View Full Version : Homeless

03-16-2006, 06:15 PM
Do you guys ever give out money to the homeless? Alot of them camp out at off-ramps and pan-handle motorists coming through. I ocassionally give some change in my ashtray if I have any. How about you guys?

I know some of them are pretty well off though. I watched a documentary awhile back where they tracked down these people. They would dress up all filthy and stuff, then after a couple hours "work," they would walk to their BMW a few blocks away.

03-16-2006, 06:19 PM
In New York City, when getting off the train in Times Square, they usually have shows in the train station area, upstairs of the tracks, these are like dancing, back flips with music and stuff, but as you watch the show, the performers walk behind you and steal stuff from your pockets, so I never give anything to anyone I do not know, even some girls in my school ask me for money, I don't give them anything, because they are going to buy weed.

03-16-2006, 06:35 PM
I don't give them shit. One day I was at an off ramp and a lady gave a guy an apple and an orange. The guy said thanks and did his gratitude act then threw the fruit away as soon as the light went green.
I know that does not represnt all homless looking people, and some people are truly down on their luck.
BUT there are state and federal programs to give these people help should they seek it. Life is about decisions most of the time. People who decide that begging, dirty lazyness, and drugs/alchohol is the life for them, let them have it and they don't need help from me to be that way.

My favorite was one day in SF there was a guy on the street corner drinking Pine Sol. That was fucking classic.

03-16-2006, 06:38 PM
i usually give out cigarettes or small change...i know its bad for their health, but money for drugs and alcohol is ever worse...plus, i know how it gets sometimes...

once and a while id buy them water or healthy snacks such as sunchips or whatever...

03-16-2006, 06:39 PM
I know alot of them do use the money to buy drugs/alcohol/cigs, but me losing out on some change won't hurt me.

03-16-2006, 06:46 PM
I know alot of them do use the money to buy drugs/alcohol/cigs, but me losing out on some change won't hurt me.

untill they get all fucked up on something and mug you somenight or stab you wiht something:ugh:

03-16-2006, 06:46 PM
today there was one infront of public market
he was eating out of a styrafoam container that he bought inside, and he gets up the nerve to ask me to buy him a fucking hamburger
i was like WTF!??!
I dont give them shit
they gave up on everything, not my problem

03-16-2006, 06:50 PM
haha, yeah...one time outside of quiznos near my work there was a bum panhandling...i was in a good mood so i looked for change, but didnt have any...so i offered some cigarettes...he agreed, but looked at my pack and said that he didnt smoke menthols...sorry...and asked me to buy him a sandwich...i was like, huh???!!!

03-16-2006, 07:05 PM
A guy from my work (a local car wash) quit because he couldn't get off work early enough to go out and panhandle at certain times... dude has 3 cars, not very nice cars, but he could sell them and get one decent car. After that, I don't even acknowledge someone if they ask me for something on the street...

03-16-2006, 07:18 PM
iam down for lagite charitys. but if some one is begging for my hard earned money, in stead of looking for a job. iam down for giving them the finger.

03-16-2006, 07:30 PM
iam down for lagite charitys. but if some one is begging for my hard earned money, in stead of looking for a job. iam down for giving them the finger.

true but do you know how hard it is for someone homeless to find a job?

03-16-2006, 07:36 PM
No doubt its hard. What about all the illegal immagrants? They find jobs and they are not even supposed to be in the country!

They choose to work hard and try for a better life.

03-16-2006, 07:36 PM
yea there are a group of about 5 guys that rotate on the exit ramps in my area. they all live in local hotels and drive newer vehicles. all the locals know not to give them anything, but the out-of-towners almost always give them cash. these dudes are hardcore too, the stand out when its like 10 degrees or pouring down rain and stuff. the one dude is funny cause he looks to be about 30 and he has a sign that says "i'm a veitnam vet please help."

03-16-2006, 07:38 PM
at least in new hampshire you can go to laber ready,and they will hook u up with a job for the day. so they have no excuses here.

03-16-2006, 07:51 PM
How can any heartless person just brush off another human in need??? I do the same as akademik does just some change from my car is all I give them becasue they might abuse cash for things that will only harm them. Its such a sad thing to see especially over here in downtown LA there is just so many of them and there is only so much these small organizations that help the homless can do.

03-16-2006, 07:58 PM
why dont they have money if they dont pay rent. haaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

03-16-2006, 07:58 PM
I'll donate. I mean I make enough to where $5 or so won't kill me.

03-16-2006, 08:27 PM
I'd agree with SimounSays, i personally try to help as much as often as i can, but sometimes, it just gets me mad to see what you've all just said.

Now what if you swapped shoes and were homeless?

03-16-2006, 08:30 PM
Show me the money!

03-16-2006, 08:42 PM
I usually don't give out money to them, because I know most of them are either lazy or just don't do anything. But I do feel very bad for the one that go around with a shopping cart and sleep on the street. I think those people are truly sad and they eat what they can find. I think "they're truly down on their luck" just like what speedmonkeyinc said. But those fake ass on the freeway and street holding sign and usually in a group! are useless...

03-16-2006, 09:35 PM
NO. I remeber visiting my girlfriend at NC State and walking down the street and being harassed by homeless guys for money. I wanted to be like," Do you got any change for me":tweak: . I was nice though and said, "nope, sorry".I mean, I was a college student working full time with barely enough money for gas and food. Then these guys want to walk up and down the side walk all day bumming money off of people that feel sorry for them. I'm just not that big of a philanthropist.

03-16-2006, 09:50 PM
I once worked across the highway from the BUSIEST exit ramp in my city, when I was in high school... I watched as this guy would drive to the hotel about 2 blocks away and walk to the ramp in shoddy clothes and sit out there with a cardboard sign, a bucket and a bottle of water for hours on end.
The light cycles on, let's just assume that it changes every 3 minutes, that is 20 times in an hour.
I was ON this exit yesterday and counted 9 cars IN FRONT OF me, who knows how many behind me. On every light cycle, let us assume that 3 people have bleeding hearts enough to toss him a buck, on average, is that fair?
Every 3 minutes he makes 3 dollars, this is mathematially allowed to do this 20 times an hour... That is 60 beans an hour. Let's ASSUME that he gets hungry after 2-3 hours and goes somewhere to get food, probably wal mart or wendy's up the street, so as to not blow his cover. He is out on the corner, not counting the 30-45 minutes he took for lunch, for 4 hours a day, rain or shine, winter or summer, drunk sick or sober, 3-5 days a week...
Averaging $60/hour, 4 hours a day, 4 days a week... In one week, that is NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FUCKING DOLLARS!!!
Maybe I need to fucking quit what I am doing and be fucking homeless.

(... let the record show that I do not give these people a DIME and they are not missing it)

... the one I gave the money to is the one who approached me outside the Citgo in the hood and told me "look, bruh... I ain't even gon bullshit you, I am just tryna get a drank."
I didn't HAND him the cash, I went in the store and fucking bought it FOR him, since that was the only reason I was at the store myself.

03-16-2006, 09:52 PM
theres no such thing as a run of bad luck. it just means you are not trying hard enough. iam 19 and i got a full time job and a part time on the weekends. so i can pay for my rent and shit.

03-16-2006, 09:56 PM
this makes me wont to play bumm baseball.lol

03-16-2006, 09:56 PM
MAn those people who fake being homless don't they have any shame for themselfs doing that kind crap.

03-16-2006, 10:28 PM
there was this one time where my friend went to wendys and had an extra hamburger and offered it to a bum. he said "no bitch i want money". she said f*ck you in her little mouse voice and drove off.haha.. but yah at my work its getting kinda outta hand in back near the ware house. first it started off with 3 of them making houses outta cardboard and tarp, to a group of 7.. they dont bother us but damn are they living pretty well for homeless. one of the guys has a mobile shopping cart with DIRECT TV and a small generator and saw them watching the super bowl. Oh and onetime i saw a bum orgy and felt like throwing up while walking with my co worker to the gas station. but like i said they leaveus alone and dont ask for money and even though we leave our bbq grill outside they dont bother taking it.

03-16-2006, 11:33 PM
My dad came here in the 70s with his brother and no money (got jacked in Mexico) not speaking a lick of English; my uncle left him alone after a year...

30 years or so later my whole family is here along with relatives, my parents own a house, and all of us except my dad are naturalized citizens (he's stubborn).
I, for the life of me, can't understand how anyone in this country could be homeless or worse be content to be so with all the opportunities that exist if one is willing to work hard for them.
There are many people in the world that would give their left nut to just have the chance to make a living here.

As far as giving money to beggars, I don't. I have offered to buy food before but have only met with ungratefulness. For example, once there was a baglady outside the Winchell's where I would usually buy my coffee and muffin. She asks me for money to buy food, I tell here I won't give her money but I would leave money with the clerk (I knew them well) so she could get food. I told them not to give her any change. I came back the next day and the clerk told me she didn't bother getting anything. Another time walking to work with El Pollo Loco food, a friend and I were approached for money. My friend tells the guy she doesn't have change but would give him some of her food if he's hungry. He curses and walks off. So fuck that.

03-17-2006, 10:38 AM
u wanna help homeless people or otherwise affect someone's life positively? Volunteer at a nonprofit org or church or something, adopt a kid, read to students, DO something. handing out cash is soooo...bleh

Thinking that giving a guy on the street a buck or two will make a difference is pretty short sighted, but people do it out of some ill-founded guilt.

03-17-2006, 10:51 AM
so this one time i was at the Hat in Alhambra and this homeless guy comes up to me begging for some change cuz he said he was "starving." i felt like being nice, so i think i gave him like a buck or two. he took the money, and right after that the bus came. he stared at me, laughed, and got on the bus. oh well, didnt bother me. besides, i was the one that shouldve been laughing--atleast i didnt smell like shit.

never again.

03-17-2006, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by: ManoNegra
As far as giving money to beggars, I don't. I have offered to buy food before but have only met with ungratefulness.

I've encountered the same thing. Most (not all however) beggers are looking for drug/alcohol money.
I was working with some VERY poor people at one point...they would NOT accept money for help, however, they let me buy them some food and track down some clean water and vitamins for them. They had nothing and had children to feed, they accepted what they needed immediatley and were grateful for it.

Don't offer money. Offer food etc. and people who are really in need won't turn you down. If you can (business owners etc.) do like a guy I know does...hire them. Even if it is just temporary...gives the ones who are genuinley down on their luck a chance to get some money and get a fresh start...or at the very least feed their wife and/or kid(s).

03-17-2006, 11:39 AM
Wanna see real poverty? Go out to India or Myanmar or the slums of Jakarta and see what many of those residents would dream of having what the homeless here have.

03-17-2006, 11:41 AM
Theres 2 types of homeless people

the ones that are homeless, they are the ones you see lying in cornors in alleys and on the subway. these are the ones that dont really hassle you and ask for money, becuase there always to F*cked up all the time. and finally when there not F*cked up and they need another high thats when they ask for a couple bucks for they can buy some Isoproply alcohol lol and get fucked up agian.

then theres the Rich homeless people these ones are the ones that ask for money on the road and more than likly make more than i do. i make 10bucks an hour plus i pay tax's to the government(in wich some goes to homeless shelters to get these guys off the streets when in reality they live well off). so i tend to definitly think that they make more than i do plus they dont have to pay taxes.

so the lesson is dont give your money to the homeless unless they look like a junkie. and you can support the drug that made them this way and keeps them on the street :bigok:

03-17-2006, 11:54 AM
Has anyone encoutered bums asking for money and when you give them what's in your pockets they get pissed off because they asked for a dollar not 23 cents? It's happened to some people I know. Talk about beggars CAN be choosers lol.

03-17-2006, 01:38 PM
i was the one that shouldve been laughing--atleast i didnt smell like shit.

never again.

That made me laugh hard !

Anyways i give when i can.. Last time i gave to someone in need was like a month ago.. I was coming out of lil ceasars with a large pizza and some crazy bread.. Then when I get in my car i see a "homeless" man leaning against the wall not asking money/food from no one... I get out of the car and just give him my crazy bread.. She was grateful and started eating.. That made my day.. I usually do the approaching when it comes down to those scenarios and I haven't not once been treated badly.. The people that ask me have to catch me in a good mood and depending how i feel i give them then anywhere from 5 to 20 bucks.. Even if they blow it i don't get.. They will get theirs (You reap what you saw).. If they weren't lying to me then they get a hot mean and maybe some warmer clothes.. I try to do what i can when i can.. I don't think I have ever just not given anyone anything unless money was tight and i really couldn't cause me doing so would be taken from my own families resources. Mostly though i initiate to buy them something.

03-17-2006, 02:17 PM
I pretty much agree with you guys. However, I read that (at least in CA) something like 50% of the homeless are ex mental institution patients who were released into the streets once government hospital funding was taken away and most of these institutions closed down permanently.

So for a lot of these guys, it's not really their fault. They were ill enough to be in a mental institution, a lot of them no longer have families, and then they're released with no other recourse but to roam the streets.

Once you hit that point and you feel there's no hope, I'm sure that dulling the pain with drugs/alcohol doesn't seem like such a bad idea when you have no one to turn to.

I saw a guy last week -- I was in the parking lot waiting for my wife to get a movie from Hollywood Video -- he was digging through a dumpster and started crying like I've never seen a man cry before. He sat down next to the dumpster and started saying, "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry" until he finally started screaming it at the top of his lungs while banging his head against the dumpster. I think it sucks when I don't see anything I want in the refrigerator -- I can't imagine how that guy must feel.

So yeah, I give them money. It's not hurting me any, and if they need drugs or alcohol to cope with their situation, so be it. I'm not there to judge them.

03-17-2006, 02:28 PM
Dangt.. Now that's jacked... Just from that display i would have given him something right then and there, whether that was an "act" or not i would have driven either to the atm or to a store and got him something.. And if I couldn't at that specific time just cry with him :(... I hate seeing people go through hard times like that.

03-17-2006, 02:34 PM
Man...just two days ago I was going to park my car at a local Wal-Mart and this guy sneaks up on me as I'm parking and ask for two dollars for gas so he can get to work. At first I was like "wtf?" cause I was literally moving my car as this guy creeped up on me. So anyways I give him two dollars and he walks off saying he's looking for his wife.

So...today...I roll up to a local Autozone (8 miles away from Wal-Mart) and as I'm about to park the SAME GUY (different outift) flags me down while I'm in the middle of the lot asking for two dollars for a gas tank saying the price is cheaper at safeway, needs it so he can work. So I'm like "wtf?" in my head..cause its very trippy to see the same guy miles away and to run into him in a simliar way. I gave him two dollars...but MAN...I see him again I'm going to trip out...

03-17-2006, 02:53 PM
It depends. I know you can't judge a book by its cover, but thats what I do sometimes (if someone really looks like they NEED it or not). I'll usually give a dollar or two.

lol @ SimounSays

03-17-2006, 02:55 PM
Homeless people? not in Irvine. the police round them up in the patty wagon and drop them off in Santa Ana.

I don't give out money - just stuff they could consume like food and water. One time I gave a homless person the trash that was in my car. If he would have dug deeper in the bag instead of getting pissed off when i drove away he would have found a half eaten superstar and fries burried underneath the used up hand wipes and dirty napkins.

03-17-2006, 03:00 PM
Dangt.. Now that's jacked... Just from that display i would have given him something right then and there, whether that was an "act" or not i would have driven either to the atm or to a store and got him something.. And if I couldn't at that specific time just cry with him :(... I hate seeing people go through hard times like that.

I feel the same way in many cases.

You're a good man.

03-17-2006, 03:21 PM
Homeless people? not in Irvine. the police round them up in the patty wagon and drop them off in Santa Ana.


I feel bad for Santa Ana then.

03-17-2006, 03:48 PM
Now that i think about it i see very very very few homeless in Mission viejo, laguna hills/beach/niguel , irvine , Dana Pointe , San Clemente , San Juan , Rancho Santa Margarita , Aliso Viejo, Lake Forest ... Well all Southern Orange county.. It seems like i see more the farther north i go (Past Tustin).

You're a good man

Wow thanks

03-17-2006, 07:42 PM
since we're on the topic of which areas there are no homeless people... ive been contemplating lately why Ive never seen any asians or latinos bumming or asking for money on the streets. I graduated in asian american studies and ethnic studies and have my own opinions based on my education but I would like to know your thoughts...

and yes, I do 'lend' money depending on the person asking.

03-17-2006, 09:05 PM
You know why the Hispanics- "Mexicans" arnt buming in the streets because when they come from Mexico to the United States they have on thing on there mind and that is to work "HARD" doing the jobs no silly ass white coller worker would even think of doing. They only beg for work not a buck or some change just a opertunity to work.

03-17-2006, 10:42 PM
I feel the same way in many cases.

You're a good man.

definately onyx

This is a something i almost never deal with, i live in a town were there is literally no homeless people. I've been to mexico and larger cities where they are around though. I try and give my change to those who are truly in need though. I remember one lady who has been in the same spot, right past the border every year... she is missing a leg, and the other is pretty messed up. I think it would be pretty cold to just walk past a person in that bad of a situation without giving anything. Of course, Mexico is a different then america when i comes to gov't assistance and getting jobs. I do agree with many of you that most of these homeless people, or those in the ghetto should make alot more effort to get a job, and make a name for themselves, think about the immigrants that come into america and work hard, make thier dreams come true

03-18-2006, 12:08 AM
Back when I was living in Ohio, I was in Cleveland for a concert. I parked at a gas station and started walking when I was approached by a man. Now in Cleveland, they had hospitality training for the homeless (WTF?), so this guy says, and I quote:

"Excuse me sir, but could I trouble you for 47 cents?"

I said sure and handed him 2 quarters.

He went NUTS!!! Started screaming that he asked for 47 cents and that if I wasn't going to give it to him, I shouldn't have said I would. He proceeded to chase me, while screaming, for like 4 blocks.

Since then, I avoid the panhandlers.

03-18-2006, 10:05 AM
Back when I was living in Ohio, I was in Cleveland for a concert. I parked at a gas station and started walking when I was approached by a man. Now in Cleveland, they had hospitality training for the homeless (WTF?), so this guy says, and I quote:

"Excuse me sir, but could I trouble you for 47 cents?"

I said sure and handed him 2 quarters.

He went NUTS!!! Started screaming that he asked for 47 cents and that if I wasn't going to give it to him, I shouldn't have said I would. He proceeded to chase me, while screaming, for like 4 blocks.

Since then, I avoid the panhandlers.
LOL! Damn, so I guess he couldn't count (literally), or either wanted EXACTLY 47 cents. Jeez...

03-18-2006, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by: ramblux
I pretty much agree with you guys. However, I read that (at least in CA) something like 50% of the homeless are ex mental institution patients who were released into the streets once government hospital funding was taken away and most of these institutions closed down permanently.

So for a lot of these guys, it's not really their fault. They were ill enough to be in a mental institution, a lot of them no longer have families, and then they're released with no other recourse but to roam the streets.

That is very true. My mother was a psychiatric nurse, and she worked in a large mental institution...that eventually shut down. Now she is just a regular nurse. But the course she took to become a psychiatric nurse was much longer and advanced than a regular nursing course...now her qualification as a psychiatric nurse is not even recognized as a form of nursing degree anymore. I've been told that many institutions were shut down because they were considered "inhumane" or other stuff like that. From what my mother tells me they were not the "Plaza Hotel" by any means...but at least they had caring people who helped them, cured them if possible, provided food and a warm place to sleep.

Also, many of them do numb the pain with drugs or alcohol...but feeding their addiction is not the answer. Refunding the hospitals and institutions (both by private donations and goverment money) so they can help these people get back on their feet, detox, counsel them, help them find steady work, and permanently care for those who cannot rejoin society, is a large part of the answer.

03-18-2006, 12:58 PM
Here in Oakland there is many homeless people, i dont really give money to homeless cuz once i give them 2 dollors they ask for more. There is this one guy that brings his kids to a gas station and has his kids pump your gas, then they ask you for money. Its so hard to say no to a little kid.

Once i was walking with my friend on East 14th street and a homeless guy came up to us and asked for money. My friend dug in his pockets and pulled a $5 and a $20 out, the twenty was to go eat so he gave him the $5. The homeless guy kept asking for the $20 following us, within a few blocks the homeless guy trips my friend and tries to rob him so we jump the homeless guy. Got the $5 back and a bag full of change from him. I didnt know homeless guys hit so hard? :eek: :Owned:

So now my views have changed towards giving homeless people money.

03-18-2006, 02:06 PM
my $100 fed over 100 people once in the philippines through this charity my aunt does over there. coulda been a strut bar & some gas. middle class americans can spend upwards of $100 EASILY on a single day/weekend. i didnt really need the strut bar, and those people really did need the food.

that being said, poverty in the united states isnt really the same as poverty elsewhere. give where you can, when you can. if a "bum" decides to buy weed or beer with it, thats on him/her. but you did something for someone else. sometimes a cold one is the highlight of my day, how much more for someone who is homeless? point is, count your blessings, and share them.

03-18-2006, 03:20 PM
Once i was walking with my friend on East 14th street and a homeless guy came up to us and asked for money. My friend dug in his pockets and pulled a $5 and a $20 out, the twenty was to go eat so he gave him the $5. The homeless guy kept asking for the $20 following us, within a few blocks the homeless guy trips my friend and tries to rob him so we jump the homeless guy. Got the $5 back and a bag full of change from him. I didnt know homeless guys hit so hard? :eek: :Owned:

So now my views have changed towards giving homeless people money.

holy crap.. haha dam serves him right.

03-18-2006, 08:10 PM
i figure its best to give them food and not cash because they may just buy alcohol or cigarettes, but hey i guess if i was homeless i would be drinkin too lol.

03-18-2006, 10:35 PM
There was a story some time ago in the LA papers and newscast where some police districts where caught rounding up their homeless and dumping them in downtown.

03-18-2006, 11:09 PM
Once i was walking with my friend on East 14th street and a homeless guy came up to us and asked for money. My friend dug in his pockets and pulled a $5 and a $20 out, the twenty was to go eat so he gave him the $5. The homeless guy kept asking for the $20 following us, within a few blocks the homeless guy trips my friend and tries to rob him so we jump the homeless guy. Got the $5 back and a bag full of change from him. I didnt know homeless guys hit so hard? :eek: :Owned:

holy crap.. haha dam serves him right.

Yea we got $46 bucks plus hella change. Felt Bad for him but like you said serves him right, didnt even say thank you or nothing he just wanted more.

drift freaq
03-18-2006, 11:56 PM
There was a story some time ago in the LA papers and newscast where some police districts where caught rounding up their homeless and dumping them in downtown.
I read that article and its true, places like Aliso Viejo, San Clemente, Alhambra, Monterey Park etc.. due indeed round up the homeless and dump them in Downtown LA. Want to know one of the biggest police agencies thats an offender of this type? None other than our friends the LA County Sherriffs the same assholes that target 240sx owners in the San Gabriel valley.
Back to the the topic. I lived in San Francisco for 9 years, I have seen every type of homeless there is. I have been panhandled so much if I got paid a dollar for everytime I would have over 50k easily.
That said I will not give a homeless person money. I will not support someone else's drug or alcohol habit. I have first hand experience with people with drug and alcohol problems. Giving them booze or money is enabling their habit. This is not judgement this is reality and truth. I will give them food and the ones I have given food too have been grateful,because they were hungry.

03-19-2006, 12:29 AM
Not all homeless people want money for booze. My sister and her boyfriend gave a bunch of canned goods and other packaged food to one guy (leftovers from some food drive or something) and the guy was like "Hey, great! Thanks alot!" (not sarcastically)

As for me, I give once in a while (a dollar) and I saw one homeless woman and gave her a $5.

I know alot of these people are responsible for their situation, but I'm too nice to ignore those in need when i can help. I feel good when they say "God bless you."

03-19-2006, 03:35 AM
Some are being pricks.

but others are really out there feeling like they just don't know what to do. Depression runs rampant with people down on their luck. I remember going to Food4Less with my aunt once and there was this hispanic bum asking for money. You just knew from the sound of his voice that he was being serious. We felt bad, but my aunt still hesitated. she finally gave him a couple of dollars, and 20 minutes later he comes out with a loaf of bread, some water and a piece of cheese. He glances at us and says 'Thank you' whole-heartedly. I'll never forget that.

On the other hand, there's this dude that's always asking people for change because 'his wallet got jacked, and needs money to fill up on gas.' I've been asked by this dude a few times and continued to do so for a long ass time.

I can't help trying to help sometimes. If they seriously look like they need it, i just have to try to give them something. some can act, though.

03-19-2006, 08:23 AM
if someone homeless asks me for money i punch them in the face. Hopefully my tactic will work one of these days and they'll realize it sucks being homeless and maybe there brusied face will be a motivator to get a job. Dont ever give them any money...(Food is cool though if u are gonna be nice).

03-19-2006, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by: Destructo
if someone homeless asks me for money i punch them in the face. Hopefully my tactic will work one of these days and they'll realize it sucks being homeless and maybe there brusied face will be a motivator to get a job. Dont ever give them any money...(Food is cool though if u are gonna be nice).

I hope for your sake this doesn't happen...but what if one day you punch the wrong homeless person and they know how to fight? or they decide to pull a knife or a gun?

Just a thought.

03-19-2006, 03:25 PM
if they can ask for spare change they should have no trouble asking "paper or plastic" or "would you like fries with that"

just my .02

03-19-2006, 04:04 PM
because markets or fast-food restaurants would hire someone that doesn't have proof of housing and lacks the resources to look presentable, right? you're flawed. they'd rather hire someone that looks like they can handle the job; it's rare that they'll give someone a chance.

03-19-2006, 07:11 PM
because markets or fast-food restaurants would hire someone that doesn't have proof of housing and lacks the resources to look presentable, right? you're flawed. they'd rather hire someone that looks like they can handle the job; it's rare that they'll give someone a chance.

thats for real... not many employers will give a chance to a person that looks like he/she just slept in the streets - thats why they have interviews to determine candidacy based on looks first(first impression) and qualifications second. nowadays, to make it more complicated, its difficult to find a job based on qualifications alone... you gotta be 'hooked up' by someone - even at fast-food joints.

03-20-2006, 10:12 AM
Here in Oakland there is many homeless people, i dont really give money to homeless cuz once i give them 2 dollors they ask for more. There is this one guy that brings his kids to a gas station and has his kids pump your gas, then they ask you for money. Its so hard to say no to a little kid.

Once i was walking with my friend on East 14th street and a homeless guy came up to us and asked for money. My friend dug in his pockets and pulled a $5 and a $20 out, the twenty was to go eat so he gave him the $5. The homeless guy kept asking for the $20 following us, within a few blocks the homeless guy trips my friend and tries to rob him so we jump the homeless guy. Got the $5 back and a bag full of change from him. I didnt know homeless guys hit so hard? :eek: :Owned:

So now my views have changed towards giving homeless people money.

Now if that were me I would have restrained the man and called the cops.. No telling how many time he'd do that to people (Women and youngsters especially).. Other bums or "regular" citizens don't need that in the streets. Have the cops book him or even put him in a state pen for assault or something. $0.02

drift freaq
03-20-2006, 11:55 AM
Not all homeless people want money for booze. My sister and her boyfriend gave a bunch of canned goods and other packaged food to one guy (leftovers from some food drive or something) and the guy was like "Hey, great! Thanks alot!" (not sarcastically)

As for me, I give once in a while (a dollar) and I saw one homeless woman and gave her a $5.

I know alot of these people are responsible for their situation, but I'm too nice to ignore those in need when i can help. I feel good when they say "God bless you."

True, not all homeless want money for booze, some want money for drugs , hahhaha. All jokes aside, the vast majority has a habit drinking,drugs etc...
You live in Chicago it could be indeed a little different there.
Out here in Cali though,a lot of the homeless are able bodied people with a drinking problem. They choose not to work and would rather panhandle and drink the day away.
I am sorry but there are charitable organizations that feed homeless you can give money to and you know its getting into mouths that want food and not drugs. I just cannot enable another persons habit. This is not a judgement of them. Its just reality hard and cold.
The phrases "tough love" and "there but for grace of god go I" are very apt in these days and times. think about it the next time you see a homeless drunk or druggie on the street. It could be you, it could be me, fact is giving those people cash is doing them more worse than good.
Hell,here in LA and in San Francisco you see homeless getting food stamps and selling them for booze and drugs.

03-20-2006, 12:04 PM
Hell,here in LA and in San Francisco you see homeless getting food stamps and selling them for booze and drugs.
Damn, seriously?!? That's saying a lot right there...that's sad.

03-20-2006, 01:14 PM
yeah i give up food or water or something, i don't even have enough money for me (broke ass college student w/ a s13 nuff said) .

03-20-2006, 02:31 PM
Hell,here in LA and in San Francisco you see homeless getting food stamps and selling them for booze and drugs.

Dumbest thing i have ever heard.. I'm not doubting you on this but it's just unbelieveable what some people do when someone/thing tries to help them out.. WOW !

03-20-2006, 07:19 PM
When a homeless person ask me for money, I ask them right back. Shit, im broke too. Bottom line, there are no homeless people in America, theres just lazy people. There are so many ways to get help here and homeless people are just too lazy to look for it.

03-21-2006, 12:37 PM
well this is my theory...imagine this..correct me if i am wrong.

since i live near San Francisco. i'll use this town for the example.

If i was at the point of becomming homeless..know what i would do?

i would go to SF at pier 39 with my guitar and amp. i would play out there for about a normal workday 8hours.

lets say i made about 10-25 cents or more every minute from tourists.
( in this case i'm using 10cents as my example )

10cents per minute X 60minute/1hour = thats about 6 dollars + an hour if tourists give you dollars or what not

so $6/ hr x 8 hours of work = 48$ a day.
lets say i work 7 days a week.

48$ x 7 days = 336$'s per week. lets not forget TAX FREE :)

there are around 4 weeks in a month.

so times 336$ x 4 weeks = 1344$ a month.

That is more than what i make at my job!

so lets then times 1,344$/month x 12 months = 16,128$ per year.

i completely understand that some homeless people dont have the advantage to do things such as this. i give change to homeless people all the time. EXCEPT! for the cocky ones demanding change and yelling and screaming and what not, i strongly agree in helping needing people in our society. guess you can call me a sucker or what not. but if you were in need. wouldnt you want help?

and for my theory i made about. please dont critize me about being self minded or being stupid. just awknowlege there are ways that homeless people can help thier selfs, but its up to them. to make that choice.


03-21-2006, 12:44 PM
That's pretty optimistic. I have hardly studied how much they make scientifically, but i'd be surprised if they actually did make even $100 a week.

Plus, tourist season is not year long so simply prorating that monthly rate over a year is not accurate.

03-21-2006, 12:48 PM
yea completely understandable but like i said it was a theory. i tried to give them the benifit of doubt, if they did actually make that much a day.

03-22-2006, 08:20 AM
I can't stand beggars and very rarely contribute. But I am a sucker for compliments like "nice car" and honesty like "I need a beer". So I sometimes give out my change or a beer to guys hanging out at the quickie mart. When I was younger, I used to get them to buy me beer, so I guess they do make some contribution to society.

03-22-2006, 12:27 PM
I used to get them to buy me beer, so I guess they do make some contribution to society.


Good one.

03-22-2006, 08:49 PM
well this is my theory...imagine this..correct me if i am wrong.

since i live near San Francisco. i'll use this town for the example.

If i was at the point of becomming homeless..know what i would do?

i would go to SF at pier 39 with my guitar and amp. i would play out there for about a normal workday 8hours.

lets say i made about 10-25 cents or more every minute from tourists.
( in this case i'm using 10cents as my example )

10cents per minute X 60minute/1hour = thats about 6 dollars + an hour if tourists give you dollars or what not

so $6/ hr x 8 hours of work = 48$ a day.
lets say i work 7 days a week.

48$ x 7 days = 336$'s per week. lets not forget TAX FREE :)

there are around 4 weeks in a month.

so times 336$ x 4 weeks = 1344$ a month.

That is more than what i make at my job!

so lets then times 1,344$/month x 12 months = 16,128$ per year.

errrr... a lot of those folks at pier 39 are nearby art institute students.

03-23-2006, 10:04 PM
I can't stand beggars and very rarely contribute. But I am a sucker for compliments like "nice car" and honesty like "I need a beer". So I sometimes give out my change or a beer to guys hanging out at the quickie mart. When I was younger, I used to get them to buy me beer, so I guess they do make some contribution to society.

+1 i agree with you.

I'm a sucker for homeless women with thier children right next to her, i think about: what if that was my mom? only an inhuman person would look past a person sufffering like that. I would rather give food, and drinks to homeless people rather than money, personally it would make my day to know that i filled a homeless person stomach with food and fluids. buts thats just me.

03-25-2006, 07:00 PM
True, not all homeless want money for booze, some want money for drugs , hahhaha. All jokes aside, the vast majority has a habit drinking,drugs etc...
You live in Chicago it could be indeed a little different there.
Out here in Cali though,a lot of the homeless are able bodied people with a drinking problem. They choose not to work and would rather panhandle and drink the day away.
I am sorry but there are charitable organizations that feed homeless you can give money to and you know its getting into mouths that want food and not drugs. I just cannot enable another persons habit. This is not a judgement of them. Its just reality hard and cold.
The phrases "tough love" and "there but for grace of god go I" are very apt in these days and times. think about it the next time you see a homeless drunk or druggie on the street. It could be you, it could be me, fact is giving those people cash is doing them more worse than good.
Hell,here in LA and in San Francisco you see homeless getting food stamps and selling them for booze and drugs.

and they will call 911 and demand to be taken to a hospital at the other side of town so they don't need to pay for transportation.

03-26-2006, 02:06 PM
Did you guys ever hear Underwear Goes Inside of the your Pants? Listen to the last verse about homeless people (download off limewire).

Here's a video of it:
