View Full Version : BMW never caught...

02-15-2006, 01:50 AM

A friend of mine told me about this video. He said that the kid was never caught, according to the police video they just made it seem like he was caught since it would not look good on their part. Pretty crazy stuff, seeing that the driver is only 15 years old. Judge for yourself.

02-15-2006, 02:04 AM
.. idiot...


02-15-2006, 08:16 AM
so how did they know he's 15 if he never got caught?

hes busted.

02-15-2006, 09:45 AM
2nd video is always funny for some reason :)

02-15-2006, 09:59 AM
.. idiot...

I wonder which Zilvia member that is, I hope they're dead now.

02-15-2006, 10:31 AM
anyways, look at the scene where they say hes slowing down for the tack strips and then the one where they say he breaks down. its the same scene. so they are lieing about something for sure~

02-15-2006, 10:38 AM
anyways, look at the scene where they say hes slowing down for the tack strips and then the one where they say he breaks down. its the same scene. so they are lieing about something for sure~
I was thionking those 2 scenes were eerily similar

02-15-2006, 10:44 AM
Well I heard that he did get caught later on b/c of his father turning him in, or something similar to that. From the video, it seemed like he outran the coppers. I love the scene where he fakes crashing into the officer and ends up causing the camaro to spin out. Also in the video they talk about how he's only 15 and has no exp. driving, it seems to me he has more driving skills than alot of people out on the road.

02-15-2006, 11:35 AM
I love the scene where he fakes crashing into the officer and ends up causing the camaro to spin out.

You would have loved it more if the CHP officer got hurt, wouldn't you. :mephfawk:

02-15-2006, 01:10 PM
He probably didn't get caught in that chase, but he did get caught later on. That was lame how they used the braking footage to make it look like they caught him.

02-15-2006, 01:30 PM
You would have loved it more if the CHP officer got hurt, wouldn't you. :mephfawk:
oooo, someone's a little touchy. your dad's a cop huh?

02-15-2006, 01:37 PM
Yea I know, the "bavarian hotrod" broke down, how many times you see that happen during a high pursuit chase....

02-15-2006, 02:52 PM
oooo, someone's a little touchy. your dad's a cop huh?

Nope, but I will be. Kinda nice to have him say he thought that part was the funniest, when that cop could have gotten seriously hurt when he lost control and that car almost hit him. I have no respect for people who find it funny when the lives of people who put their lives at risk each day are in danger. To each his own, though. :mephfawk:

02-15-2006, 03:55 PM
Hella didn't catch him.. that's the same clip from the spike's...

02-15-2006, 05:16 PM
Nope, but I will be. Kinda nice to have him say he thought that part was the funniest, when that cop could have gotten seriously hurt when he lost control and that car almost hit him. I have no respect for people who find it funny when the lives of people who put their lives at risk each day are in danger. To each his own, though. :mephfawk:

yeah i think most cops are dicks but thats cuz i live in northern virginia where nothing bad happens and they're bored so they write exhaust tickets all day.

but REAL cops that are trying hard to keep everyone else safe by chasing down an idiot that could seriously injur or kill himself and others deserve all the respect in the world x100

and yeah how random did it seem that they just go to a clip of it slamming on its brakes again? in the same lane... with the same crap going on around it. IF he was caught in the chase, it wasnt shown on camera.

and that 240 vid is high-larious!

02-15-2006, 06:18 PM
I remember on another forum people made fun of the guy saying "mind boggling speeds" they said it might be for an old chimp like him. They also said the 15yr olds son dad has some track experience of some sort possibly a race driver, this is discussed on GTPlanet and people there knew about this more than you guys.

02-15-2006, 07:17 PM
yeah i think most cops are dicks but thats cuz i live in northern virginia where nothing bad happens and they're bored so they write exhaust tickets all day.

but REAL cops that are trying hard to keep everyone else safe by chasing down an idiot that could seriously injur or kill himself and others deserve all the respect in the world x100

Northern VA cops stuck still in northern VA ARE bored and on edge, compared to the ones who are a few minutes away in that fucking ghetto nutsack we call our nations capitol. Have you notice the odd proximity of the projects to THE FUCKING WHITE HOUSE?!!? I would imagine the balance of the north VA cops angry they aren't doing something more important and taking it out on who they can.

02-15-2006, 07:44 PM
old video............. the bald cop irritates me...

02-15-2006, 08:57 PM
Nope, but I will be. Kinda nice to have him say he thought that part was the funniest, when that cop could have gotten seriously hurt when he lost control and that car almost hit him. I have no respect for people who find it funny when the lives of people who put their lives at risk each day are in danger. To each his own, though. :mephfawk:

It wasn't the fact that the officer almost got hurt that amused me, it was more the fact that this 15 yr old is toying around with them. Its similar to when someone pretends to punch an individual and that person flinches.

I do criticize how the officers handled the situation, like the similar BMW pursuit in Texas, almost ended in great catastrophe, when the officers used poor judgement to try to stop the driver. Take a look for yourself, the officer's actions almost took the life of a mother and baby.


02-15-2006, 09:10 PM
Take a look for yourself, the officer's actions almost took the life of a mother and baby.

So you're condemning the actions of the officer, but not the dumbass in that new video you posted, who was driving 100+mph endangering EVERYONE else on the road? :blah:

The BMW hit the car with the mother and child in it, and you're blaming the cops? It's protocol to chase someone like that, but look, the BMW stopped, turned around, and went the wrong, into the on-ramp. I'm sorry, but you have some issues. :rant:

02-15-2006, 09:22 PM
Of course it takes two to tango, I'm not saying these drivers are innocent, but officers are suppose to be trained professionals to protect and serve the community. Of course they're going to be handling situations caused by idiots on the street, but they should be ahead of the game and these idiots so that civilians are not in danger.

02-15-2006, 09:26 PM
but officers are suppose to be trained professionals to protect and serve the community.

They are trained professionals. The unit chasing the BMW was just following protocol actions.

but they should be ahead of the game and these idiots so that civilians are not in danger.

So you're trying to say cops should be psychics so they know EVERY move the idiots are going to make? Your reasoning is invalid.

02-15-2006, 09:26 PM
Of course it takes two to tango, I'm not saying these drivers are innocent, but officers are suppose to be trained professionals to protect and serve the community. Of course they're going to be handling situations caused by idiots on the street, but they should be ahead of the game and these idiots so that civilians are not in danger.

In a perfect world, the police would always be able to stop the fleeing suspect with-out endangering the public. But then again, in a perfect world, there would not be any suspects to chase. The "To Pursue or Not Pursue" debate is a very tangled one.

2iv0 sx
02-15-2006, 09:28 PM
wassup with BMW owners?

02-15-2006, 10:28 PM
If the police called it off, and let the helicopter follow the bimmer, I doubt he would of made desperate attempts to get away from something he thought he got away from, the police. It is officers fault that these chases end in tragedy, because they are the ones making the bad guy go faster, when its called off, the fleeing suspects just dump the stolen car and make a break for it, but the chopper can call the police then, and have the suspect arrested in a matter of minutes, please do not say its not officers fault, when they are the ones to blame. People run from police like every day, maybe they are scared, and did noting wrong other than not use turn signals or whatever, doesn't mean chase em till their wheels fall off, jeez. If you want to argue with me that its 100% drivers fault for whatever happens during a chase, you really need to think a little bit more. Just my 2 cents

02-15-2006, 11:28 PM
It is officers fault that these chases end in tragedy, because they are the ones making the bad guy go faster

It is 100% driver fault since they're the one who instigated the chase.

People run from police like every day, maybe they are scared, and did noting wrong other than not use turn signals or whatever, doesn't mean chase em till their wheels fall off, jeez.

Why would they run in the first place? If they got nothing to hide, or if they didn't do anything, they would not run. Alot of the routine traffic stops end up in chases, you know why? Most of the ones who run are either in a stolen vehicle, have some kind of warrant on them, are some kind of felon, etc, etc, etc. You wouldn't want some convicted rapist/child molester on the loose would you? I'd rather have him/her behind bars after the chase, then have that person on the loose, endangering alot more people's lives.

02-16-2006, 01:32 AM
The father is a driving instructor at a racing school. The son did actually get away and made it home. The father made him turn himself in the next day. I don't understand why the cop swerved the way he did though. If you swerve into the bmw, it would do a better job of cancelling forces.

02-16-2006, 02:03 AM
You can't have a chase without someone chasing you. There are a lot of other things the cops could have done to resolve the situation without escalating the car theft to a high speed chase.
A lot of law enforcement people that I have had bad experiences with seem to all have the point of view that the only way to resolve the situation is to use whatever force or mean neccesary to handle the situation as fast as possible. Thats not usually how things in real life work though. Sometimes a little subtlety goes a long way.

I am in no way condoning cartheft or any criminal acts, but from personal and friend's experiences, I have a lot of problems with law enforcement culture.

02-16-2006, 02:46 AM
i think thats a turbo m3 tooooo000o

Nan Desu Ka?!
02-16-2006, 05:32 AM
cops = owned. period. same footie used as the spike strips = LAME. just say he got away and later was forced to turn himself in. done and done and no lying. I hate media... always twistin shit around.

02-16-2006, 09:58 AM
pretty impressive for a 15 year old. any pursuits with nissans?

02-16-2006, 01:45 PM
oh my...so lame using the same scene.

as for the guy who hit the curb.............................................. .......:bigok:

02-16-2006, 11:51 PM
In reference to the 240sx drift crash. I recall that he was the owner of some lame 240sx board. DemonTSI did a funny edit of that video... if any of you newbies know who he is.. :)