View Full Version : 1st time paintballing morrow, advice?

03-18-2006, 08:12 PM
im bored so i made this thread, who paintballs, any advice besides dont get shot. will post pics of brusies tommorow:ughd:

03-18-2006, 08:15 PM
Where a cup? ....haha

03-18-2006, 08:33 PM
leave as little of your body exposed as possible and don't pop over the tops of bunkers try around the sides over the top they can see the top ur head before ur eyes see them, welts rule and don't get bunkered lol

03-18-2006, 08:39 PM
Where are you going? If its your first time, you should check out http://www.paintballtickets.com . It's only $5 in california. But on tips... shoulder your marker. Attach the back of the gun to your nose (not literally). Use your legs to move your body out from behind the bunker (only your upper body) and shoot some faces off.

If no one is shooting at you, wrap in and shoot inside... still no one? MOVE TO THE NEXT BUNKER!

03-18-2006, 08:41 PM

Your stance should be like that, but keep your hopper in more. I was closing out a game and started playing loose ( I could because the left side of the field was down)

03-18-2006, 08:59 PM
shoot at bunkers before someone pops out behind them. i used to get lucky and you'd hit them when they'd look out the bunker. i miss playing paintball. to expensive for all the paint though.

03-18-2006, 09:41 PM
wear a long sleeve shirt and dont expose any skin. last time i did some jackass shot within 10ft and i started bleeding :C ive noticed first timers tend to fire with their index and middle finger together and conserve paintballs, try to pulse ur fingers simutaneously and keep wasting ur paint (thats my personal habit but to each their own) ummm have fun :D

03-18-2006, 10:09 PM
Where a cup? ....haha


03-18-2006, 10:24 PM
Dont be scared of getting shot, its pretty rare to actually have it hurt.

03-18-2006, 10:26 PM
Yeah doesnt hurt.

I got shot in the ass cheek 13 times in a row (in less than 1 second) and I that shit hurt... I got all hot for some reason. (not in a sexual way)

Then this one time i got shot in the spot where ur spine meets ur head point blank, and i blacked out, fell to my knee, but I recovered in less than a second.

03-18-2006, 10:59 PM
i think the most painful places to get shot are the fingers and of course your nuts. after getting hit in both those places i began wearing gloves and cup. just keep shooting. i'd go through a case of 2000 in about 2-3 matches but i took just about everyone off the field

03-18-2006, 11:01 PM
Wear gloves and cleates if its outdoors.

03-18-2006, 11:55 PM
ok cup and gloves. im either going to sherwood or paintball jungle. hopefully my nutz will survive :x:
imma see how this goes. anyone down to do zilvia paintball meet in vallejo maybe a month or two from now (ill post in regional later)

03-18-2006, 11:59 PM
Don't wear thin clothes. That shit hurts but its fun as hell!

Just go out and shoot! Its bonus points if you shoot your friend in the ass at close range! Then have a beer.

03-19-2006, 12:15 AM
Sherwood is cool. the owner is a nice guy, but his paint price is crazy!

03-19-2006, 12:30 AM
WEAR A CUP or atleast always have a hand covering your area.

My brother said he saw some fat guy get nailed real bad there. PROTECT THE JEWELS.

03-19-2006, 12:33 AM
Ive played for 6 years, shot in the nuts once. It wasnt soo bad. Paintball pants save lives, and throw on a tube sock. Much more comfortable.

03-19-2006, 12:57 AM
I got hit in the neck, right on the adam's apple, paintballing once when I was in high school... hurt an incredible amount. It was from very close (10 feet at most), so it was pretty hard. Ever since then I've always worn something around my neck when shooting is involved...even if it's just for my minds sake.

Best advise thought is exactly what you said...don't get shot.

03-19-2006, 01:05 AM
Was it at a paintball field? Speed volocity as 90% to do with pain. The breaking ability of the paintball shell will also determin the pain factor. I've been shot from inches away and not felt much.

03-19-2006, 01:07 AM
Paintballing is cool. I use to do it way back when..
Don't worry about wasting your paintballs..you should carry at least 5 extra bottles on you.
Don't get all mad and shoot back once you get shot, that's just lame.

Paintballing got expensive, so I did Airsoft..which just as expensive but last at lot longer..

1/2 day matches >paintball

03-19-2006, 04:03 AM
any of you guys ever think about just going to the mountains with couple people and playing capture the flag? sounds hella fun to me.

03-19-2006, 04:36 AM
paintball is the shit!! so fun!! anyways just wear long sleeves, pants just stuff u dont mind getting dirty. If your playing speedball/airball dont be afraid to run to the middle (the 50) right when the round starts. also ALWAYS check yourself first before u call urself out.. if a paintball hits u and doesnt break or u dont have any paint on u from it you are STILL in!

from experience.... rental PB guns suck, and field paint hella hurts when u get shot by it cus they usually use practice paint that is cheap so very thick shell and doenst break when they hit u...

03-19-2006, 09:15 AM
Ive played for 6 years, shot in the nuts once. It wasnt soo bad. Paintball pants save lives, and throw on a tube sock. Much more comfortable.
Free Balling FTW. Mesh in jersey pants breathes so nicely and protects you from balls cause the pants are so lose.

03-19-2006, 11:01 AM
i played tourny level paintball for years. Im assuming your going to be playing in the woods, so wear something dark. They paint stings on impact but its all good, dont be a wuss lol. Just go out and have fun. Thats what walk-ons is all about.

I havn't played in so long. I've spent tens of thousands of dollars in my playing days LOL. If you get serious into it, be prepared to stop modding cars because its expensive. Its a shame i still have all my equipment just sitting around now. I really think about selling all that stuff and to afford good body work and professional paint job, but its hard for me to let go. It represents my HS years. :tears: Man im rambling..... just go out and have fun!

03-19-2006, 12:38 PM
Its not that expensive.. just get a massive sponsor list going. :)

03-19-2006, 12:51 PM
Don't stay in one place for a long time, move up or sideways, never back. What kinda gun are you going to be playing with?

03-19-2006, 02:26 PM
Dont take that advice /\. In speed ball, moving back in if you need to play defense is a GOOD move. Esp. when you move to a back standup corner.

03-19-2006, 05:34 PM
Don't get scared and watch your other team. lol. Shoot back.

03-19-2006, 05:49 PM
Don't get scared and watch your other team. lol. Shoot back.

Def. don't be scared....Playing will be such an rush if you don't play scared, but its kind of intimidating if you watch any of the better teams play(man are they good and man do they take it seriously) and NEVER under any circumstances take your mask off when your on the field. When I went I saw a guy do that after he got shot(he was the last player on his team) and as he was coming from behind the taco(i think thats what they call it) he lifted his mask and got shot in the neck. Oh yeah and communicate w/your team...have fun

03-19-2006, 06:27 PM
paintball is easy, so long as you're on the red team and use this guy as your gun:

03-19-2006, 06:31 PM
Oh yeah, mask always on... rather you get stung in the face by a bee w/ teh mask on that a paintball in your eyesocket.

03-20-2006, 04:48 PM
shit was fun as hell. went to paintball jungle and got shot in the ass once but its all good. no serious damage between 4 ppl used 2 cases of 2k painballs. kinda expensive but well worth it. only thing i didnt like it was muddy as hell so i slipped a few times while running from bunker to bunker.
so whos down for some vallejo painballin in a few weeks?

03-20-2006, 04:56 PM
We got an addict!

03-20-2006, 05:03 PM
shit i'm down. my car should be up and running in 2 weeks! woot woot.
you got the cell. just kit.

03-20-2006, 05:10 PM
im down to paintball, just pm me ahead of time and ill see if im free or not.

btw hows the road going to paintball jungle?? dont want to get stuck driving there... i know if i drive my car to the paintball place in Davis i would get stuck for sure...

03-20-2006, 05:16 PM
yeah dont even think of taking your car there, the road is fu'd up. there is a place to park the car on the side of the road though. its like 5 minute walk from there

03-20-2006, 05:16 PM
yea most paintball fieds are arenas got some really bumpy ass gravel roads. i remeber i went out to one in paintball america in livermore and the road gave my wheels a tough time. we should go to operation paintball in hayward. it has nice driveway pavment and its down the street from the junkyards. so us 240sx budget owners can go find some replacement parts lol.

and davis if you do go. i'm going after your ass! for judging my recent car accident!!!! lols!

03-20-2006, 05:21 PM
Santa Clara Paintball has a paved road if you go through the back way, the front gate (gate D) is fine, gravel, but even gravel and a short drive.

2 cases between 4 people? Heh. I usually go throw 2 cases a day. Good you had fun!

03-20-2006, 05:27 PM
Slow ass rentals.

03-20-2006, 05:41 PM
just go balls 2 the walls bro. dont b afraid and kill some one. just knock some domes....lol. alright seriously tho dont be afraid. thats the biggest thing. ive known alot of kids who talked big n tuf n then when it came to throw down they happend 2 forget their balls at home. but ya lane off the break, stay tight, snap alot, stay tight, shoooooooot, b fast, stay tight, and shoot fools in the face, stright up olie lang style...2 bad he went to the men ehhh? is dynasty still on top? its been alil while 4 me.

back on track tho. have a fun time. its a great sport when played right. good luck

03-20-2006, 05:43 PM
wow just relized he already went.

so u addicted now? just wait till the cash fairy says it aint in the budget anymore=pOOp

wow i miss it

03-20-2006, 05:46 PM
you guys are really making me want to play paintball now. but if i never sold my gun i wouldn't have a car now. sold the gun for $1400.

03-20-2006, 05:46 PM
i'ma bring a neck guard. so i dont get shot in the apple. and a cup. hopefully the rental facemasks are fog proff. because it sucks when you start sweating and your face mask fogs up, and you can barely see people. and then BAM! your capped up.

when i go paintballing with my friends. i like to shoot the people who are walking to the safezone after they have been hit. its so freaking funny. when they walk to the safezone i cap a couple in the backs :P lols.

so dont get on my bad side! or i'll paint you pink!

03-20-2006, 06:12 PM
i'ma bring a neck guard. so i dont get shot in the apple. and a cup. hopefully the rental facemasks are fog proff. because it sucks when you start sweating and your face mask fogs up, and you can barely see people. and then BAM! your capped up.

when i go paintballing with my friends. i like to shoot the people who are walking to the safezone after they have been hit. its so freaking funny. when they walk to the safezone i cap a couple in the backs :P lols.

so dont get on my bad side! or i'll paint you pink!

ive never worn a cup or neckprotector. never gotten shot in the nuts, plus it restricst movement...alot. ive gotten bounces stright off my throught, it hurt like hell, had a lil welt but no break. ive also been railed in the coller bone...that hurt

most rentals sux and do fog up.

2nd i hate being bonus balled it truely pisses me, and most other ppl off, but its ur ass not mine

03-20-2006, 06:13 PM
when i go paintballing with my friends. i like to shoot the people who are walking to the safezone after they have been hit. its so freaking funny. when they walk to the safezone i cap a couple in the backs :P lols.

so dont get on my bad side! or i'll paint you pink!
I hope you get kicked out

03-20-2006, 06:15 PM
paintball is very fun and addicting, its what i did before i had a drivers license. id recommend always keeping ur mask on even if it fogs up. Keep those barrel condoms/plugs on until ur ready to play, chronograph guns, etc.SAFETY FIRST!

To be good at killing> be aggressive but keep your cool (like driving) stay low and learn to dodge paint. dont be scared it doesnt hurt that much...take accurate shots and practice shooting ahead of people to make precise shots on the field. keep your equipment clean and fully functional. dont drop ur hopper! or re use questionable paint (or stuff that u see on the ground) that shit just causes more problems in your gun. always practice sportsman ship and go out and just have fun!:bow:

03-20-2006, 06:18 PM
I hope you get kicked out


bonus balls sux

03-20-2006, 06:26 PM
Santa Clara Paintball has a paved road if you go through the back way, the front gate (gate D) is fine, gravel, but even gravel and a short drive.

2 cases between 4 people? Heh. I usually go throw 2 cases a day. Good you had fun!

yeah well its gay the restrict to one pull one shot. and the guns they rent you suck. im thinking of buying a spyder since its like 140$ and its 60$ just to rent one. paintballs are expensive as shit too, i can only imagine how much we wuda went through if we could do semi auto fire

03-20-2006, 06:51 PM
yeah well its gay the restrict to one pull one shot. and the guns they rent you suck. im thinking of buying a spyder since its like 140$ and its 60$ just to rent one. paintballs are expensive as shit too, i can only imagine how much we wuda went through if we could do semi auto fire
you mean full auto?

Learn how to walk a trigger. Spyder Imagine is a good starting marker. Watch out cause you can go mod happy like cars. Don't waste your time with a non-electric marker. That Rocking trigger is a POS too.

For under $300 the ION is a nice marker that can be ramped up later to pro levels.

03-20-2006, 07:00 PM
1 pull 1 shot is semi auto... unless u have a PB gun that u need to cock each time to load the paintball... fields dont alloy full auto where u just hold down the trigger and mow people down..

in 2002 i got my full paintball package for like 2bills i think, i have a spyder TL plus and i got a electric trigger and barrel, more than enough to play... I dont understand these lil kids who are like in middle school and have autocockers, intimidators and crap... pisses me off on how some kids are so spoiled...

03-20-2006, 07:06 PM
Dont take that advice /\. In speed ball, moving back in if you need to play defense is a GOOD move. Esp. when you move to a back standup corner.

Offense is the best defense.

03-20-2006, 09:08 PM
how bad does it hurt when you get shot?

03-20-2006, 09:29 PM
how bad does it hurt when you get shot?
Where do you live? I'll come over and shoot you.

03-20-2006, 09:55 PM
hahaha i 2nd that.. got extra co2 and pb's in the closet from the last time i went =P

03-20-2006, 10:50 PM
depends how fast they have there gun set on. i got nailed in my left ear. it actually hit the mask and when the ball exploded the shell fragment went throu the mask, didnt feel too good. getting capped in the ass wasnt too pleasant either, i was trying to make my way to the middle and i guess one of my friends sniped me. :hyper:

03-20-2006, 11:05 PM
finger shots can sting...oh and being shot between the ribs is sucky too!!!:rant:

03-20-2006, 11:13 PM
any of you guys ever think about just going to the mountains with couple people and playing capture the flag? sounds hella fun to me.
i live in the winery area, so we like use to play at the rundown old winery barns.... basically set a game to CS situations... and its fun... sometimes we play with only 30 round hoppers... and the game can last from 10 min to 30 min... i dont paintball anymore but when i first played... my friends hazed me..

it was a getting to A to B situation, and i couldnt believe how much adrenalin was pumpin thru me.. i didnt even feel the shots... when 10 heads were shooting the shit out of me...

i miss the game... buy my autococker....

u should get a electronic trigger deal... it makes the game kinda stupid because of all the balls u waste, but everyone has it ... i prefer the old style guns..

03-21-2006, 09:06 AM
depends how fast they have there gun set on. i got nailed in my left ear. it actually hit the mask and when the ball exploded the shell fragment went throu the mask, didnt feel too good. getting capped in the ass wasnt too pleasant either, i was trying to make my way to the middle and i guess one of my friends sniped me. :hyper:

ya well its not gunna puncture the mask and bust all over ur dome. its what the masks are made 4. sniping is 4 newbs, and woods ballers who just happen never to take to a real field, i.e. speedball or xball

03-21-2006, 09:16 AM
hey if your thinkin about buying a marker, PM me! i been trying to sell my upped ion and upped shocker. i need money for car parts! i got everything you need including mask and jersey and harness w/ pods. but yeah you shouldnt waste your money on a spyder or lower end gun cuz later on your jus gonna want a better, faster gun. especially for speed/x-ball. also another thing when you break out, dont shoot directly at them, try to shoot at the bunkers there heading to.

03-21-2006, 01:28 PM
I got shot in the next once, didn't break, but that shit hurt so bad I called out and got off the field. I've also been next to a guy, he got shot in the hopper, the guy that shot him had his gun turned up, cuz that shit put a hole in the side of it.

03-21-2006, 01:56 PM
Where do you live? I'll come over and shoot you.
lmfao :boink: :rl:

Who is down to go? so far Mike, Davis , Me ( anthony )
i can drive if anyone needs a ride.

we should get a honda group and we should play them.! nissan 4 t3h win!

03-21-2006, 02:04 PM
I hear the Honda boys play with ramping.

03-21-2006, 02:09 PM
s14db you live in the bay?
i might just wear my football equipment. and where a face mask. and i'll go kamikazee and rush like forrest gump :P

03-21-2006, 06:58 PM
ya well its not gunna puncture the mask and bust all over ur dome. its what the masks are made 4. sniping is 4 newbs, and woods ballers who just happen never to take to a real field, i.e. speedball or xball

it didnt go through the solid part of the mask but though the berather holes on the side

03-21-2006, 10:34 PM
yeah well its gay the restrict to one pull one shot. and the guns they rent you suck. im thinking of buying a spyder since its like 140$ and its 60$ just to rent one. paintballs are expensive as shit too, i can only imagine how much we wuda went through if we could do semi auto fire

The Guns you rent anywhere are pretty much the same. I've played with the rental guns at SCP and i can still mow the faces off the masses. I wouldn't buy a spyder though. Buy a used gun, better bang for buck. I have a few for sale. The cheapest being a NIB impulse.

Oh, EVERY FIELD IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is 1 shot 1 pull. If the field has insurance, it has that rule in affect, dont like it? move to Europe.

If anyone is interested in paintballing in the bay (santa clara) I will set it up for cheap. I will even fly up to shoot you all.

03-22-2006, 01:29 PM
well paintball is complicaated sport, so try and stay at your bunker as close as you can. dont run out and do something crazy just be patient and you can win. and remember, talk to your team mates about everything, like positioning as well as where the other team is. and shoot very much

03-22-2006, 04:05 PM
it didnt go through the solid part of the mask but though the berather holes on the side

ya i no what your sayin. ha try this one: gettin nailed rite where ur mouth is/nose, gets all in your mouth, tastes bad. IDEA!!! flavored paint!!!!! HELZ YA. where do i have 2 go to get a patent?!

03-22-2006, 04:13 PM
It has already been done, GAP makes scented paintballs. No one advertises it because although paintballs are non toxic, they arent good for you, + the then it becomes a food and their are a lot of things involved with that.

Patent denied :)

03-22-2006, 04:58 PM
so mike. when do you wanna date this event? i'm down to go 100% and i cant wait to shoot davis in the neck :) lmk.

03-22-2006, 05:14 PM
I guess I'll be going.