View Full Version : Please Stop the Childish acts.

02-25-2006, 09:38 PM
OK yesterday I was flamed to hell a topic that went from what would you do to turning on my decisions. Then I was told it was all my fault fine guess no one can read. Then wehave moderator who abusses his power by open a thread just to post a rude reply and the reclose it. Today I get a PM from ROBOTOMY Who has been a member all of 4 days lol with 8 posts that thinks he knows me.
Im not a jack ass,Im not a idiot. If people took the time and read what I asked then this would have never got this far. If you are wondering I asked if you had a stock S13 and 5gs what would you do? Then a few good ones came ok,then a flame session started shortly after.
I said what I was going to do but I was quicly shot down cus it was not a POWER adder. But that is ok my main point is here is to stop the chilidish Comments,PM's, and remarks. I have been accountable for my mistakes and yes I asked a forum what should I do or whatever but is this not why this is here. If you don't understand why you ask more questions am I wrong or not.
Im not back here to get into a arguement and if the shoe fit wear it if not dont say nothing .

Revolver Ocelot
02-25-2006, 10:13 PM
Since i didnt read what you posted to get all this hostility iam not gonna flame. But, since you have been here since 2001 you should know that Zilvians hate winers. And all this post will get you is even more hate. So if i was you i would just let it go as a learning experience and move on.

02-25-2006, 10:14 PM
For those that care, strike one was here:
... and strike two came with this beauty that you can find here:

The problem here, BEISSEN, is not that the other members do not get it, it is you that doesn't seem to get it. Your little threads are beginning to take WAY too much moderator attention, I mentioned in my post in that last thread that I would have pinked you for this nonsense had I been the one to lock it. You have NOW started another thread, and I have had enough. One month to cool off with these BS threads.

02-25-2006, 10:15 PM
If I had 5gs and s13 I would sell the s13. Use the money as a down payment on a better car.

A Spec Products
02-25-2006, 10:16 PM
everyones gots to chill man

zilvia is at each others throats these days

i dont think its them being childish though, but i believe its mainly due to the fact that the question was a bit vague and has been previously addressed in many other threads.

i know you are upset but i think all parties just need to cool down and step back. venting unfortunately is not going to cool the flames.

increase the peace

02-25-2006, 10:27 PM
Wait, pinked users can't see off topic, so I can lock this thing off now, sorry about that guys.