View Full Version : tranny wont go into gears when on.. searched.

02-15-2006, 06:05 PM
searched and went through 15 pages of nuthing.
my friedns 89 coupe wont go into any gears when the cars on.. when its off they will go in fine. the tranny doesnt grind or anything..its like if the gears are blocked off.. any ideas? i have an extra tranny should i just swap? the car wont turn on becouse you must press the clutch in to start.. and is there any way i can disable this so that it can start without pressing the clutch? thanks,

02-15-2006, 06:30 PM
The clutch pedal won't move at all?

Originally posted by fcdrifer17
and is there any way i can disable this so that it can start without pressing the clutch? thanks

Disable the clutch interlock switch. It's in one of the engine bay fuseboxes...can't remember which right now, but it should be marked.
Just make sure it isn't in gear when you start it. My friend disabled his once...and forgot 2 weeks later, after not driving the car for that whole time, and went straight into the garage door.

02-15-2006, 09:46 PM
ok took the tranny off... the fins on the presure plate broke off haha.. thanks for your help