View Full Version : about the sr20

91 240sx
02-14-2006, 10:47 AM
Yeah i can't figure out which sr20 is the best to buy. I was also reading that there are 4 different engines. The reason i ask is cause im about to do a sr swap and i dont know which would be better a black top or a red top, and how hard is it to install. Ive read on this site but cannot find any answers. Thanks

the head
02-14-2006, 10:54 AM
has a good install FAQ look there for how hard it is to install because everyones skill level is not the same so it is difficult to state how hard you would view it to be as for motors find one with low miles personally I dont like the ones with VTC since you have to eliminate that when you do big cams most times anyway

91 240sx
02-14-2006, 11:00 AM
cool il look into that, plus on one site i was looking at. the sr20 naturally pushes 8 pounds of boost giving it 210 hp. if you push 13 pounds am i looking at about 250. it said something like that since thats all the t25 can handle stock

02-14-2006, 11:13 AM
I only knew how to do a basic tune up and I just completed the swap all by myself. Allow yourself plenty of time, don't rush and do it right the first time. I had a beater car to drive while I was working on my 240 so it was much easier than for some that are doing the swap on their DD.

02-14-2006, 12:02 PM
cool il look into that, plus on one site i was looking at. the sr20 naturally pushes 8 pounds of boost giving it 210 hp. if you push 13 pounds am i looking at about 250. it said something like that since thats all the t25 can handle stock

I'm not real sure how you survived this long w/o flamage, but be ready for it.

Like has been said a billion times before, almost all info you could want in on this site. Look at the FAQs!!!! Search Tech Talk, zilvia is notorious for hating on people who are too lazy or ignorant to help themselves.

Also the redtop SR stock psi is 7, and pushes 205hp at the crank.

If you can't find answers here, you've failed at the internet.
Turn off the box.
Turn off the monitor.
Take a deep breathe and remember the age old addage, "God helps those who help themselves". Car-God included.

SEARCH is your friend, here are some links to get you started, lest you ask more noobish things :) NO ONE at this point (the car is as much as 17 years old!) has any respect for someone who comes in demanding answers to quesitions asked ad'nauseum. SEARCH in the links below, if you can't find what you're looking for I GUARANTEE you're not looking hard enough.
- www.240sx.org
- http://srownersclub.com/faq/index.asp
- http://forums.freshalloy.com/ubbthreads/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=UBB27
- http://forums.freshalloy.com/ubbthreads/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=UBB21
- www.240sxforums.com
- http://www.zilvia.net/f/search.php

91 240sx
02-14-2006, 02:41 PM
no effence but i asked because people on this site know better than anyone so im sorry that d rather ask those who can reply to what i need done

02-14-2006, 02:56 PM
no "effence" but yoshi already spoonfed you all the damn info you need, my suggestion is say thank you and search some more :lockd: :lockd:

02-14-2006, 03:00 PM
no effence but i asked because people on this site know better than anyone so im sorry that d rather ask those who can reply to what i need done

it's "Offense" mate ;) and none taken but here's the problem...

You missed my point entirely.

You're expecting, nay, at this point demanding, that other people help you. What I was saying, is that if you'd shown some form of proof, some itsy bit of techie info that show'd you actually tried to find the answers, then it would be another story.

However, you CLEARLY showed any readers of this thread, that rather than taking the time to search, read, maybe find info my mistake that's helpful (which almost ALWAYS happens when you DO actually search)... you'd rather be told what's what. Even when others have spoon fed you the resources needed to answer your questions.

You were NOT asking something unique like: "how do I set 5 degrees advanced timing to compensate for _____ because I'm running an apex'i ____ and a _____"

No. You were asking things that most zilvians who have been here any length of time consider common 240 knowledge... at this point your questions were about the same level as, "are 240's FR or FF?". It may not be common sense to a newb, but it's practically an insult to the rest of us. In fact, even the rules and regulations mention SEARCHING first.

I can empathize with newbiness, we were all there once, and will always be whenever we choose to try something new in life. The difference is most people will try to help themselves as much as possible, if for no other reason, than the personal satisfaction of being self sufficient.... and like it or not, 99% of the populous here will look at your base statement:

"Screw looking myself, YOU all should help ME. I know you gave me links and hints and stuff, but fuck that. Just tell me what I want to know".

and either dismiss you, or be pissed off an flame you. I was just trying to prevent either, but since you seem intent on going down in flames, best of luck to you. Hopefully a mod will lock this before you get too frustrated and bitter.... or maybe a miracle will happen and people will give you every little detail cuz you're "special". I wouldn't bet on it tho.

91 240sx
02-14-2006, 03:39 PM
i appreciate the help i really do. i am a newb to this,

02-14-2006, 04:06 PM
Yep, you're a newb, and you have just been spoon fed all the info you need. It doesn't happen often, so please enjoy it. :D This thread has run it's course. Thank you and have a pleasant stay at Zilvia.net.

p.s. Don't make me lock another one of your Threads for asking a common question. SEARCH.