View Full Version : whining noise from clutch

05-26-2002, 10:48 AM
This has been posted before, but i cant find the thread and i remember noone ever getting a straight answer...  

Pretty much, the car makes a whining noise with a slight vibration when the clutch is depressed either in gear or neutral, makes no difference.  

There is no noise when the clutch is out.

The noise stops when the car is warmed up.  

The clutch *seems* to be in good shape.  No slipping, it holds at every rpm and grabs instantly from dumps and between high rmp shifts.  

My best guess...throwout bearing.    I'd like to get away with this as cheaply as possible... (Read: avoid changing out the clutch...since its in good condition)    

Any information is appreciated.


05-26-2002, 11:18 AM
It's the throwout imo. I replaced my clutch when it was time to, and was getting that same noise. My throwout bearing was shot.

05-26-2002, 02:49 PM
i would agree that its a throwout bearing, if you decide to just get a new clutch kit when your going to change your clutch, i would just wait untill the the throw bearing just dies, or untill your clutch goes, that way you will have to change it, so unless you dont want to put up with the noise, you dont have to change it for awhile