View Full Version : innovate lc-1 question

02-26-2006, 06:11 PM
havent been here for a while, hope this is the right forum, not much technical advice needed, just wondering about the unit, it is the standalone unit that doesnt have a gauge or datalogging but comes with software and laptop hookup so i figure with a laptop and 200 bux ill have one of the best and cheapest widebands around, but then on a forum I saw someone say if you want a cheap wideband without datalogging then get the lc-1. so what is the deal, it seems like if I had a laptop hooked up then it should datalog right? didnt find much searchin. Thanks. Anybody have this unit and if so how do you have it hooked up.

02-26-2006, 06:21 PM
i have used the LC1 but wiring to the laptop is a little bit of a hassle. Check out the zietronix kit i like mine alot.

02-26-2006, 07:12 PM
+1 for the Zeitronix ZT-2. I love mine so far, though I've barely touched any features. I got the kit for 399 with the digital display, but you can get it without a display for 279 I think. You can still datalog all day, 9 hours at a time if you desire. You would still have all the features, just no display. Can still do narrowband emulation, log boost, rpms, user defined input, whatever. That includes the sensor and necessary cables too.

I'm not sure on the technical comparo between the two, but the Zeitronix is plenty competant.


02-27-2006, 01:22 AM
Whats wrong with the LM1 now? I had that shit datalogging all day long. It ruled. Really. It was really really easy to tune at home after doing 2-3 3rd gear pulls.

02-27-2006, 10:23 AM
k guys im talkin about the lc-1 for 199, I'm not spending another hundred bux for the zeitronix, also dont confuse this one with the lm-1. can you explain why its a bitch to wire to the laptop?

02-28-2006, 06:01 PM
I didn't confuse it for the lm-1, I just suggested you should get the LM-1 instead.

02-28-2006, 06:06 PM
ok but that goes back to the money thing, im talkin about something for 199 compared to something for 379, so if nobody knows about this unit, I guess Ill be the first the buy it and post a review. Sorry for the unwarrented bitterness.

02-28-2006, 06:15 PM
Its ok. I'm bitter too.

LET ME KNOW how that wideband is.

If it has a data out(in 0-5 volts) for something else to read i might get one too. :D

03-01-2006, 01:16 PM
I was told it has a 0-5v output AND a 0-1v output. The 0-5v output is your traditional wideband signal and you can simultaneously wire the 0-1v output to your stock ECU for the narrow band signal.