View Full Version : wtb 13 or 14" 4 bolt lightweight+wide drag rims(2)

03-08-2006, 01:01 AM
for an s13, a 13 or 14x7.5 should be enough for 255s. just need 2. and has to be willing to ship to canada. thanks.

Annoying Eric
03-08-2006, 06:11 AM

To be more exact here are some wheels
13's - http://www.bartwheel.com/13econ.htm
14's - http://www.bartwheel.com/14econ.htm
15's - http://www.bartwheel.com/econsw.htm

These wheels are extremely cheap, I think the 15's are like around 50 dollars. Plus they come in nice sizes, up to 10 inchs wide in all the sizes, with tons of different backspacing sizes...