View Full Version : FS: Old School Option Videos - Vol 29, 80, 85, 91, 94, 99, 102, 104

A Spec Products
03-09-2006, 01:08 AM

Old school option videos (VHS!) from my personal collection up for sale:

VHS is old school I know, but these have some dope ass rare old school footage on em

Got them in Japan a while back, watched them once, no problems with playback whatsoever.

Includes the following:
1. Volume 29
2. Volume 80
3. Volume 85
4. Volume 91
5. Volume 94
6. Volume 99
7. Volume 102
8. Volume 104 (Unopened)

http://www.rogansan.com/forsale/optvideo01.jpg http://www.rogansan.com/forsale/optvideo02.jpg

http://www.rogansan.com/forsale/optvideo03.jpg http://www.rogansan.com/forsale/optvideo04.jpg

I'd like to sell as a full set of 8, don't want to split it up.

$95 shipped
$80 picked up local

[email protected]
aim: aspeclogan

03-09-2006, 09:00 AM
Very expensive... might as well buy brand new...:wtf:

03-09-2006, 09:25 AM
huh? brand new is nearly 20 bucks a pop.

03-09-2006, 12:44 PM
Can you even get the old ones anymore? I am in the process of converting mine from vhs to dvd to sell to some local people. I think 10 a piece is fair.

Good luck with the sale.

03-09-2006, 01:44 PM
yes you can
have fun running your business. dont get mad if option usa sues you.

03-09-2006, 02:36 PM
yes you can
have fun running your business. dont get mad if option usa sues you.

lol not running a buisness just no one seems to have vcr anymore. i am just charging them for the hour or two it takes to capture them.

edit: btw where can you get the early ones from? i am missing a few.

03-09-2006, 05:34 PM
Logan, I am intereted in all xcept Vol.85,the one to the left of 85 & the one above that one, lol let me know. .. .


A Spec Products
03-14-2006, 01:22 PM
Very expensive... might as well buy brand new...:wtf:


if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it