unless ur gonna pay me and ray to do the work...

How much would you charge :)

Scotch is so good!!! I have been drinking Coors,Tequila ( least favorite), Capt momo and Southern comfort, im wayyyyyyyyyyy depressed about my car haha:rant:

03-22-2006, 12:29 AM
man u think a blown motor is bad, try buying a car that dies on you the day you drive it home, then having to drop 2k into it just to get 2 ref tickets out of the 4 times you drive the car. I feel your pain brah but its just a car, public transit ain't that bad (although i wouldn't take it...wierd ass people on there) but there's always a way to get things done that you need to get done. Just keep your head up and your luck will change for the better. Once at the bottom only way left to go is up.

there are some wierd people that takes the bus.. but there are hot ass chicks too. I take the bus to work that passes by the SF shopping center. Sweet....

03-22-2006, 07:29 PM
I hate buses all of ours have bum piss in them :down: