View Full Version : Fake Brides

02-16-2006, 08:35 PM

anybody have anything bad to say about these bride variants?

just would like to see what people have to say before I even consider buying.

02-16-2006, 08:42 PM
just a heads up..

dont ever post an ebay link on here again

Andrew Bohan
02-16-2006, 08:43 PM
some of those are real brides, taken out the back door of the factory and sold for cheap.
others are cheap imitations that are not likely to hold up in a crash, or last long in general. or they might be pretty uncomfortable.
always a risk.

besides, i wouldn't even buy a real bride without sitting in it first.

02-16-2006, 09:44 PM
None of those are "real" Brides. I know the US distributor for Bride and i can GARAUNTEE all those are fake. In fact, if you go to Bride's website (www.tees-usa.com) they have a disclaimer of:


Straight from the horse's mouth.

02-17-2006, 02:56 AM
Have a pair in my car, comfy, strong, like em.

02-17-2006, 09:39 AM
anybody have anything bad to say about these bride variants?

just would like to see what people have to say before I even consider buying.

It bothers me that you even titled the thread "fake brides" but are asking if you should buy them.
When will people learn. Buying merchendise you know is counterfeit is just as bad as manufacturing it. You're just contributing to the corruption of the industry.

And more than anything I hate when people say, "well some of us can't afford real brides." If you going to just excuse yourself from breaking the law, and hurting a companies profits, why not just rob a convenient store. Same in my book.

I know the poster didn't say anything about money, I just had to rant a little, as we see this all too often in the industry.

02-17-2006, 09:49 AM
I see a bunch of honda guys here with those fake brides. The color of the seats are fading.

Ritz S14
02-17-2006, 10:01 AM
Any black or dark color seat would fade.

That includes:

Buddy Club
Insert brand here ________.

If you want an inexpensive seat, just get one that's not labled.

02-17-2006, 12:26 PM
How come posting ebay links here is a no-no. Does that go for anywhere on the board?

02-17-2006, 12:35 PM
And more than anything I hate when people say, "well some of us can't afford real brides." If you going to just excuse yourself from breaking the law, and hurting a companies profits, why not just rob a convenient store. Same in my book.

Bride is robbing me charging the high prices they do! Throw in some rails and your looking at half what my entire s13 is worth excluding what I put into it obviously. If they charged half of what they do, theyd still be making a killing Im thinking. I do see where you are coming from, but there are two sides to the coin, and japanese aftermarket is crazy expensive.

Fuck It, I think im gonna get some kirky aluminum road race seats and call it a day.

Anybody have anything bad to say about fixed aluminum buckets?


02-17-2006, 12:53 PM
Evert time something is sold on Egay, they get a percentage of the money. They are not helping Zilvia.net pay for our servers, so we are not going to help them pay their bills.

P.S. Don't cheap out on safety equipment. If you're going to buy fake seats, you might as well make a roll cage from PVC pipe. After all, it'll look the same, so it must be just as good, right? :cj:

02-17-2006, 02:39 PM

as for the seat, I've sat in an imitation Bride seat and I have to say the quality is nothing compared to the authentic Brides. If you just want an affordable racing seat, get a seat thats made by a well known rice company (apc etc) because they have to get their seats to meet safety requirements to be sold in the U.S. Egay on the other hand, doesn't give a shit about what people sell...

02-17-2006, 02:45 PM
i sat in some fake brides. Not bad at all though. I dont know how well they hold up though since i tried them when they were new.

02-17-2006, 10:23 PM
fake brides are like a fake titty...good enough. u arent racing.

02-18-2006, 12:16 AM
I like the "I can't afford a real bride seat because they are robbing me" line. It's like hey I can't afford gucci, timberlands, or rolex watches but I will rock GG logos on my fake timbrolands checking out the bling off my glass incrusted folex.

If thats your thing then go ahead but I would rather get a well made non knock off seat if I didn't have the cash for the real deal.

02-18-2006, 12:47 AM
go ahead and buy the fake bride seats. just know that we'll be shaking our heads. i cant believe people are still buying them. the build quality is pathetic (reminds me of those nose hair clippers you find at the 98 cent store).

02-18-2006, 01:03 AM
If you would have searched for Fake Brides...

02-18-2006, 01:53 AM
fake gucci is worthless and falls appart. See the difference is little kids in china could afford a coca-cola after a days worth. These kids want that coca-cola. These kids get twenty lashes if they dont make quality product.

BUT pimply 23 year olds living in there moms basement learning to sow, well, haha. They get to play several matches of Counterstrike in between each bag, just as long as there mom gets a fake gucci bag for saturday night.

please dont support child labor, pretty shitty

Thats the same with fake bride vs real bride. BUT the kids over in japan get jdm tyt playstation 3's

02-18-2006, 02:04 AM
Agreed do not buy fake seats they are made poorly (i know from a bad mistake in the past when my replica recaro's broke) and if the sh*t hits the fan and you crash you will be wishing you spent the extra money for actual brides... not to mention saying you bought knock off brides sounds like something a honda owner would say... these are quality cars and deserve quality parts. get the good stuff

02-18-2006, 09:18 AM
Better quality...maybe
Besides for what your paying for the set of those fake ones you could prob. get a decent one for the driver and if the passenger wants a nice seat to sit in then ziptie an empty jar to the door and let them put in on it

02-18-2006, 09:36 AM
ALRIGHT...I wont buy the mothafuckas' ! You guys all have valid points, excepet never did I mention that I couldnt afford them, and I am racing my car so dont jump to conclusions. Im sorry for having ever considered buying fake seats.

thank you

Fixed aluminum buckets.......kirky......anyone feel like chiming in on those?

02-18-2006, 11:00 AM
If you are on a budget those SPL seats posted in the link above look to be pretty good. Other wise save up you really only need one bride, you can always get the second later.

02-18-2006, 06:59 PM
What DRTYRAT said about the jar.......perfect! As for "fake" car parts, seats, harnesses, brakes , etc. Dont kcuf with safety.
crash+broken seat= ? (think about it)

02-20-2006, 12:16 AM
When will people learn. Buying merchendise you know is counterfeit is just as bad as manufacturing it. You're just contributing to the corruption of the industry.

And more than anything I hate when people say, "well some of us can't afford real brides." If you going to just excuse yourself from breaking the law, and hurting a companies profits, why not just rob a convenient store. Same in my book.

I know the poster didn't say anything about money, I just had to rant a little, as we see this all too often in the industry.

Democracy my friend, it is run by competition. I personally like companies that knock off products, it fosters competitive pricing for the real things. If Bride see's everyone buying those cruddy ass knock-offs, they'll lower their pricing to try to stay competitive. If they don't then they'll lose out on the cheap skate market.

I personally wouldn't buy knock-off anything, but then again knock-off companies help out everyones pockets in the short/long run.

02-20-2006, 12:23 AM
Democracy my friend, it is run by competition. I personally like companies that knock off products, it fosters competitive pricing for the real things. If Bride see's everyone buying those cruddy ass knock-offs, they'll lower their pricing to try to stay competitive. If they don't then they'll lose out on the cheap skate market.

I personally wouldn't buy knock-off anything, but then again knock-off companies help out everyones pockets in the short/long run.
You got to fucking kidding. You're talking about Free Market Trade not Democracy.

Patent, Copyright and Trademark infringement hurts everyone. From the designer that doesn't get paid. To the user who gets shitty quality stuff and no new innovation cause the designers gave up after not feeling it's worth working for nothing.

02-26-2006, 11:00 PM
To all you saying that the Bride Brix II is more safe and what not. :fawkd:

Check offical retailer. They have a massive disclaimer that the seat is unable to support more then 220lbs. Persoanlly for a hard core racing seat that costs over $1,000, not being able to hold a mere 220lbs safely is the appitimy of crap. Sure, I guess its there for liability, however once again, Bride's are hardly worth their insain asking price just like Takata. You seriuosly going to tell me that a $500 Takata harness is better then a $120 Simpson harness? GTFO:nono:

Also, from what I've read else where, the Fake-Brides are identical in the inside to the orginal, using the exact same material and construction methods. The difference is the foam is not has durable and the cloth is cheaper. A fake should last you about a year before tearing up and what not, however at 1/6th the price you can easily afford to replace them each year.

02-26-2006, 11:16 PM
220lbs is a lot of weight. how fat are you? these seats are tailored more for japanese people. do you see 220 japanese people as much as you see 220lb americans? how much do you want the seat to hold? 1000lb?

easly afford to replace them each year? how many years do you plan on wanting to replace them?

right everybodys HEARD/READ elsewhere about the construction but NOBODY has proven it yet. think about it, if they were exactly the same why hasnt the company who makes these fake seats go out and get it safety approved?

you just described why the knockoff is so cheap vs the real. foam isnt durable and cloth is cheap. compare the two side by side and the cloth on the real is far more better along with the foam isnt so rock solid hard like the fake.

i read else where on the internet that i am god. therefore i am god. thanks.

your argument is weak. you probably own them

02-26-2006, 11:26 PM
No matter which seat you buy you're probably going to end up getting your car jacked a couple days, weeks, or months down the road. That's what happens when you get fancy, you get jacked...

02-27-2006, 01:19 AM
Fixed aluminum buckets.......kirky......anyone feel like chiming in on those?
There are nicer aluminum buckets out there for the same price. Personally I was going to get an ultra-sheild seat. :D

220lbs is a lot of weight. how fat are you? these seats are tailored more for japanese people. do you see 220 japanese people as much as you see 220lb americans? how much do you want the seat to hold? 1000lb?

Its hard for us big boys to find a seat. The selections pretty limited.
I'm rocking a corbeau something pro fiberglass bucket on an FG rail.
Sparco EVO's are good but not worth the $$$.